
zhà piàn àn jiàn
  • swindling case
  1. 对高校校园诈骗案件的剖析及防范对策

    An analysis of the Swindle Cases on Campus and Protective Countermeasures

  2. 手机短信诈骗案件的侦查防控难点及对策

    Discussion on the Fraud Cases of the Mobile Short Message

  3. 论信用证诈骗案件侦查

    On the Investigation of Fraud Cases on Letter of Credit

  4. 保险诈骗案件侦查方略初探

    Some Tactics in the Investigation of an Insurance Fraud Case

  5. 手机短信诈骗案件是我国当前出现的一种新型的诈骗案件类型。

    Frauds by mobile messages is a new type of fraud in our country .

  6. 短信诈骗案件的成因及对策

    Causes and Countermeasures of Fraud Cases by SMS

  7. 街头诈骗案件的分析与控制对策

    An Analysis of Street Fraud and Its countermeasures

  8. 侦查信用卡诈骗案件之管见

    On Investigation of Credit Card Fraud Case

  9. 现举例说明使用看上去正式的世行信笺和签名的诈骗案件。

    Here 's an example of such a scam using official-looking Bank letterhead and signature .

  10. 近年来,手机短信诈骗案件逐年增多,大有愈演愈烈之势。

    In recent years , SMS fraud cases increased year by year , getting worse and worse .

  11. 信用证诈骗案件发生率高,且诈骗数额巨大,严重破坏了国际间的正常贸易。

    This kind of fraud with high occurring rate and large amount has destroyed normal international trade seriously .

  12. 当前,新类型信用卡诈骗案件在侦办时遇到的困难主要体现在:高科技犯罪、利用网络作案和团伙分工作案。

    At present , in the investigation of the new type credit card swindle criminal cases , we meet some problems .

  13. 信用卡诈骗案件,不仅严重地侵害了持卡人及金融机构的利益,而且也损害了信用卡管理秩序,阻碍了信用卡业务市场的健康发展。

    Credit card fraud case not only seriously violated the cardholder benefits and financial institutions , but also undermined the credit management order .

  14. 侦办信用卡诈骗案件时应加强多警种合作、加强银行业内外监管及情报导侦。

    Aimed at these new ways , we should strengthen the cooperation between multi-polices , the supervisions in and inter-banks and guidance with information work .

  15. 近年来,金融诈骗案件的数量急剧增长,诈骗手段不断翻新,周期缩短。

    In recent years , the amounts of finacial frauds increase guickly , the means of finacial fraud change rapidly , and its cycle is shortened .

  16. 本文主要就保险诈骗案件的成因、特点、常见的作案手段、侦查与防范对策进行分析探讨。

    This text swindles the cause , characteristic , common offence means of the case , investigates and takes precautions against the countermeasure and analyzes the discussion surely mainly .

  17. 人们对生物统计学接口技术越来越感兴趣是因为巨额诈骗案件的增多以及此项技术成本的下降。

    The increase in interest in biometric access stems from an increase in fraud involving more money , as well as a decline in the cost of the technology .

  18. 至于虚假信息诈骗案件起刑点与数额分级,可根据相关法律法规规章和司法解释的规定并结合当地具体情况确定。

    The criminal penalty starting point and the different penalty levels of the fraud cases should be made on the basis of the relevant laws and regulations and the specific local conditions .

  19. 这使得一些不法商人有机可趁,软条款信用证以各种不同的方式出现,这样的信用证诈骗案件中屡屡发生。

    This makes some illegal members organic can multiply by , the soft item letter of credit appears in various different way , such of the letter of credit deceive case to take place repeatedly .

  20. 合同诈骗案件是一类比较常见、多发的经济诈骗案件,具有危害严重、手段多样、主体多元、案情复杂等特点。

    The criminal case of contractual fraud , a familiar crime of economic fraud , is characterized by severe harm , various measures , diversiform subjects of crime , complex details of a case , etc.

  21. 根据信用卡诈骗案件的现状与发展趋势,侦查部门应把立案前重点审查的问题作为切入口,进而针对不同案情运用相应的侦查措施和手段。

    Concerning the current situation and developing trend of credit card fraud case , departments of investigation should start with the key points of investigation before registering the case so that proper measures can be taken .

  22. 为了有效遏制短信诈骗案件高发的势头,侦查人员必须掌握手机短信诈骗案件的规律和特点,强化侦查手段,同时加强与社会各界的协作配合。

    For prevent message bilk case from happening effectively , investigator must know the laws and characteristics of using cell phone to bilk case , strengthen investigation means and cooperation with the various circles of society at the same time .

  23. 由于保险业在我国起步较晚,保险法律法规尚在建立健全中,因而保险诈骗案件发生数量较多,保险诈骗犯罪已成为近年来金融领域中发案率较高的犯罪。

    As an infant industry in China , insurance leaves much to be deserved in regulations and rules , which has caused a number of fraud cases and made the insurance fraud cases account for a considerable proportion in the financial field .

  24. 随着世界经济一体化和高科技的发展,信用证已成为国际贸易中重要的信用支付工具,然而信用证诈骗案件也随之不断增加。

    Along with the world economics integration and the high technology development , the letter of credit has become an important means of payment in the international trade , however the letter of credit cheating case also unceasingly increases along with it .

  25. 非法占有目的产生的时间在刑法界越来越引起大家的关注,尤其是在界定合同诈骗案件当中此罪与彼罪、罪与非罪显得非常重要。

    ' The emerging time of occupying illegally as object ' has been attracting more and more attention in the field of criminal law , especially important in distinguishing different crimes , being guilty or guiltless in the crime of swindling in contract .

  26. 因为这项仍在进行的审核工作,司法部鼓励检察官,对构成其他刑事犯罪(如税务欺诈、身份盗窃欺诈和提交虚假出口文件)的代购诈骗案件,追究民事和刑事责任。

    As a result of this ongoing review , the department is encouraging prosecutors to pursue civil and criminal sanctions for straw-buyer fraud cases that lead to other criminal violations , such as tax fraud , identify theft fraud and the submission of false export documents .

  27. 由于信用卡本身在技术和管理上的缺陷,利用信用卡犯罪的案件一直在高位徘徊,其中信用卡诈骗案件造成的损失额急剧攀升,社会危害性也越来越大。

    The criminal cases by credit card are have been lingering at a high level due to some technical and managerial defects of its own , which the losses caused by the crime of credit card fraud are rising sharply and the social harm is also growing .

  28. 论合同诈骗犯罪案件主观方面证据调查的实现

    Evidence investigating from subject respect in the cases of contract fraud

  29. 变造银行卡诈骗犯罪案件的特点与对策

    The Characteristics and Countermeasures of Crime of Fraud by Transforming Bank Cards

  30. 合同诈骗犯罪案件侦查中,犯罪主观方面证据,特别是非法占有目的的证据调查是重点和难点。

    In the criminal investigation of the crime of contract fraud , it is the key point to investigate the subjective evidence , especially the evidence of illegal possession .