
dú zhě lái xìn
  • letters to the editor;readers' letters
  1. 今天的《中国日报》刊登了两封读者来信。

    Two letters to the editor were published in today 's China daily .

  2. 社论、评论和读者来信。

    Editorials , commentaries , letters to the editor .

  3. 她浏览杂志寻找读者来信页。

    She flipped through the magazine looking for the letters page .

  4. 马林关于诺森布里亚的文章刊出后读者来信纷至沓来。

    Marling 's article on Northumbria attracted a large postbag .

  5. 许多困惑的读者来信询问进一步的信息。

    Lots of letters from perplexed readers asking for further information .

  6. 小报上往往有求友、求婚的专栏,主持这个专栏并负责回答读者来信的人。

    A tabloid lonely hearts columnist who answers questions from readers .

  7. 这家报纸欢迎读者来信发表见解。

    The newspaper invited readers to write in with their views .

  8. 关于雷米普利治疗脑卒中的读者来信总结烤烟漂浮育苗剪叶中的超越补偿效应研究

    Summary of responses Study of Overcompensation Responses on Float-seeding of Flue-cured Tobacco

  9. 欢迎读者来信反馈意见。

    Readers are invited to write in with their comments .

  10. 因而对于读者来信的研究也就有着其不可替代的价值了。

    Thus the study of letters from readers will have its irreplaceable value .

  11. 我们请读者来信谈他们的观点。

    We asked our readers to write in and give us their views .

  12. 这份报纸的读者来信栏是公众意见的论坛。

    The letters page of this newspaper is a forum for public argument .

  13. 我们尽可能快地答复读者来信。

    We try to answer reader 's letters as promptly as we can .

  14. 有些读者来信要求知道更多的情况。

    Some readers wrote in for more information .

  15. 从你的读者来信专栏看,哈罗德威尔逊好像是个批评不得的人。

    It seems from your correspondence column that Harold Wilson is a sacred cow .

  16. 你可能会注意到本期《读者来信》只有一页内容。

    You 'll notice that the Letters page is only one page this month .

  17. 只对一般的新闻故事进行编码&排除社论、评论和读者来信。

    Code regular news stories only-not editorials , commentaries , letters to the editor .

  18. 但也有关心我的读者来信,问我找到了烧饼没有?

    But also have about my letters and asked me to find a pancake ?

  19. 不满的读者来信抱怨报纸的新的版面设计。

    Disgruntled readers wrote in to complain about the new style layout of the paper .

  20. 报纸发表读者来信的版面是有限的,报纸网站则没有。

    A newspaper has limited space to run letters ; a newspaper website does not .

  21. 本杂志欢迎读者来信。

    We invite readers'letters for this magazine .

  22. 雪片般的读者来信强烈反对这种野蛮的交易。

    It was flooded with letters from readers decrying the brutal nature of the trade .

  23. 读者来信版是读者们交换意见的有益园地。

    The letters page serves as a useful forum for the exchange of readers ' views .

  24. 作为一个读者来信专栏的作者,我见惯了人们向我诉说他们的工作毫无意义。

    As an agony aunt , I am used to people telling me that their jobs are meaningless .

  25. 读者来信选登

    Letters from the readers

  26. 与这些读者来信一起还刊登对这些问题的回答,由那些被认为能够解决这些问题的人来撰写。

    Along with the letters there are answers written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems .

  27. 不过她后来收到了大量充满感激之情的读者来信,他们通常是向她倾诉自己的痛苦经历。

    Yet she has been deluged with mail from grateful readers , who have poured forth their own , often harrowing experiences .

  28. 有位读者来信指出,事实上,所谓的“救助”是政府以兀鹫基金形式运作的成功投资。

    One reader writes to point out the so-called " bail-outs " were in fact successful investments by governments operating as vulture funds .

  29. 几周之前,一位读者来信要求我写一篇关于审计中国公司的现金和银行存款(此后简称现金)科目的文章。

    A reader wrote to me a few weeks ago asking that I post an article about the auditing of cash in Chinese companies .

  30. 阅读“读者来信”也能帮你发现本领域内的争议,而任何解决这些争议的工作都是期刊编辑所乐见的。

    Reading letters to the editor can point to controversies in your field , and any work resolving these would be considered appealing to journal editors .