
  • 网络Language lab;phonetic classroom;Classroom
  1. 基于H.323的数字化语音教室学生终端

    Student Terminal in Digital Speech Classroom Based on H.323

  2. TCS可以作为门户网站、电信增值运营商的基本软件系统,也可以理解为H.323语音教室网络的管理实体。

    TCS can be used as the basic software system for WWW and telecommunication value-added service dealer , furthermore it can also regard as management entity of H.323 speech classroom network .

  3. 语音教室融合模块化设计思想,按照总线型结构规划设计,主控制台采用双CPU共享双口RAM结构,插卡式安装。

    The system is designed in the BUS architecture with modularization . The Main Control Unit uses double MCU sharing dual-port RAM , with the card form assembled in slot .

  4. 现代语音教室实用功能配置

    Function Configuration and Strategy in Modern Language Room

  5. 基于数字语音教室的多路混音算法及应用

    Multi-Point Audio Mixing Algorithm Based on Digital Classroom for Language learning and Its Application

  6. 最后,在现有科研水平和软硬件条件下,设计了数字化语音教室。

    At last , digital speech classroom is designed under our technology and software & hardware conditions .

  7. 音频与文本同步是设计开发数字语音教室的一个关键问题。

    The synchronization of audio and text is a major issues in designing digital classroom for language learning .

  8. 这种音频点播系统可以广泛应用在卡拉OK厅、语音教室和公共广播等许多场所。

    This system can be widely used in many locations such as karaoke room , audio classroom and public broadcast .

  9. 多媒体语音教室是现代化的外语教学设备,是教育现代化的标志之一。

    The Multimedia Language Classroom System is a modern equipment for foreign language teaching , and it is a symbol of educational modernization .

  10. 本文参考国内外相关产品,结合工程实际提出一套较完善的语音教室设计方案,并对其可行性给予充分论证。

    Reference to correlative products abroad and home , a consummate project is put forward and its feasibility in the practical engineering is demonstrated .

  11. 文中以语音教室系统的硬件为主,比较系统的阐述了硬件电路的设计方案,解决了工程中遇到的实际问题。

    The article attaches most importance to the hardware of the Language Classroom , and demonstrates the circuit scheme which resolves the practical engineering problems .

  12. 目前,多媒体网络教学系统(如语音教室)的一般做法是,采用一台计算机服务器和数台特制数字终端构成一个多媒体教学网络。

    At present , the general method of composing a multimedia network teaching system , such as a voice classroom , is formed by a computer and several digital terminals which were specially made .

  13. 通过对多媒体同步方法的研究,结合基于嵌入式技术的数字语音教室的实际情况,提出了一种新的应用于数字语音教室的音频与文本同步的方法。

    By researching the methods of multimedia synchronization , considering the real situation of designing a digital classroom for language learning based on embedded technology , this paper proposed a new method of audio and text synchronization .

  14. 这种基于嵌入式技术的数字语音教室系统具有音频高清晰、扩展性能好、成本低、教学手段丰富、教学方法灵活多变等优点,具有良好的应用和发展前景。

    Based of the real time embedded technology , the digital voice classroom system has the characteristics of small volume , high stable voice quality , good expansibility , low cost , abundant teaching means and flexible and changeable teaching method .

  15. 它可用于图书馆的管理系统、几个电子阅览室、语音室、多媒体教室等。

    This system can be used in the library , several email reading room , phonetic reading , multimedia room and so on .

  16. 介绍了基于DSP的全数字化语音教学网络的管理,即将语音数据在网络内部用时分多址的形式进行传输,并实现语音教室的各种功能。

    This article is mainly about the management of the digital speech teaching network based on DSP , that is , transmitting the voice data in the network with TDMA way , and realizing the functions of the digital speech classroom .