
  • 网络Readers;readership;audience;Intended Audience
  1. 新的版式会疏远上了年纪的读者群,并且也不会吸引年轻读者。

    A new format would alienate its ageing readership without attracting young readers .

  2. 但后来Facebook改变了它的算法,这些文章和应用出现的频率大大降低,读者群几乎一夜之间就大大缩水。

    But then Facebook changed its algorithm so that these articles and apps didn 't show up as frequently , and readership plummeted overnight .

  3. 报纸拥有越来越广泛的读者群。

    Newspapers enjoyed a widening circle of readers .

  4. 不过,拓宽读者群可能拥有巨大的好处开放访问的科学期刊《plosone》便是有趣资料的宝库。

    But there could be big benefits to broadening reach PLoS One , the science journal , is a trove of fascinating material .

  5. 该报在2013年推出英文版的《NikkeiAsianReview》,以求提高海外知名度,但这份刊物一直难以构建读者群。

    It launched an English language publication called Nikkei Asian Review in 2013 to build its profile outside of the country , but the publication has struggled to build an audience .

  6. 该项创举旨在贴近依赖短信平台的读者群,《纽约时报》个性策划总监安德鲁•菲尔普斯告诉CNN财经栏目的记者。

    The innovation is an effort to reach readers on the platforms that are central to their lives , Andrew Phelps , the Times ' Director of Personalization , told CNNMoney .

  7. AONC读者群最近扩增了不少,我知道不是每个人都对经商感兴趣。

    The AONC readership has expanded quite a bit recently , and I know that not everyone here cares about business .

  8. 纽约的高管兼职业生涯教练梅雷迪思·哈伯菲尔德(MeredithHaberfeld)说:“越来越多的企业开始寻找员工代表他们发推文、写博客,以建立读者群,撰写吸引眼球、时髦有趣的帖子。”

    More and more employers are looking for employees to tweet on their behalf , to blog on their behalf , to build an audience and write compelling , snappy posts , ' says Meredith Haberfeld , an executive and career coach in New York 。

  9. Gildea是个颇具天分的体育记者,在美国有一批忠实的读者群。他怀念旧日时光,怀念那时十二万五千人一起挤在木制的体育馆里观看职业性拳击赛的日子,当然并不怀念那时影响着拳击和其他运动的种族歧视。

    Mr Gildea , a talented sports journalist with a ready following among American readers , is nostalgic for the days when crowds of 125000 jammed into wooden stadiums to watch prizefights although not , of course , for the racism that then infected this and other sports .

  10. 应届毕业生读者群的阅读特点浅析及对策

    Reading Characteristics of Graduating Student Readers and Special Service to Them

  11. 通俗文学所拥有的庞大读者群是目前严肃文学最为匮乏的。

    Plentiful readers of popular literature is lack for serious literature .

  12. 电子阅览室读者群的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Reader 's Character in the Electronic Reading Room

  13. 读者群的聚类和回归分析

    An Analysis of the Reader Groups ' Quick Cluster and Regression

  14. 本书使得这一思想能够被广泛的读者群所接受。

    The book makes this idea accessible to a broad audience .

  15. 弱势读者群信息无障碍服务探究

    An Exploration into Information Accessibility Service for the Vulnerable Reader Groups

  16. 科技期刊读者群的构成分析与开发策略

    Analysis and Development Tactic of Reader Composition of Sci-Tech Periodicals

  17. 高校学报读者群的拓展与培育

    Extension and Cultivation of Readers ' Group of University Journals

  18. 说明你博客的读者群还挺广泛

    Which means your blog has a far wider readership .

  19. 小报依靠耸人听闻的故事维持读者群。

    The tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintain their circulation .

  20. 不要希望,你会有个读者群。

    Don 't try to visualize the great mass audience .

  21. 多元分析在评定最佳读者群中的应用

    An Application of Multivariate Statistics to the Determination of Best Readers Group

  22. 高校图书馆主体读者群之需求分析

    Analysis Of The Requirements Of The Principal Part Of Readers At College Libraries

  23. 试析科研读者群的阅读需求与优质服务

    Analysing on the Reading Requirements of Scientific Research Readers Group and Quality Services

  24. 如何扩大科技期刊的读者群

    How to enlarge reader group of sci-tech periodicals

  25. 读者群中跨学科型人才的特征分析

    The Features Analysis of Trans-subject Talent in Readers

  26. 在国际上,这类杂志运作比较成熟,有稳定的读者群;

    In international community , the operation of this kind of magazine is mature ;

  27. 医院图书馆的读者群以临床医师、护士及医学研究人员为主。

    Most readers of hospital library are clinical doctors , nurses and medical researchers .

  28. 我们最大的读者群就是北方人。

    Our biggest readership is in the north .

  29. 护士读者群信息服务初探

    Exploration of Information Service for Nurse Readers

  30. 我院近10年护士读者群分析与思考

    An analysis of nurse readers in Shanghai Children 's Hospital in the past 10 years