
  • 网络financial adviser;Finance Consultant;Financial Advisor;Financial Advisory;Consultant
  1. 如有任何疑问,请向财务顾问咨询。

    If you are in any doubt , consult a financial adviser .

  2. 如果想和我们的财务顾问通话,拨打422222。

    Ring four two double two double two if you 'd like to speak to our financial adviser .

  3. 她这样描述这份工作:“我们帮助(客户)了解他们面临的选择。我们可以提供意见,帮忙制定计划,指导他们度过艰难的时期、与律师和财务顾问等离婚方面的专业人士会面。”

    She describes the work : " We help educate [ clients ] about their options . We can act as a sounding board , help put together a plan , coach through difficult periods as well as guide clients through meetings with divorce professionals such as attorneys and financial advisers7 . "

  4. 美国运通财务顾问(AmericanExpressFinancialAdvisors)去年为集团贡献了四分之一的利润,但目前的表现仍令人失望。

    The performance of American Express Financial Advisors , which provided a quarter of profits last year , is still disappointing .

  5. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)也已正式提出辞任该被终止交易的财务顾问。

    Morgan Stanley has also tendered its resignation as financial adviser in the terminated deal .

  6. 它是独立财务顾问公司Sesame负责人写的圣诞贺词。

    It is a Christmas message from the head of Sesame , an independent financial adviser .

  7. 像凯塞尔这样的财务顾问还有很多,他们把瑜伽和冥想从静修处带出来,把它们与Excel电子表格结合在了一起。

    He is one of a breed of financial advisers who are taking yoga and meditation out of the ashram and putting them into Excel spreadsheets .

  8. 英迈的财务顾问是摩根士丹利(MorganStanley&Co.),法律顾问是达维律师事务所(DavisPolk&Wardwell)。

    Morgan Stanley & Co. acted as financial adviser and Davis Polk & Wardwell acted as legal counsel to Ingram .

  9. LLC公司是比塞洛斯有关收购协议和承诺函方面的财务顾问;

    LLC acted as financial advisor to Bucyrus with respect to the acquisition agreement and commitment letter .

  10. 他补充道,此项方案已得到独立财务顾问公司洛希尔(rothschild)的支持。

    He added that the proposal had been supported by Rothschild , the independent financial adviser .

  11. 尤金选择了塞格尔(Sagar),来自纽约布鲁克林区的脱口秀笑星及兼职财务顾问。

    Eugene picked Sagar , a stand-up comedian and part-time financial consultant from Brooklyn .

  12. 另一位加盟的明星银行家是从瑞银集团挖来的安格斯•巴克(AngusBarker),担任该行财务顾问业务主管。

    Another star recruit is Angus Barker , who was lured away from UBS to head the bank 's financial sponsors unit .

  13. 与凯塞尔和舍曼一样,杰夫•博加特(JeffBogart)也是金德的门徒。博加特去年创建了YogicInvesting,这是他位于克利夫兰(Cleveland)地区的财务顾问公司的分部,是受瑜伽思想启发而建立的。

    Jeff Bogart , like Messrs. Kessel and Sherman a Kinder disciple , launched Yogic Investing , a yoga-inspired branch of his Cleveland-area financial-advisory firm last year . '

  14. 来自美国佛罗里达州坦帕市(Tampa)的财务顾问保罗·库斯玛(PaulCusma)说,他在打理客户资金的时候非常谨慎,为的是保证他们中间的退休者“不必重返工作岗位”。

    Paul Cusma manages his clients ' money cautiously , so the retirees among them ' don 't have to go back to work , ' says the Tampa , Fla. , financial adviser .

  15. 据内部人士透露,法国-瑞士私人银行和资产管理公司爱德蒙德罗斯柴尔德(EdmonddeRothschild,又称爱德蒙德洛希尔)集团即将向法国财务顾问公司RothschildCie发出禁止令。

    Edmond de Rothschild Group , a Franco-Swiss private bank and asset manager , is about to issue a cease-and-desist order to the French financial adviser Rothschild Cie , insiders have disclosed .

  16. 据内部人士透露,法国-瑞士私人银行和资产管理公司爱德蒙德罗斯柴尔德(EdmonddeRothschild,又称爱德蒙德洛希尔)集团即将向法国财务顾问公司Rothschild&Cie发出禁止令。

    Edmond de Rothschild Group , a Franco-Swiss private bank and asset manager , is about to issue a cease-and-desist order to the French financial adviser Rothschild & Cie , insiders have disclosed .

  17. 海航集团的首席财务顾问是中国国际金融股份有限公司和BraviaCapital,法律顾问是威嘉律师事务所(WeilGotshal&Manges)。

    China International Capital Corporation and Bravia Capital acted as lead financial advisers to HNA Group , and Weil , Gotshal & Manges acted as legal counsel .

  18. 位于伊利诺斯州罗克福德的SavantCapitalManagement的财务顾问勒舍尔(JakeLoescher)称,从预算角度来看,这是第一步,也是最重要的一步。勒舍尔最近初为人父。

    I think this is the first and most important step from a budgetary standpoint , ' says Jake Loescher , a financial adviser with Rockford , Ill . - based Savant Capital Management , and a new dad himself .

  19. 像saundersonhouse这样的财务顾问公司正日益涌现,他们正紧跟老牌私人银行的步伐,面向富裕客户推出了完全免除佣金的理财模式,以管理费取而代之。

    Saunderson house is representative of a growing number of firms of financial advisers that are snapping at the heels of the established private banks by targeting wealthy clients with an entirely commission-free model and embracing fees instead .

  20. 由于本人长期关注民营企业治理的问题,接触较多的民营企业,并且现在在福建TYK公司担任财务顾问,对民营企业内部控制了解较多。

    Because I have long concerned about the issue of private corporate governance and communicated with more private enterprises .

  21. 担任公司财务顾问的珍尼•施密特(JeanneSchmidt)是个骨灰级的乐观主义者。她说,“我想不出有什么事情称得上是真正失败的。我无法忍受让那些不愿花心思费力气的悲观主义者执掌大权。”

    I can 't think of anything that I would call a true failure , ' says Jeanne Schmidt , a corporate finance consultant and black-belt optimist . ' I can 't stand it , ' she adds , when the why-bother pessimists take charge .

  22. 企业改制和战略收购财务顾问;

    Acting as financial advisor for enterprise restructure and strategic merger ;

  23. 其次,利用财务顾问的业绩记录来弄清楚他们是如何做决定的。

    Next , use the advisers'record to understand how they make decisions .

  24. 与证券交易、证券投资活动有关的财务顾问;

    Financial advising relating to activities of securities trading or securities investment ;

  25. 最后,对财务顾问声称非常一贯的回报保持警觉。

    Finally , be watchful for claims of all-too-consistent returns .

  26. 在绝望中,大家从外面请来一位备受尊重的财务顾问。

    Desperate , the family brings in a well-regarded outside financial adviser .

  27. 财务顾问:商业银行增强核心竞争力的战略选择

    Financial Consultation : the Strategic Choice of Strengthening Core Competition of Commercial Banks

  28. 一些财务顾问着迷于瑜伽所带来的启示。

    Some financial advisers revel in yoga 's revelations .

  29. 财务顾问业务是商业银行中间业务的一种。

    Financial advisory business is one of the intermediary services commercial banks engage in .

  30. 特德最近退休了,正在和他的财务顾问萨利谈话。

    Ted , a recent retiree , is talking to his financial planner sally .