
  • 网络reading campaign;reading
  1. 针对年幼孩子的公共政策,包括公立学前教育项目和读书活动,是有帮助的。

    Public policies aimed at young children have helped , including public preschool programs and reading initiatives .

  2. 以书育人开展以青少年为主体的社会读书活动

    Develop the Social Reading Activities of Youngsters as the Main Part

  3. 图书馆如何发挥读书活动的主阵地作用

    How a Library Gives Play of Chief Position in Reading Activities

  4. 论电视文化对青少年读书活动的影响

    On the influence of television culture upon teenagers ' reading activities

  5. 日本中小学生读书活动概述

    An Introduction to Students ' Reading Activities in High School in Japan

  6. 高等院校图书馆阅读指导之读书活动研究

    Research of the Reading Activities of the Reading Guidance in Academic Library

  7. 读书活动,提升图书馆核心竞争力的生长点

    Reading Activities , the New Growth Point of the Core Competence of Library

  8. 刍议读书活动之德育功能

    On the Function of Reading Activities in Moral Education

  9. 浅谈高职院校图书馆开展读书活动的形式

    Discussion on the Forms of Reading Activity Developed by Higher Vocational College 's Library

  10. 中外读书活动初探如何在研究中读书

    Reading Activities in China and Foreign Countries

  11. 利用网络开展读书活动

    Using the Internet to Develop Reading Activities

  12. 把青少年读书活动融入学校课堂促进学校阅读教育

    Bringing the Reading Activities into Classroom : A Way of Promote the Reading Education in School

  13. 基层图书馆在全民读书活动中主阵地作用的思考

    Considerations about the Function of basic-level Library as a Battle Position in the Nationwide Reading Activity

  14. 诸如写作、画画、编程或者设计工作这类创作性的工作要比被动性的读书活动来得好。

    Creative activities like writing , drawing , programming or designing work better than passive activities like reading .

  15. 读书活动&高职院校图书馆优化读者服务的有效途径

    The Reading Activity & the Effective Path of Optimizing the Service for Readers in the High Vocational College Library

  16. 读书活动对提升高职学生人文素质的作用

    Reading Makes Life Wonderful for Vocational College Students & the Role Reading Activities Play for Improving Students ' Humanistic Quality

  17. 他说,针对儿童的公共政策起到了帮助,包括公立学前教育项目和读书活动。

    Public policies aimed at young children have helped , he said , including public preschool programs and reading initiatives .

  18. 开展读书活动的一项创新之举&江阴致力建设一二三家庭读书工程

    An Original Act of Reading Project ── JiangYin City devotes herself to develop the " One-Two-Three " Family Reading Project

  19. 开展读书活动是服务读者、建设图书馆人文环境的有效途径。

    Developing the reading activity is an effective path of serving for the readers and constructing the humanistic environment of the library .

  20. 我们将组织一个读书活动,总结管理一家公司的最佳方法。

    We will organise a programme of readings from books , which will bring together the best things about managing a company .

  21. 公共图书馆开展未成年人读书活动的实践与思考&以衢州地区公共图书馆为例

    The Practice and Thinking on the Reading Activities of Minors in Public Library & Taking Some Public Libraries in Quzhou as Examples

  22. 开展课外专题读书活动,提高学生收集和处理课外生物科学信息能力。

    Organize extracurricular activity of reading about special subjects to develop students ' ability of collecting and handling out-class scientific information of biology .

  23. 图书馆应对阅读危机挑战的责任与对策&湖北大学图书馆读书活动创新实践与启示

    Responsibilities and Countermeasures to " Reading Crisis " Challenge in Libraries & Innovative Practice and Inspiration from Reading Activities of Hubei University Library

  24. 实际运行的结果表明,书香网页的建立,从载体上促进了读书活动的持续发展。

    The results of the practical use show that it has improved sustainable development of reading activity from the medium point of view .

  25. 在高校图书馆开展读书活动,锻炼了学生能力,提高了学生综合素质。

    To develop the activity of reading in university 's library has tempered students ' ability , has improved students ' overall quality .

  26. 大学生的读书活动,关系到他们的心智成长、素质提升与成才择业。

    Reading activities of college students are related to growth of their hearts and bodies , their quality improvement , and selection of occupations .

  27. 利用现有条件,搞好形式多样的读书活动,加大宣传力度,提高公众参与度。

    Thirdly , organizing various reading activities on the basis of resources available and encourage the public to attend through all kinds of promotions .

  28. 读书活动作为提升受教育者文化素养的重要途径,具有德育的功能和属性。

    As an important way to promote the cultural quality of the educated , reading activities enjoy the function and nature of moral education .

  29. 除了开展读书活动和讨论会外,西班牙文化部还鼓励大众创作有关《堂·吉珂德》的音乐、戏剧、电影和舞蹈等形式的作品。

    Besides organising readings and debates , the ministry of culture will promote new works of music , theatre , film and dance based on Don Quixote .

  30. 开展读书活动要目标明确、领导重视、加强宣传以及对读书活动的规律和理论研究。

    To develop the activity of reading need the clear goal , the leader 's strength , the improved propaganda and the research into reading laws and theories .