
  • 网络concomitant movement;associated movement
  1. 通过对伴随运动运动学的研究。

    The paper studies concomitant motion kinematics .

  2. 本文给出在非共面椭圆轨道上运行的航天器的伴随运动方程。

    This paper presents some equations of adjoint motion for spacecrafts moving in elliptic orbit of different plane .

  3. 同时还可伴随运动的不协调,咀嚼、吞咽的困难和语言发育的问题。

    The accompanied problems are motor incoordination , difficulties in chewing and swallowing , and developmental language problem .

  4. 伴随高尔夫运动的健康良性的发展,其文化会得到更好的充实与发展。

    With golf health positive development , its culture will get better enrich and developed .

  5. 虽然有检测脑震荡的方法,但是大多数仅关注认知损害,并不对伴随的运动技巧降低进行评价。

    Methods exist for detecting concussions , but most focus purely on cognitive impairment and do not assess accompanying motor skill deterioration .

  6. 这样,我们只能想象该地热田热水的热源为伴随构造运动所侵入的侏罗纪花岗岩和第三纪玄武岩体。

    In this case , we only can imagine that the heat sources of this hot water in the geothermal field are granites of Jurassic Period and tortoise rocks of the Tertiary period .

  7. 沉积间断,即掀斜或褶皱伴生或伴随着抬升运动。

    Sedimentation ceases : tilling or folding is accompanied or followed by uplift .

  8. 但是学生在参与的同时也伴随着很多运动损伤情况的发生。

    But always happen some injury on the students on the while .

  9. 伴随卫星伴随运动运动学分析

    Study on concomitant motion kinematics of concomitant satellite

  10. 关于儒家伦理与中国现代化关系的认识是伴随中国现代化运动而逐步深化的。

    The relationship between Confucian ethics and China 's modernization deepened with the movement of China 's modernization .

  11. 另一种是伴随着水体运动而产生的调压室水位变化现象,称为调压室波动。

    And the other is water level change of surge chamber follows the water body movement , called oscillation of surge chamber .

  12. 伴随世界妇女运动的蓬勃发展和各种女性主义理论和思潮的快速发展,如何面对社会传统的问题便成为无法回避的问题。

    Nowadays the rapid development of feminism all over the world is destined to face the problem of the handling of tradition .

  13. 伴随这种上升运动,于5&10m层,在上述高盐冷水区明显地存在一个低溶解氧、高营养盐区。

    With this upwelling a low dissolved oxygen and high nutrient water appeared in the same area in the 5 & 10m layers .

  14. 但是伴随着体育运动的发展也出现了一些负面的不和谐因素。例如,体育暴力事件、兴奋剂和种族歧视等。

    But with the development of sports also had some negative factors of disharmony , for example ," physical violence ", stimulants and racism .

  15. 理发师用椅,配有机械升高、旋转或斜倚装置沉积间断,即掀斜或褶皱伴生或伴随着抬升运动。

    Barbers ' chair , with mechanical elevating , rotating or reclining movements Sedimentation ceases : tilling or folding is accompanied or followed by uplift .

  16. 伴随着篮球运动的发展,商业力量也开始对篮球运动的开发,从而形成篮球产业。

    When basketball became more and more popular , commercial capital began to toe in the basketball item . Then there came the basketball industry .

  17. 但从竞技运动的发展史来看,各种与竞技运动的本质相悖的不良现象却始终伴随着竞技运动的发展始终。

    But look at the history of competitive sports , variety and contrary to the nature of competitive sports has always accompanied by negative phenomena of the development of competitive sports has always been .

  18. 现代奥林匹克文化起源于古代希腊文化,伴随着奥林匹克运动的兴衰,历经一千两百多年的积累,形成了今天独具魅力的奥林匹克文化。

    The modern Olympics culture stemmed from ancient times the Greek culture , was following prosperity and decline the Olympics movement , after more than 1200 years accumulation , has formed today alone charm Olympics culture .

  19. 前者在新生代初期有过比较强的垂直差异运动,现在则主要反映在掀斜运动上。沉积间断,即掀斜或褶皱伴生或伴随着抬升运动。

    The former branch had considerably strong vertical differential movement at the beginning of the Cenozoic era , and is now dominated by tilting movement . Sedimentation ceases : tilling or folding is accompanied or followed by uplift .

  20. 在实际过程中,相机与目标物体之间的运动相对复杂,工作在运动平台上的相机对目标进行拍摄时常会伴随着在运动平台上的非同轴旋转和摆动。

    In practice , the motion between the camera and the object is relatively complex . When a camera which works on a moving platform films a target , it often will be accompanied by non-coaxial rotating and swing .

  21. 伴随着排球运动的长期发展,世界各国的技、战术也逐渐融合,现代排球运动已经进入力量型与快速多变打法相结合的时代,因此全面发展是跻身于世界强队的重要条件。

    Along with volleyball long-term development of countries in the world skills and tactics are also gradual integration of modern volleyball has entered a power-type and fast-changing era of combination play , so " comprehensive development " is among the teams in the world an important condition for .

  22. 环境新闻伴随着环境保护运动诞生。

    Environment News along with the environmental protection movement was born .

  23. 我们报告一位56岁的男性,主诉有20天的渐歇性胸痛,疼痛会伴随著身体的运动而加剧。

    We report a56-year-old patient presenting with intermittent chest pain related to movement lasting for20 days .

  24. 英国有许多学校都配备了乒乓球台,只要你有兴趣,乒乓球是一项可以伴随你一生的运动。

    Most schools now have table tennis tables , and if you enjoy it , then you can go further with it .

  25. 位错攀移越过弥散质点的过程是合金超塑变形的速控过程,超塑变形的主要机制是晶界滑移伴随晶内位错运动。

    For the alloy , the dominant mechanism of superplastic deformation is that the boundary sliding process will be accompanied by intragranular dislocations .

  26. 现代时代伴随着欧洲启蒙运动,大约开始于18世纪中叶。

    The " modern " era is associated with the European Enlightenment , which begins roughly in the middle of the eighteenth century .

  27. 应用伴随方法,对运动化学源进行风险评价,规划最佳运输路线;

    The adjoint method is introduced for the assessment of the moving chemical sources , and then for planning optimal paths to reduce risk .

  28. 乔治.卢卡斯是在经典好莱坞衰败之际、伴随着新好莱坞运动而出现的好莱坞小子创作群体的代表人物。

    George Lucas is a representative from " Hollywood brats " creation group with the developing of new Hollywood movement when classic Hollywood fails .

  29. 在近岸海域,潮流是主要的水动力条件之一,是这些地区最基本的物质运动,污染物将伴随着潮流的运动而迁移扩散。

    For coastal waters , tidal flow is a basic hydrodynamic factor , and contaminations will be advected and diffuse with the movement of it .

  30. 伴随着竞技网球运动的发展,全国各地业余网球运动蓬勃发展,业余网球培训市场也一度走俏。

    With the development of tennis , amateur tennis is booming all over china . The training market of amateur tennis players develops well correspondingly .