
  • 网络Financial flexibility
  1. 财务弹性即为企业采取措施满足未来不能预料的资金需求的能力。

    Financial flexibility for enterprise take measures to satisfy future unexpected funding needs .

  2. 中国上市公司资本结构调整行为研究:一个财务弹性的视角

    Adjustment Behavior of the Chinese Listed Companies ' Capital Structure : On Financial Flexibility

  3. 四是企业的财务弹性;

    Four is the enterprise 's finance flexibility ;

  4. 财务弹性不仅是一项重要的财务决策,而且是资本结构理论中缺失的重要链接。

    Financial flexibility is not only an important financial decision , but also the important missing link in the capital structure theory .

  5. 考虑了财务弹性价值后的优序融资理论和权衡理论更能经得起实证数据的检验。

    After considering the value of financial flexibility , both the pecking order theory and trade-off theory can stand more strict empirical check .

  6. 与正常经营时期相比,危机时期下财务弹性对投资支出的影响更显著。

    And the positive effect of financial flexibility on investment becomes significantly stronger under financial crisis period than situation under normal business operation period .

  7. 现金流量表帮助报表使用者合理估计和预测企业未来的支付能力和偿债能力,评价企业未来的财务弹性。

    The cash flow statements will aid the rational prediction and evaluation of the potential capability of payment and compensate for debt of a company .

  8. 将股权自由现金流的较大比例返还给股东,同时保持一定的财务弹性。

    At the same time of maintaining financial flexibility , a large proportion of free cash flow of equity have been paid out to shareholders .

  9. 随着国内外市场环境愈加复杂多变,提高财务弹性逐渐受到更多企业的青睐。

    There are more and more enterprises in favor of improving financial flexibility while foreign and domestic market environment is getting more complicated and changeable .

  10. 国内很多学者虽然对财务弹性进行了大量研究,但对于财务弹性同资金分配的研究以及针对国内资本市场的实证研究涉足较少,缺乏成果。

    Although many domestic scholars have conducted extensive research on the financial flexibility , but with the allocation of funds for financial flexibility for empirical studies of the domestic capital market to get involved fewer , and the lack of results .