
  • 网络reader's interest;reader’s interest
  1. 基于资源分类树的读者兴趣模型设计与实现

    Design & Realization of the Reader 's Interest Model Based on the Resource Classification Tree

  2. 我为您的文章赋予了能够抓住读者兴趣的风格和细节描述,从而使您脱颖而出成为录取方眼中一位有价值的申请者。

    I gave your essay the style and detail that will hold the reader 's interest and make you stand out as a worthy applicant .

  3. 卡特的传记只是因为他拒绝说人闲话来激发读者兴趣而减色不少。

    Carter 's biography is only spoiled by the fact that he refuses to titillatehis readers with any gossip .

  4. 而且这些小报中,只要有一份刊载的绯闻引起读者兴趣,其它报纸也都转载。

    Among these small-sized newspapers , as long as one newspaper publish a affair which arouses reader 's interest , other newspapers reprint also all .

  5. 插图是科学教科书的主要组成部分,有吸引读者兴趣、形象化知识内容、阐明科学概念等众多优点,发挥着文本所不可代替的作用。

    Illustration , a major part for textbooks , are able to trigger the interest of readers , concretize knowledge and science concept , thus have un-replicable values compared to text .

  6. 在研究服务体验模型、个性化和数字挖掘技术中得到启示,通过建立基于读者兴趣的个性化主动式服务模型来提高超星数字图书馆的服务质量;4;

    Get revelation from the research of service experience model , personalization and digital digging technology , and then improve the service quality of the library through the establishment of personalization model depending on the customers ' interest ;

  7. 在教科书中,课本插图逼真生动,形象鲜明,它们和文字对应相配,有时单凭语言讲解难以表达清楚,图文并茂则更能引人入胜,激发读者兴趣,使所学内容印象深刻,明了易懂。

    In a textbook , vivid illustrations match the words in it . Sometimes mere language can express clearly . And words with illustrations can interest the reader and also can make the reader understand easily and impressive deeply .

  8. 采用新型决策支持系统的思想,设计出数字图书馆个性化服务系统模型,模型中突出了对数据的分析和挖掘以及读者兴趣的自动识别。

    The main contents of this dissertation are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Adopt a new Decision Support System ( DSY ) to design the model of the personalized service system , which emphasizes analyzing resources and identifying readers ' interests , in a digital library .

  9. 这本书唤起读者的兴趣。

    The book wakened the reader 's interest .

  10. 评论一本小说的时候,你应想办法刺激而不是满足读者的兴趣。

    In review a novel , you shall try to titillate rather than satiate the reader 's interest .

  11. 这一次我得到的教训能引起更广泛读者的兴趣。

    This time what I 've learnt is of wider appeal .

  12. 从这些发现中引出的问题也是能使读者感兴趣的。

    The problems stemming from the discovery also make interesting reading .

  13. 它有大量的有趣部分来保持读者的兴趣。

    It has lots of little bits to keep the reader interested .

  14. 她知道如何迎合读者的兴趣。

    She knows how to keep her public satisfied .

  15. 表述的观点一定会激发读者的兴趣。

    The reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented .

  16. 新闻标题有新闻的眉眼之称,它是吸引读者阅读兴趣的关键。

    A good news title should be brief and informative , vivid and eye-catching .

  17. 从读者感兴趣区域看当前国内测绘期刊的发展趋势

    Development trend analysis of domestic surveying journals based on the interesting areas of readers

  18. 保持读者的兴趣,不断尝试。

    Try to keep the readers interest continuously .

  19. 编辑的工作就是协调报纸各方面的比例并使读者感兴趣。

    The editor 's job is to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting to the readers .

  20. 一个好的书名翻译能够激发读者的兴趣,促进书籍销售。

    An appropriate title can help arouse reader 's interest and promote the selling of books .

  21. 如果一首诗引不起读者的兴趣,它便走不到哪里去。

    If a poem doesn 't engage a reader 's interest , it 's going nowhere .

  22. 要做到诙谐、激发读者的兴趣。

    Make it fun and attention-grabbing .

  23. 代码的其他部分显然不那么会引起读者的兴趣。

    The rest of the code is not so interesting and should be obvious to the reader .

  24. 有不少主题会让本文读者感兴趣,但是仍然超出了本书范畴。

    Quite a few subjects will interest readers of this article , but remain beyond its scope .

  25. 评论一本小说时,你应设法刺激而不是满足读者的兴趣。

    In reviewing a novel , you should try to titillate rather than satiate the reader 's interest .

  26. 将博客读者的兴趣呈现在你的博客中,他们就将更多地关注和分享你的博文。

    Show interest in the interest of your audience and they 'll pay more attention and share your content .

  27. 该书富有新意,研究深入细致,无疑它将会吸引普通读者的兴趣,同时也将会引起学者的关注。

    Thoughtfully written and meticulously researched , this compilation of essays should appeal to both general and academic readers .

  28. 新闻特写不仅提供了新闻报道,而且通过可读性吸引读者的兴趣。

    News feature is not merely to provide events , but to improve the readability to arouse readers ' interest .

  29. 这本书将受到学者们的欢迎,同时也会引起一般读者的兴趣。

    While the book will be welcomed by scholars , it will make an immediate appeal to the general reader .

  30. 为了使大,你必须留住读者感兴趣,回来到自己的博客一次又一次。

    In order to make it big , you have to keep readers interested and coming back to your blog again and again .