
shī wén jí
  • collection of poems and essays
  1. 元中后期吴中五家诗文集汇考

    On the Systematic Textual Research of Wuzhong 's Five Poetic Collections in the Mid and Late Yuan Dynasty

  2. 《皮子文薮》是皮日休自编的一部诗文集,共十卷,一至九卷为文,第十卷是诗歌,本文主要研究前九卷文。

    This work was composed by ten volumes , in which the first to the ninth volumes were prose while the tenth was poetry .

  3. 庞培,本名王方。一九六二年生,现居江苏江阴。一九九七年出版诗文集《低语》。

    Pang Pei , pseudonym for Wang Fang , born in1962 , now living in Jiangyin , Jiangsu province , published a book titled as Murmur in1997 .

  4. 本文以李汉荣的三部诗文集为对象,试图解读作家创作的生活背景,部分作品的蕴意,以及其艺术表达的特征等。

    Taking as objects of study three verse collections by Li Han-rong , this paper attempts to analyze the living background for Li 's literary creation , the implications in some of his works , the traits of his artistic expression , etc.

  5. 最多的是各国文学名著的译本,与本国古来的诗文集,别的门类只是些概论等类的入门书而已。

    Most of them are Chinese translations of literary works by famous foreign writers and anthologies of Chinese poetry and prose through the ages . The rest , often called an outline or introduction , are merely on rudiments of various subjects .