
  • 网络bug;Design Defect;design fault;design flaw
  1. 本文通过研究和分析,发现GD-X2机组中的CH透明纸包装机出现的一些包装质量问题,其产生的原因是机器的某些结构或部件存在设计缺陷。

    By researching and analyzing , we founded that the reason of the packing quality problem which appeared in the CH cellophane packer of the GD-X2 packer unit was according to the design bug of the machine configuration or the parts .

  2. 这除了计算机网络固有的设计缺陷外,很多是因为计算机语言本身的安全漏洞或用户的不正当使用造成的。

    Besides of the design bug of the computer network , a large number of is the security leak and malfeasance use of the computer language .

  3. 报告说两艘船存在的设计缺陷也促成了这场悲剧的发生。

    The report says design faults in both the vessels contributed to the tragedy

  4. GIS液压机构设计缺陷分析及处理

    Analysis on design defect of hydraulic-operated breakers of GIS and treatment measures

  5. 这类化合物利用了细菌RNA多聚酶的设计缺陷发挥作用。

    The agents work by taking advantage of a design flaw in bacterial RNA polymerase .

  6. 许多WebAPI中所固有的一个令人遗憾的设计缺陷在于将HTTP方法用于非预期用途。

    An unfortunate design flaw inherent in many Web APIs is in the use of HTTP methods for unintended purposes .

  7. 但是由于Internet对多宿使用的原始设计缺陷,终端的多宿特性难以被有效利用。

    However , due to the original design drawbacks of the Internet on the using of multi-homing , the multihoming feature is hard to be utilized effectively .

  8. 在这种攻击中,攻击者利用数据库或Web页面的设计缺陷从数据库提取信息,甚至操纵数据库的信息。

    In this attack , an attacker uses weaknesses in the design of the database or Web page to extract information or even manipulate information within the database .

  9. CORBA互操作协议的设计缺陷使得它不可能建立一个高性能的分布式服务。

    Design flaws in CORBA 's interoperability protocol make it pretty much impossible to build a high-performance event distribution service .

  10. 在安全性方面,重点研究因程序或系统设计缺陷而导致的各类注入攻击,注入攻击也是当今Web安全领域统计最多的安全事件。

    In terms of security , programs or system design flaws which led to all kinds of injection attacks is deeply researched , and attacks into the Web security is nowadays the largest security event statistics .

  11. EPB盾构泡沫系统设计缺陷与改进

    Design Defects and Improvement of EPB Shield TBM Foam System

  12. 对原驾驶室设计缺陷进行分析后,提出了加装防撞装置的方案,并对驾驶室PLC逻辑控制程序进行了改造。提高了卸船机驾驶室的安全性。

    This paper puts forward the plan of installing the anti-collision device , and reform the PLC logic control program of cab , which enhances the safety of the cab of the ship unloader .

  13. 注意:我在此处展示的代码对Sun教程解决方案做了少许修改;它们提供的代码存在一个很小的设计缺陷(参见Java教程“缺陷”)。

    Note : The code I present here is slightly modified from the Sun tutorial solution ; there 's a small design flaw in the code they present ( see The Java Tutorial " bug ") .

  14. 管理信息系统已深入到各行各业,但开发高质量的MIS远落后于计算机发展,由于系统设计缺陷及满足需求增长的不适应,给用户带来不便与损失,并缩短了系统使用寿命。

    MIS is common used in every field , but it lags behind the development of computer . Due to the design limitation and non-fit for future demand , the life of MIS is shorted to consumer .

  15. 目前,由于UBF反应器布水系统的设计缺陷造成废水处理效果不佳的情况比较普遍。

    At present , the problem that poor effect of treatment caused by the design flaws of UBF reactor water distribution system is common .

  16. 由于PSTN网络的设计缺陷,其安全性问题日益突出,特别是在一些敏感部门,如政府、军队等安全问题更加尖锐。

    However , because of the PSTN design faults the security problems have became more and more serious . Particularly , in those important departments such as governments and military departments , security problems are more severe .

  17. IronLisp存在几个设计缺陷是我无法进行修改和完善的,而这些存在缺陷的功能最主要的目的则是使得IronLisp能够更好地与CLR进行互操作。

    I made several design flaws in IronLisp , I cant recall them all , but mostly it was trying to make it too much interoperated with the CLR .

  18. 构建机器视觉实验平台,根据BGA芯片焊球缺陷类别,设计缺陷识别流程,利用MATLAB软件建立仿真系统,并进行了仿真实验研究,实现对焊球缺陷的检测。

    Machine vision experiment platform has been constructed . According to the defect sorts of BGA chips , defects inspection process was devised . By the use of the software MATLAB , simulation system has been established and experiments have been done , finally ball defects inspection is actualized .

  19. 利用理想模型对Otway-Rees认证协议分析指出,形式分析可以辅助发现协议的设计缺陷。

    Ideal model is used for analysis of Otway-Rees authentication protocol , pointing out that the design flaws can be found supplementary by formal analysis of protocol .

  20. 针对TZJ96-3和GPJ96Z/3-C型号的加压过滤机,排料闸板与采集并控制其开关到位信号的接近开关,在安装方式上存在设计缺陷。

    Being aim at pressure filter of TZJ96-3 type and GPJ96Z / 3-C type , feed gate and proximity swith of collecting and controling its signal to be in position occurs as defect .

  21. 高压氨泵的设计缺陷和改进办法

    Faults in Design of High Pressure Ammonia Pump and Its Modification

  22. 但正如任何其他功能,总是存在设计缺陷。

    But like any other feature , there are design tradeoffs .

  23. 高等级公路管桩处理路基过渡段设计缺陷案例

    High-grade highway pipe-pile processing foundation transition section design defection case

  24. 开发概念方案优化的正交设计缺陷及解决方法

    Deficiency and remediation of orthogonal design in project optimization of development philosophy

  25. 遥测实时系统深层设计缺陷分析与测试

    Deep design defect analysis and test of an imported real-time telemetry system

  26. 试论我国国家助学贷款制度的设计缺陷及对策

    Discussion about the Defects and Countermeasures of Chinese State-subsidized Student Loan System

  27. 多级中速离心式高压氨泵的设计缺陷与改进

    Design defects and modifications of multistage MEDIUM SPEED CENTRIFUGAL HP ammonia pumps

  28. 钻杆动力钳的设计缺陷及使用中存在的问题

    The design defect and problem existing in use of drill pipe tong

  29. 东洋公司造粒技术方案设计缺陷刍议

    Disputation of Defect in Prilling Technology Scheme Design of TOYO Engineering Corporation

  30. 我国侦查讯问制度的设计缺陷及其完善

    The Defects in the Design of Investigative and Interrogative Systems in China