
  • 网络design culture;Design Literacy
  1. 设计文化语言被赋予了语言学上的研究特征。

    Design culture and language have been given linguistic study characteristics .

  2. 设计文化及其对西部开发的作用

    The Properties of Design Culture and its Edification to Western Development

  3. 为温泉SPA建筑设计文化的艺术风格发展提供历史借鉴。

    Hot Springs SPA design for building a culture of artistic style of the development of historical reference .

  4. 基于web的设计文化研究目前在探索的研究阶段,不少跨国公司面对全球化和多文化交流的双重碰撞下,也开始正视不同文化对产品的影响。

    The study of the internet product design across culture is still in a stage of exploration , however , many multinational companies have faced the dual impact of globalization and multi cultural exchanges while design product for different countries .

  5. 对外部空间设计文化性的探讨

    The comprehension about culture in the design of the exterior space

  6. 中央美术学院设计文化与政策研究所所长;

    Students of Design School of China Central Academy of Fine Arts ;

  7. 谈中国传统产品包装设计文化策略的重要性

    Discussion on the Significance of Chinese Traditional Culture Tactics in Packaging Design

  8. 设计文化的提出是一种物化的知识力量体现,它可以直接创造物质文明。

    Advancing design culture reflects knowledge power and directly creates material civilization .

  9. 环境艺术设计文化与文脉的切入点&符号学

    The Breakthrough Point of Environmental Art Design Culture and Cultural Vein & Semiotics

  10. 数码时代的设计文化研究

    The Research on the Design Culture in Digital Times

  11. 设计文化的价值及其文化传播

    Value of Design Culture and its Cultural Dissemination

  12. 论现代设计文化及其兼容性

    On Modern Design Culture and its Compatibility

  13. 城市街道景观设计文化研究

    Study on Urban Street Landscape Design Culture

  14. 设计文化的本土化与国际化

    Indigenization and Internationalization of Design Culture

  15. 设计文化新体现

    The New Embodiment of Design Culture

  16. 设计文化的现实意义

    The Realistic Significance of Design Culture

  17. 利用先进的技术手段宣传、保护和传承本土的手工技艺和设计文化。

    First of all , promoting , protecting and furthering indigenous handicraft skills and design culture .

  18. 第五部分就中西设计文化的融合进行阐述。

    The fifth part elaborates the integration of the Chinese design philosophy with the western design philosophy .

  19. 包装设计文化的构建

    Construction of packaging design culture

  20. 在现代设计文化背景下审美创造教育更是刻不容缓。

    It is no time to delay the aesthetic creative education in the modern design culture background .

  21. 欧洲设计文化浅析

    Analysis of European design culture

  22. 生活艺术造就的设计文化&旅意札记(二)

    Culture of Design Brought up by Art of Life & Notes from Traveling Italy ( Part ⅱ)

  23. 从设计文化的角度来看,造型艺术的多样性发展为艺术设计的表现提供了多种手法借签的可能。

    In the eyes of design culture , various styles of plastic art provide various approaches to artistic expression .

  24. 中国花文化在深层次上反映了中国传统的造物观和设计文化理念。

    China spends a higher level reflects the culture in the creation of traditional Chinese culture and design concepts .

  25. 设计文化是人们提高自身生活品质、改善生存环境的重要手段。

    Designing culture is the important way in which man improve their own living quality and improve their living environment .

  26. 所有这些都有助于我们更加清晰地认识多元一体设计文化在产品设计中的价值问题。

    All of these could help us understand the value of pluralistic integration design culture in product design issues more clearly .

  27. 在此基础上,提出了工业设计文化创意和产业化这两种发展策略,并根据本文写作目的,重点阐述工业设计的产业化。

    Based on the former information , Summing-up and development orientation of the culture creativity and industrialization for industrial design are suggested .

  28. 同时,设计文化又要牢牢把握现代社会对视觉效果的重视与追求。

    At the same time , design and culture have to firmly grasp the attention and the pursuit of the visual effects of modern society .

  29. 对不同民族文化更好的理解和汲取,才能与国际的设计文化接轨,才能促进设计的良性循环。

    The better understanding and extracting from different culture , we could syncretize the international design ideas with ours , then the positive cycle we do .

  30. 家居装饰设计文化不是孤立的,而是社会文化的一个组成部分。

    It is not isolated that house resides to decorate to design the culture , and she is a society culture of a constitute the part .