
  • 网络budgets
  1. 简而言之,即使用户体验设计预算费用呈线性增长,而SaaS的成功几率将呈指数级增长(如下图所示)。

    Simply put , the success of SaaS scales exponentially , even with linear increases in user experience design budget spending , as demonstrated below .

  2. 最后试用PON均值查图法,对一个包含有1∶3非均匀分光器的4级连1/8无源分配网络进行了工程设计预算。

    Finally , applying with PON average chart techniques , the paper makes budget designing example of an 1 to 8 PON distribution system , which has 4 optical splitters cascaded , and includes some 1 ∶ 3 splitters .

  3. 浅析地质调查项目设计预算审查

    Analysis on planing , budget and examine of geological survey projects

  4. 地调项目设计预算编制与审查中的几个问题

    Problems on working out design and budget and audit in geological survey projects

  5. 把握好设计预算的编制、审查、修改、批复与执行五个环节是预算管理工作的核心。

    Budget PC The five points including plan , audit , modification , approval and implement are key for budget management .

  6. 设计预算在地质调查项目管理中作用重大,优秀的地质调查项目设计要求技术与预算充分协调。

    Being a first-rate geological survey project , its technological design must be well coordinated with the design budget which is essential to management of geological survey project .

  7. 作为一个管理者,你会面临改善资本结构、设计预算制度及如何做好内部控制等诸多棘手问题。

    As a director , you may be in face of many tough issues such as capital structure improvement , budget regulation design and how to do well in internal control .

  8. 地质调查项目专项经费属国家推行部门预算管理的对象,实行地质调查项目设计预算管理,是地质调查项目专项经费管理的重要手段。

    Special funds of geological survey projects belong to the object of national budget administration . It is an important mean of special fund management in geological survey projects to carry out budget management .

  9. 地质调查项目设计预算是项目经费管理的事前控制和预测,是项目经费支出的依据,是项目经济管理工作的重中之重。

    The plan and budget of geological survey projects were the earlier controls and forecast to project fund management . It is the basis for project fund expenditure and is the most important link of project economic management .

  10. 住宅的结构形式;施工组织设计与预算

    The construction form of the housing ; Construction organization design and budget

  11. 设计概预算质量检查常见问题浅析

    Analysis of Common Problem in Quality Check for Design Budget and Estimate

  12. 施工组织设计与预算

    Construction organization design and budget

  13. 规划出动画的长度也会对大体的设计成本预算有很大帮助。

    An idea of the proposed running time of the animation will also be beneficial for estimating production costs .

  14. 工程造价包括工程设备信息、工程材料信息、工程建筑安装信息以及工程其他投资信息等,工程造价涉及到设备、材料、设计、预算、工程等多个部门。

    The construction cost involves the information of equipment , information of constructional material , information of erection and installation , investment information of project and so on .

  15. 并且设计出预算执行审计项目创建管理模块、预算执行方案管理模块、预算执行审计过程管理模块、审计结果跟踪反馈管理模块以及系统设置模块等功能模块。

    And designed to create a budget implementation audit project management module , management module implementation of the program budget , budget execution audit process management module , audit tracking feedback management module and system settings module and other functional modules .

  16. 预算管理的发展经历了传统预算、绩效预算、设计计划预算、零基预算、全面预算等几个阶段,全面预算管理概念的提出也经历了预算,预算管理,全面预算管理这样的演变过程。

    The development of budget management experiences several stages such as tradition budget , performance budget , planning programming budget , zero-base budget , and comprehensive budget . The conceptual of master budgeting management has also experienced budget , budget management , master budgeting management such evolution process .

  17. 然后,对全面预算管理信息与辅助决策系统从理论和实践的角度进行了探讨,设计出预算系统和其他系统的集成方案,并给出了系统评价和功能拓展的设想。

    Then , overall budget management information and decision support system are discussed in detail theoretically and practically , and the integration of overall budget system and other systems is designed , It also gives the evaluation as well as some conceptions to extend functions of the system .

  18. 浅谈工业设计院概预算专业的发展

    Brief Talk on the Development of Budgetary Estimation Discipline in Design Institute

  19. 浅谈施工组织设计在工程预算的编制和工程成本控制中的作用

    Brief discussion on function of preparation of construction plan during writing construction budget and controlling project cost

  20. 谈调查研究中的问卷设计我国预算会计改革可行性的问卷调查研究

    The Basic Principle of Questionnaire Design Study on the Feasibility of Reforming Budgetary Accounting System in China

  21. 设计糟糕的预算平衡规定,将让联邦政府陷入与各州政府一样的无助境地,造成灾难性的后果。

    Badly framed balanced-budget rules , making the federal government as helpless as the States , would be disastrous .

  22. 设计适当的预算系统会使企业的计划和控制过程受益,但运用不当的预算业务不仅会削减企业潜在的利益,而且也会损害企业的长期发展。

    Correct budget system benefits enterprises both in plan and in control , But incorrect budget cuts down enterprises ' potential interests and hinders its long-run development .

  23. 第四,设计了公司预算管理控制的基本框架和与激励相结合的预算考评体系。

    Fourth , the basic frame for control of the company budgets management was designed and a check-up system for budget which unified with the encouragement was set up .

  24. 本文以C/S和B/S相结合的三层体系结构设计了财政预算编制子系统,它是系统的一个重要组成部分。同时,详细说明其实现。

    The financial budget subsystem , as one of the important parts of the system , has designed and actualized by three layers that combine C / S and B / S.

  25. 对工程施工项目的项目部组建、施工组织设计、工程预算、成本和进度控制及其方法进行了介绍。

    The paper makes a brief introduction of setting up the project managerial department of construction project , construction organization and design , project budget , the method of cost and progress controlling .

  26. 第五章对于全面预算管理的各个子模块进行了详细的设计,包括预算编制、预算控制和预算分析与考评等各大模块的具体设计。

    The fifth chapter for each sub-module comprehensive budget management in detail design , detailed design , including budget preparation , budget control and budget analysis and evaluation , such as the major modules .

  27. 本文对企业购并风险出现形式进行了探讨,并为控制企业并购财务风险建立财务规划,通过资本结构设计、现金预算控制企业并购财务风险。

    This article focuses on the forms of financial risks in M & A and then sets up the financial programming included design of the capital structure and cash budget to deal with the risks .

  28. 随着电力市场的不断开放和市场竞争的愈演愈烈,我国电力勘测设计企业的预算管理现状已不能很好的适应企业发展的需求。

    With the gradual open and sharp competition of the electricity market , the budget management status of electric power exploration design enterprises in China can not well adapt to the needs of enterprise development .

  29. 设计了全面预算管理信息系统构架,对软件体系结构和各组成模块进行了划分和分析,根据铁路系统现有基础设施及全面预算管理系统涉及的范围和主要工作,分析开发实现过程中的关键技术。

    It was investigated and analyzed the related foundation and range in railway finance and budget systems , on the basis of which , presented the architecture framework of Railway Total Budget Management Information System , then , analyzed the key technologies in development and implementation procedure .

  30. 本次计算WLAN收发设备技术参数,选取衰减因子模型作室内无线传播模型、选取自由空间传播模型作室外传播模型,作为覆盖设计方案中链路预算的依据。

    Computing WLAN transceiver equipment technical parameters , select the attenuation factor of this model for indoor radio propagation model , select the free-space propagation model for outdoor propagation model , in order to cover the design of link budgets .