
  • 网络Dual Clutch Transmission;DCT;PDK;DSG
  1. 用其他的技术衡量使DSG双离合变速箱更加引人注目的有效率。

    Together with other technical measures this makes the dual-clutch gearbox DSG significantly more efficient .

  2. 双离合变速箱实质是有两个独立的变速箱装置组成。

    The dual-clutch gearbox essentially consists of two independent gearbox units .

  3. 大众周三说,将从4月2日起召回384181辆配备七速双离合变速箱的车辆。

    Volkswagen on Wednesday said it would recall 384,181 vehicles with seven-speed double-clutch transmissions beginning on April 2 .

  4. 该车还装备了兰博基尼首个7速双离合变速箱(不好意思各位,这款车没有手动档版本)。

    It also offers Lamborghini 's first-ever seven-speed , dual-clutch transmission . ( Sorry boys , no manual drive available . )

  5. 几乎所有的车出厂时装配的都是六速双离合自动变速箱,该变速箱正是因安全原因召回的那一款。

    nearly all will go out the door equipped with the six-speed dual clutch transmission , the same gearbox that is the subject of a safety recall .

  6. 当然,实际销售的车辆中没有多少是配置手动变速箱的;几乎所有的车出厂时装配的都是六速双离合自动变速箱,该变速箱正是因安全原因召回的那一款。

    Of course , few of these cars will actually be sold with the manual transmission ; nearly all will go out the door equipped with the six-speed dual clutch transmission , the same gearbox that is the subject of a safety recall .