
  • 网络Language difficulties;XXIX. Language difficulties
  1. 外语学生解决了基本的语言困难以后,还可能在阅读理解上面临一些隐性困难,包括在搭建理解框架的过程中由于背景的模糊和价值观的冲突而造成的干扰。

    When learning a foreign language , the students may face some hidden difficulties in reading comprehension after solving the basic language difficulties . These include interferences caused by vague background and conflict of values .

  2. 排除语言困难,跟踪全篇思路。

    Jumping over difficulties to follow a line of thought .

  3. 尽管语言困难,他很快就爱上了这个国家和人民。

    Language difficulty notwithstanding , he soon grows to love the country and its people .

  4. 他们也比偏左手性或右手性同学遭受更大的语言困难。

    They also reported having greater difficulties with language than those who were left or right-handed .

  5. 即使你英语流利,在英国也许还是会遇到语言困难。

    Even if you 're fluent in English , you may experience linguistic difficulties in the UK .

  6. 如果您熟悉C或C++,那么学习Java语言并不困难,这就像是会说瑞典语的人去学丹麦语一样。

    It isn 't that hard to learn the Java language when you already know C or C + + ; it 's similar to learning Danish when you already speak Swedish .

  7. 但是,Ajax不仅仅是一种时尚,它是一种构建网站的强大方法,而且不像学习一种全新的语言那样困难。

    However , Ajax is far more than just a fad ; it 's a powerful approach to building Web sites and it 's not nearly as hard to learn as an entire new language .

  8. 类型普遍性理论对第二语言学习困难的预测

    Typological Universals and the Prediction of Difficulty in Second Language Learning

  9. 并且他们说话时组织语言存在困难。

    And they many have difficulty forming words while talking .

  10. 莎士比亚的戏剧译成其他语言是困难的。

    Shakespeare 's plays are difficult to turn into any other language .

  11. 要精通两种不同的语言是困难的。

    It is difficult to master two different languages .

  12. 课堂教学中第二语言习得困难的分析与对策

    The Study on Overcoming the Difficulties of the Second Language Acquisition in Classroom Teaching

  13. 但是我尽量作到了,克服了语言的困难,文化的不同和想家。

    However , I managed to overcome language difficulties , cultural differences and homesickness .

  14. 第二语言习得困难因素浅析

    The Interferences of Second Language Acquisition

  15. 学习一门新语言的困难使那些想立即使用那种语言的学生沮丧不已。

    The difficulties of learning a new language frustrated the students who wanted to use the language right away .

  16. 现在研究人员希望利用他们的研究结果开发患有语言学习困难的新疗法。

    The researchers now hope to use results from their study to develop new treatment for people with language-learning difficulties .

  17. 尽管对于我这个年龄的人来说,要学一门新语言非常困难,但我还是决心攻克英语!

    In spite of the difficulties in learning a new language for a person of my age , I 'm still determined to crack English !

  18. 针对自然语言理解困难以及小样本文本分类的技术难点,提出了基于聚类分析的降落伞故障诊断新方法。

    Proposes a new method of parachute fault diagnosing based cluster analysis , which aims at the difficulty of language understanding and categorization for small sample .

  19. 3从认知心理学和认知语言学的角度出发,阐述了人类理解世界的机理和机器理解人类语言的困难所在。

    Discusses the principle of how human being cognize the world and issues the difficulties of Natural Language Understanding research from the angel of cognitive science .

  20. 方向性技术是目前解决助听器用户在噪声环境下语言理解困难最有效的方法之一,主要包括声源定位与噪声源跟踪。

    Directionality technology is a key method solving hearing aids users ' understanding difficulty under noise environment at present . It includes acoustic source localization and noise source tracking .

  21. 在我们的教育调查中,了解到东乡族小学生的汉语文学习非常困难,也就是东乡族小学生的第二语言学习困难。

    My education research shows that learning Chinese for Tongxiang pupils is quite difficult ; that is to say , they have much difficulty in studying the second language-Chinese .

  22. 在所有这些难以言状的梦境中有一个最底层的东西:它完全不属于言语的范畴,比如意象,把他们翻译成语言是困难的。

    Now , among these difficulties there is one which is at the bottom of them all : and it is the difficulty of translating into words something that doesn 't belong to the realm of words , like images .

  23. 学生在解决数学阅读理解问题时面对的主要困难是:1、数学语言理解困难,具体包括:数学词语理解困难、数学句子理解困难、数学图形信息识别困难、代数式信息识别困难;

    Students ' major difficulties in math 's reading comprehension are listed as follows : 1 , understanding mathematical language difficulty , specifically including difficulty in understanding mathematical terms and sentences , in identifying mathematical graph information and algebraic expression .

  24. 2例病人均为青年女性,有血栓性血小板减少性紫癜的典型临床表现和实验室证据,其神经系统主要表现有语言表达困难、尖叫、谵语、偏瘫以及意识障碍,都表现为急进性过程。

    The result showed that in 2 young women presented with atypical clinical features and laboratory findings of TTP , the main presentations of the central nervous system included language disturbances , hemiplegia , delirium , scream , confusion , unconsciousness .

  25. 一是语言表达的困难。

    First , there are difficulties in expression of language ;

  26. 但是在国外解决语言障碍很困难。

    But tackling the language barrier in a foreign country proved difficult .

  27. 有的人可能有有语言开发的困难。

    One person may have difficulty with language development .

  28. 学一种新的语言总是很困难的。

    PAUL A new language is always hard .

  29. 你有语言方面的困难吗?

    Are you having any language problems ?

  30. 语言学习很困难

    1 . Language learning is difficult