
  1. 浅析《小说月报》的读者批评专栏

    A Study of the Reader Critique Column in Novels Monthly

  2. 三曹诗歌之读者批评范式刍论

    On the Critical Paradigms of Readers for the Poetry by Three Caos

  3. 读者批评使文学的价值与功能得以实现;

    Reader 's criticism turns the value and function of the literature into reality .

  4. 译者的水平有限,翻译中可能会犯下一些错误,欢迎读者批评指正!

    The translator is limited , translation may be made some mistakes , welcome readers correct !

  5. 黑暗中的戏剧观众&试论“读者批评”在戏剧评论中的应用

    Audience in the Darkness & On the Application of " Reader Criticism " in Drama Criticism

  6. 有些读者批评这本书花大量笔墨进行形而上学的探讨,但在商业建议方面着墨不多。

    Some reviewers have knocked the book for being light on business advice and long on metaphysical talk .

  7. 本文以读者批评理论中不同读者模式为基础分析了盖茨比不同身份解读的过程。

    With the analysis from the reader criticism the paper discusses the course of different kinds of interpretation of Gatsby 's identity .

  8. 英国18世纪感伤主义小说的显著特点是着重情感表现,这是该类文学遭到后世读者批评的原因之一。

    The most prominent feature of the18th century English sentimental novel is indulgence in emotion , which has invited criticism from later readers .

  9. 本文是结合作者的真切体会,就项目的实施的主要方面进行论述,敬请读者批评指证。

    And the paper , based upon personal experience , is a discussion over major aspects , which is open to any criticism and comments .

  10. 在集中讨论更重要更激进的读者批评理论家斯坦利·费希之前,限于篇幅我只简单介绍少数几位学者。

    I can unfortunately select only a few individuals to mention in this brief survey of critical theory before focusing on one of the more prominent and radical reader-response critics , Stanley Fish .

  11. 正是由于CDA的产生,它能够帮助读者培养批评意识,进行批评性阅读并增强其反控制意识。

    Thanks to CDA , it is helpful to raise readers ' awareness , to lead them to conduct critical reading and acquire their anti-control consciousness .

  12. 读者反应批评&文学翻译批评新视角

    Reader-Response Criticism : A New Perspective on Literary Criticism

  13. 读者反应批评在戏剧教学中的运用

    Application of Reader-response Criticism in the Teaching of Drama

  14. 散居族裔批评与美国华裔文学研究文学批评理论与英美文学教学的新思路&以新批评和读者反应批评理论为例

    Literary Criticism and the New Approach to the Methodology of Teaching British and American Literature

  15. 其实践意义在于帮助读者提高批评阅读能力,提高对新闻媒体的反控制意识。

    Its practical implication lies on helping the readers promote the ability of critical reading .

  16. 本书作者从读者的批评中获益匪浅。

    The author of the book benefited a lot from the criticism of his readers .

  17. 本文旨在从读者反应批评的角度对读者在翻译,特别是文学文本翻译中的地位进行重新审视。

    This dissertation aims at examining the role of the reader in the translation of literary texts .

  18. 读者反应批评,又称接受美学、接受理论、接受反应文论等。

    Reader-response Criticism , also called Reception Aesthetics , Reception Theory , Reception and Responses Literary Theory .

  19. 她在2003年推出的第八部小说《爱》一经问世便受到了读者和批评界的广泛关注。

    Her eighth novel Love has drawn attention from readers and critics since it was published in 2003 .

  20. 首先指出读者反应批评对解读福克纳作品的有用性;

    Firstly , it is pointed out that Reader-Response Criticism can be effectively applied in understanding Faulkner 's works .

  21. 最后一章基于文本细读和读者反映批评着重挖掘《夜车》中的现实和后现代主义元素。

    The last chapter directs attention to the realism and postmodernism in Night Train based upon close reading and reader-response criticism .

  22. 对高校图书馆违规读者进行批评教育的工作艺术违反这些规则者将受罚。

    The Working Art of Criticizing the Readers Who Breaks the Rules in the University Library Disregard of these regulations will be punished .

  23. 结构主义批评、叙事学批评、读者反应批评、后殖民批评、女性主义批评、解构主义批评及其它一些方法。

    Main sub-themes are structural criticism , narrative criticism , reader-response criticism , post-colonial criticism , feminist criticism , deconstructive criticism and other ways .

  24. 读者反应批评大师沃夫冈·伊泽尔在研究了这些理论的优、缺点之后,推出了“隐含读者”这个概念。

    Wolfgang Iser , a scholar of aesthetic response , presents a concept of " the implied reader " after studying the other models carefully .

  25. 第八章1949&1957年的左支右绌,作家的检讨和对读者的批评构成了这一阶段的特色景观。

    We figure out that the criticisms audience and the self-questioning author are the characteristic during this period ( 1949-1957 ) in the chapter 8 .

  26. 运用读者反应批评理论,从这四个方面入手进行分析,我们得知现代派小说的阅读将离不开读者的创造、重构。

    This paper attempts to apply the reader - response criticism to illustrate that readers are to recreate and reconstruct the text when they read the novels of modernism from the above four - mentioned characteristics .

  27. 虽然威廉·华兹华斯通常被读者和批评界视为一位伟大的自然诗人,但是事实上很少有人注意到,他非常关注那些在大自然中艰难生存的普通百姓的命运。

    William Wordsworth is generally regarded by the readers and critics as a great nature poet . Very few of them , however , seem to have noticed the fact that he pays more attention to country folks ' hard life .

  28. 然后以《八月之光》为例运用读者反应批评主要是伊瑟尔的观点,针对读者对文本最富争议的不确定性与空缺的反应展开讨论;

    Then the Criticism , especially the approach proposed by Wolfgang Iser , is employed to analyze in detail the most disputable " indeterminacy " and " gaps " in the text of Light in August , as a typical example .

  29. 美国读者反应批评打开了通向讨论文学解释中个人体验的大门。其主要理念是:文学是通过读者的阅读体验,促进读者对文本意义进行创造性的创作和现实化。

    The American Reader-response Criticism , whose gist is to stimulate the creation and actualization of the literature text on the part of the readers by their reading experience , turns a new page to reflecting readers ' experience in literature appreciation .

  30. 基于这样的现实背景,作者将读者反应批评理论的思想提出来并研究它在语文阅读教学中的实践可操作性也就显得尤为重要。

    Their interests in reading become less and less . Because of such a realistic background , it is particularly important for the author to put forward the thoughts of reader-response criticism theory and study the operation nature of practice in Chinese reading instruction .