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wū gào
  • false accusation;frame;lodge a false accusation;bring a false charge;trump up a charge
诬告 [wū gào]
  • [frame;false accusation] 捏造事实,伪造证据,陷害他人

  • 捏造罪名诬告邻居以解脱他自己

诬告[wū gào]
  1. 他于1979年因被诬告贪污而被捕。

    He was arrested in 1979 on spurious corruption charges

  2. 谁都知道他被诬告了。

    Everybody knows he was wrongly accused .

  3. 查无实据,恐怕是诬告。

    No evidence has been found in the case so far and therefore it is probably a libelous suit .

  4. 他的几位同事诬告他,使他丢掉了工作

    Several of his colleagues trumped up a complaint to get him removed from the job .

  5. 你怎么能够这样诬告我的妻子?

    How dare you accuse my wife of such a thing ?

  6. 他由于敌人的诬告而被法庭下达了一项禁令。

    He got an injunction against vexatious litigation by his enemies .

  7. 他对他们的诬告提出强烈的抗议。

    He came back with a strong protest against their false charge .

  8. 诬告陷害罪属于与行为犯、结果犯并列的情节犯。

    The crime of malicious accusation belongs to the crime with circumstances .

  9. 当你被诬告的时候,要仰望主。

    When you are being falsely accused , look up to Him .

  10. 他声称他是因诬告而被捕的。

    He claimed he had been arrested on a trumped up charge .

  11. 过了一些日子,男孩被人诬告偷了羊。

    Some time later the Boy was falsely accused of stealing sheep .

  12. 法条竞合视野下的伪证罪与诬告陷害罪

    Perjury Crime And Implication Crime Under The View of Concurrence of Rules

  13. 诬告陷害罪的刑事立法完善与展望

    Improvement & Prospects for the Criminal Legislation of the Crime of False Charge

  14. 他对史密斯先生一家进行诬告。

    He made a false accusation against the smiths .

  15. 我哥哥被诬告犯有谋杀罪。

    My brother was falsely accused of murder .

  16. 他对被诬告愤愤不平。

    He is indignant at the false accusation .

  17. 然后,她到国王面前去诬告王后,说她是吃人的妖怪。

    Then she went to the king and accused her of being a cannibal .

  18. 还是那位因为神父抛弃我们而诬告我们的小孩?

    Or the ones that call him names because his father ran out on us ?

  19. 诬告他,并将他扣押

    is detaining him on trumped-up charges .

  20. 我没拿你的钱,你不能诬告我。

    I didn 't take your money , and I don 't care for the accusation .

  21. 诬告陷害罪探析

    On the Crime of Malicious Accusation

  22. 他确实被诬告了。

    He was quite wrongly accused .

  23. 禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害。

    Insult , libel , false charge or frame-up directed against citizens by any means is prohibited .

  24. 她曾被人诬告,因而被差会召回英国,后来蒙主表白。

    She was accused falsely , called back to England , and later vindicated by the Lord .

  25. 还有一些人因此被诬告装成女人来逃命。

    Several men were falsely accused of having dressed as women in order to save their lives .

  26. 丑闻发生时,杰克逊指出这些诬告都是故意安排在他新专辑发行之际。

    When the scandal broke , Jackson claimed the allegations were timed just as his album was being released .

  27. 新刑法典对诬告陷害罪作了重大完善,具有十分重要的意义。

    The new criminal code has greatly improved the content of the crime of false charge , which is significant .

  28. 我必须作一些安排,把那些诬告统统澄清,好让他能安全回家。这是我个人的私事。

    I must now make arrangements so that he can come home with safety , cleared of all those false charges .

  29. 若我于举报时不能提供十足的证据,我将会被控诬告吗?

    If I cannot provide sufficient information when lodging a complaint , will I be charged with making a false accusation ?

  30. 他们被诬告的“阴谋”根本不存在,只存在于秘密警察发热的头脑里。

    The conspiracy of which they were falsely accused did not exist , save in the fevered brains of the secret police .
