
  • 网络financial resource
  1. 该公司把其信誉押在这上面了,更不要说它还投入了可观的技术和财务资源,限制斯诺登披露的大规模监听、监视。

    It has staked its corporate reputation , not to mention the investment of considerable technical and financial resources , on limiting the sort of mass surveillance that was uncovered by Mr. Snowden .

  2. 企业RD投入活动的影响因素分析基于企业财务资源观

    Factors Impacting Enterprise R D Activities Base on the Perspective of Financial Resources

  3. X报业集团财务资源整合的研究

    Research of Chengdu Daily News Group on Integrated Finance Resources

  4. ERP系统是一种主要面向制造行业进行物质资源、人力资源、财务资源和信息资源集成一体化管理的企业管理软件系统。

    ERP system is an enterprise management software system integrating management of material human resources , financial resources and information resources for the manufacturing sector .

  5. 而且Drupal能够根据组织的要求、技术能力和财务资源,适应于任何变化的情况。

    And Drupal can suit any variation in between , depending on the requirements , technical savvy , and financial resources of the organization .

  6. EVA是2002年在CCB银行总行开始引进的,CCB银行将其运用到综合经营计划当中,作为财务资源配置、绩效考评和激励约束机制的核心指标。

    EVA was introduced in the head office of CCB in 2002 , the CCB applied it during the synthetic management scheme , as the core index of financial resources collocation , performance estimate and the institution of encouragement and restriction .

  7. 然后从人力资源、管理资源、财务资源、经营资源四个方面对大连联通的内部条件进行了分析,得出了大连联通的关键内部因素,并列出了大连联通的IFE矩阵。

    Afterwards we analysis the inside conditions of the Dalian Unicom from 4 sides such as Human Resources , Management Resources , Finance Resources and Operation Resources , and we also use the AHP method to get the IFE Matrix of Dalian Unicom .

  8. 财务资源的开发和利用&运输成本管理

    Develop and Utilize of Financial Resources - management of Traffic Cost

  9. 现金对公司来讲,是一项非常重要的财务资源。

    Cash is a crucial financial resource for the enterprises .

  10. 还要监测国家红十字会财务资源的多样化、稳定性。

    It will also measure the diversity and stability of financial sources .

  11. 商业银行核心竞争力与财务资源配置研究

    Study on the Core Competitiveness of Commercial Banks and Allocation of Financial Resources

  12. 论企业财务资源优化

    About the Optimizing of the Enterprises ' Financial Resources

  13. 资源影响因素包括人力资源、财务资源和信息技术。

    Resource influencing factor includes human resources , information systems , and financial resources .

  14. 本文分四章系统分析了企业并购的财务资源整合问题。

    This article departs four chapters to analysis the reorganization of financial resource after M & A.

  15. 因此,确定财务资源承载力是企业进行增长决策的首要任务。

    So , deciding financial resources carrying capacity becomes the premier task to make a growth decision .

  16. 由于企业所处生命周期阶段的不同,企业内部所拥有的财务资源和财务能力是不同的,这就决定了在一定时期内,企业所具有的资源和实力是有限的。

    In the different life cycle stages , financial resource and financial ability of the enterprise are different .

  17. 资源管理应当包括确定财务资源需求和确定财务资源来源的活动。

    Resource management should include activities for determining the needs for , and sources of , financial resources .

  18. 请确保你提出的资本结构能保证你有财务资源来实现你的计划。

    Make sure that the proposed capital structure ensures that you have the financial resources to deliver the plan .

  19. 但是,过快的增长又容易导致企业资金链紧张,财务资源出现短缺的状况。

    However , rapid growth companies , easily lead to a shortage of funds and corporate financial resource constraints .

  20. 资本密集需要大量财务资源生产个别货品的生产过程或行业。

    Capital intensive a process or industry that requires large sums of financial resources to produce a particular good .

  21. 财务资源的控制应当包括将资金的实际使用情况与计划相比较的活动,以及采取必要的措施。

    The control of financial resources should include activities for comparing actual usage against plans , and taking necessary action .

  22. 不过,阿绍尔认为,卡扎菲上校的财务资源正在耗尽,无力支援效忠他的支持力量。

    However , Ashour believes that Gadhafi is running out of financial resources to buy the loyalty of his supporters .

  23. 现行以财务资源与财务状况为重心的企业财务报告体系存在明显的局限,受到各界的激烈批评。

    Focusing on financial resources and position , the existing enterprise financial statement system has obvious limitations and attracts widespread criticism .

  24. 而微观层面的研究较少关注企业创造性地整合现有资源,创造出新的财务资源的自助法行为。

    The studies put less attention to micro-level which means creatively integrate existing enterprise resources , creating self-help and new financial resources .

  25. 而财务资源是企业各种资源的综合体现,是企业增长的物质基础。

    Furthermore , financial resource is the complex representation of every resource in the company and the material base of enterprise development .

  26. 它们可以是人员、基础设施、工作环境、信息、供方和合作者、自然资源以及财务资源。

    Resources may be people , infrastructure , work environment , information , suppliers and partners , natural resources and financial resources .

  27. 在对论题的阐述时,引入了能力经济论的相关理论,将企业财务资源同企业财务能力及企业核心能力有机结合起来,从更深层次论述了企业购并中财务资源整合的管理行为。

    Use theory of capability economics to combine financial resource with financial capability and core-capability , demonstrate the financial resource reconfiguration more deeply .

  28. 第一部分从资源的一般理论引致对财务资源的具体界定,简要论述了财务资源的基本理论问题,确立了本文论述财务资源整合的出发点;

    The first part is a detailed description including the basic theory about the financial and the detailed definition of the financial resource .

  29. 协定还约定一项共同目标,即争取必要的财务资源和技术,帮助发展中国家在工业化进程中控制自己的碳足迹。

    It also agreed a common cause to seek financial resources and technology to help developing countries control their carbon footprints as they industrialise .

  30. 其次,对内部资本市场人力资本资源、财务资源、信息资源和关系资源的获取途径分别进行了探讨。

    Secondly , this paper discusses some approaches of gaining internal capital markets human capital resources , financial resources , information resources and relation resources .