
  • 网络Twin City
  1. 数十个来往于双子城的航班被取消。

    Dozens of flights to and from the Twin Cities have been canceled .

  2. 例如,我们的明尼苏达室代表超过六十台收音机和做生意这里在双子城的电视制造商。

    For example , our Minnesota Room represents more than sixty radio and television manufacturers that did business here in the Twin Cities .

  3. NathanA.Good居住在明尼苏达州的双子城。

    Nathan A. Good lives in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota .

  4. 她的孙子住在双子城?

    Her grandson actually lives in the Twin Cities here .

  5. A虹桥港湾边双子城那率土之濒。

    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame .

  6. 有一些受毁的艺术品在双子城的大厅和广场进行了展览。

    Several of the destroyed works had been displayed in the Twin Towers public lobbies and plazas .

  7. 周日晚上,双子城的温度将降至零下27度,这是17年来最低的温度。

    By Sunday night temperatures in the twin cities metro could fall to minus 27 , the coldest here in 17 years .

  8. 传统的背心像他是手工在泰国和发送到跳蚤市场和家庭中的双子城,他说。

    Traditional vests like his are handmade in Thailand and sent to flea markets and families in the Twin Cities , he said .

  9. 当双子城倒塌的时候,损失的艺术品的范围很广,有绘画、塑品、织品等。

    FRANK : When those towers came down , the range of artwork that was lost is wide variety , paintings , sculpture , textiles .

  10. 美国国家气象局气象专家吉姆·泰格说,今天的天气预报只说有阵雪,但是双子城的温度要比一般的寒风天气冷得多。

    National Weather Service meteorologist Jim Tiger says only flurries are in today 's forecast , but the twin cities will have colder than normal wind chills .