
  1. 其次,本文通过引入BOT项目财务评价体系,介绍了BOT项目财务评价的内容、方法和步骤,为下一步研究准备。

    Thus the crucial role of private capital financing is shown to readers . Secondly , through the introduction of BOT project financial evaluation system , this paper introduces the contents , methods and steps in BOT project financial evaluation , which prepares for further study .

  2. 政府投资项目非财务评价体系探讨

    A Study on the Non-financial Evaluation System of Government Investment Project in China

  3. 住宅开发项目财务评价体系研究

    An Analysis on Financial Evaluation Systemof Residential Investment Projects

  4. 本文的目的是构建基于可持续发展的财务评价体系。

    According to the requirement of sustainable development , the paper aims to construct a new financial evaluation system .

  5. 然后通过上市公司数据,举例说明了灰色关联分析方法在财务评价体系中的应用。

    And listing company data , it illustrates the application of gray relational analysis method in the financial evaluation system .

  6. 在此基础之上,建立起信贷资产风险等级财务评价体系,风险等级判别分析模型和迁移模型。

    This paper builds up the credit risk evaluation system , risk rank grading model and risk rank transformation model .

  7. 随着经济的发展和环境问题的日益突出,企业的环境经济活动已纳入企业的财务评价体系。

    With the economic growth and the increasingly prominent environmental problem , the enterprises'environmental economic activities have been put into the enterprises'financial appraisal system .

  8. 最后一部分是实证研究部分,验证了本文提出的财务评价体系。

    The last part , under value a venture capital project by the system , has confirmed the financial appraisal system that this article proposed .

  9. 政府投资项目的非财务评价体系应该包括战略、政治、社会、技术、环境、组织和综合评价等内容。

    Non-financial Evaluation System of government investment project should include contents such as tactic , politics , society , technique , circumstance , organizing , and synthesis estimate .

  10. 在实证部分,基于研究数据的可获取性,本文构建了一套企业社会责任的财务评价体系。

    In the empirical part , this essay builds a set of corporate social responsibility of the financial evaluation system on the base of accessibility of the statistics .

  11. 为规范并指导科学的指标体系和指标计算,我国对建设项目财务评价体系与计算做出了相关的要求和规定。

    In order to regulate and guide the scientific indicators and indicators calculation , Chinese government gives relevant requirements and regulations on to the construction project financial evaluation system and indicators calculation .

  12. 其次,根据股票的内在价值理论,提出了基于股票估值的公司价值财务评价体系,然后依据财务指标建立了突变级数法的公司价值评价模型。

    Second , we put forward stock-evaluation-based property index system of corporation value , according to the stock inside value theory . And , we establish corporation value evaluation model of catastrophe theory on the basis of financial index .

  13. 最后,本文利用改进的地铁财务评价体系对深圳地铁3号线西延线项目进行了评价,并对该项目有无采取改进措施的两个方面做了比较。

    Finally , to improve the use of the subway system and the financial evaluation of the Shenzhen Metro Line 3 West Extension project was evaluated , and whether or not the project to take measures have done a comparison of the two .

  14. 虽然理论界和实务界建有很多财务评价体系,但这些体系多侧重于业绩评价,缺乏对自主创新因素的考虑,更没有考虑到时间、空间、主体三个维度的影响。

    Although the theory and practice community has a lot of financial evaluation system , but more focused on performance evaluation systems , lack of innovation considerations , not taking into account time , space , the main impact of the three dimensions .

  15. 股份制企业财务评价指标体系初探

    Research on index System of Appraising Finance for Share System Enterprises

  16. 建设项目财务评价指标体系与财务效益的判断

    Finance Indicators and Adjudgment of Financial Profit for Project Evaluation

  17. 商业银行财务绩效评价体系的评述和构建

    The Assessment and Establishment of Financial Performance Appraisal System for Commercial Banks

  18. 农业投资项目财务评价指标体系研究

    Financial Evaluating Indictor System of Agricultural Investment Project Research

  19. 基于模糊数学视角财务评价指标体系优化研究

    A Research on Optimizing Appraisal Indicators System of Financial Based on the Fuzzy Mathematics

  20. 基于现金流量信息的企业财务评价指标体系研究

    The Study on Financial Index System of Performance Evaluation Based on Cash Flow Information

  21. 建立科学的国际筹资财务评价指标体系意义重大。

    It is great significance to set up scientific international finance evaluation index system .

  22. 高新技术企业内部财务评价指标体系与激励机制研究

    Study on the Financial Indexes System for Internal Evaluation and the Incentive Policy of Hi-tech Enterprises

  23. 现行企业财务评价指标体系存在着诸多缺陷。

    The current index system for the assessment of financial affairs in industries has many defects .

  24. 企业绩效非财务评价指标体系的构建

    Constructing non-financial achievement evaluation index system

  25. 不可否认,传统财务业绩评价体系在工业经济时代曾发挥过重要作用。

    Undeniable , traditional financial achievement appraising system era give play to important function in industrial economy .

  26. 高校财务综合评价体系指标体系有效性研究

    Research on the Efficiency of the Index System in the Comprehensive Financial Evaluation System of Higher Education

  27. 本文重点对哈尔滨市都市农业企业非财务绩效评价体系展开研究。

    This article focuses on the city of Harbin City , agricultural enterprises , non-financial performance evaluation system study .

  28. 鉴于财务绩效评价体系固有的局限性,平衡计分卡绩效评价体系应运而生且方兴未艾。

    Since the the inherent limitations of financial performance evaluation system , balanced scorecard performance evaluation system emerged and prospering .

  29. 有鉴于此,本文基于价值导向从综合绩效的角度构建了上市公司财务竞争力评价体系。

    For this reason , this paper builds a value-oriented evaluation system of financial competitiveness from the perspective of comprehensive performance .

  30. 通过观察这些敏感性指标的变化,企业会采取相应的解决办法去防范和控制风险,这就需要建立一个相对完善财务风险评价体系。

    Through the observation of the change , the sensitivity index enterprise will take corresponding solution to prevent and control the risk .