
  • 网络Financing activities;financial activity
  1. 企业的财务活动和财务管理都是在一定环境和条件下展开的,加入WTO后,我国企业财务管理面临的外部环境将随之改变。

    Both financial activities and financial managements of enterprises are carried out under certain circumstances and conditions . The external surroundings of our country 's enterprises'financial management will change accordingly after China entering WTO .

  2. 上世纪90年代末,在多次国会听证会让外国腐败官员将钱转移至美国的问题突显出来后,司法部(JusticeDepartment)寻求扩充行业名单,要求被列入名单的行业审查政治敏感人物的财务活动。

    It might not have turned out this way . In the late 1990s , after congressional hearings highlighted corrupt foreign officials with money in the United States , the Justice Department sought to expand the list of industries required to screen the financial activities of politically exposed people .

  3. 在市场经济条件下,财务活动不可避免地遇到财务风险。

    Under the market economic condition , financial risk is unavoidable .

  4. 企业财务活动过程中的纳税筹划研究

    Research of Tax-Paying Plan in Process of the Financial Affairs

  5. 投资活动是企业最基本的财务活动。

    Investment behavior is one of most basic financial activities of enterprise .

  6. 加强企业财务活动中的风险管理

    Strengthening the risk management of financial operation in enterprises

  7. 财务活动与财务关系战略的竞争优势分析

    An Analysis on Competitive Advantage of Strategies of Financial Activity and Financial Relations

  8. 投资与融资是企业资金运动不可分割的两方面,他们构成了企业的两项基本财务活动。

    The financing and investment are the two basic financial activities of a company .

  9. 在企业整个会计财务活动中起着统领和指导的作用。

    Throughout the accounting and financial activities in the enterprise plays a guide role .

  10. 投资决策和融资决策是现代公司财务活动最为核心的内容之一。

    Financing decision and investment decision are the core business activities of a company .

  11. 财务活动常在有风险的情况下进行。

    Financial activities are always conducted in risk .

  12. 总目标与具体目标互为条件,共同推动财务活动的良性循环。

    Both are interdependent , and critical to the benign cycle of financial activities .

  13. 互联网对企业财务活动的影响

    Internet affecting in finance action of enterprise

  14. 家族企业作为一种重要的经济体,必然离不开财务活动。

    The family business being as an important economy will not operate without financial activities .

  15. 军队企业如何驾驭财务活动风险

    Controlling financial risks in military enterprises

  16. 研究背景股利政策是现代公司理财活动的三大核心之一,在公司财务活动中占据着重要地位。

    Research background : The dividend policy is one of the most important activities of corporate finance .

  17. 对非营利组织财务活动的各个层面进行了系统的分析,尤其是对资金配置的过程环节进行了较为详尽的研究。

    A systematic analysis is made of the various aspects of the financial activities of non-profit organizations .

  18. 市场经济环境下,企业的财务活动会遇到各种各样的风险。

    In market economy environment , the financial activities of enterprises will encounter all kinds of risks .

  19. 急剧的环境变化导致企业财务活动在每个环节中都面临许多的不确定性。

    Rapid changes in the environment of enterprise financial activities in each link will face many uncertainties .

  20. 高等学校的财务活动应当依法接受监督。

    Financial activities of institutions of higher learning should be subject to supervision in accordance with law .

  21. 首先,论述了企业财务活动及企业财务关系的战略思想;

    First , we discuss the strategic ideas on the financial activities and financial relationships of the enterprises .

  22. 所以,企业可以从财务活动的角度进行整体税收筹划,以获得更多的税后收益。

    Therefore , enterprises from the angle of financial activities to make tax planning may be more suitable .

  23. 负责指导公司的会计和财务活动,确保准确且及时出具财务报告;

    Job Responsibilities-Responsible for directing the company 's accounting and finance activities ensuring accurate and timely financial reporting .

  24. 并购活动是一项复杂的高风险投资活动,财务活动是其核心。

    M & A activity is a complex high-risk investment activities , financial activity is at its core .

  25. 从公司财务活动的重要性分析,公司的投资决策是根本意义上的、第一位的财务决策。

    In the importance analysis of the company finance activity , the investment is the most important finance decision .

  26. 股利政策与筹资决策、投资决策被公认为是企业财务活动的三个核心内容。

    Dividend policy , financing decision and investment decision are considered as three core elements of corporate financial activities .

  27. 小金库严重扰乱了财务活动秩序,危害极大。

    The small coffer , which has disturbed seriously the order of the financial activities , is very dangerous .

  28. 价值链财务活动导致人们对财务主体边界的模糊,但实际上并没有超越其现实的边界。

    The author believes that financial activities in value-chain can 't break through the actual boundary of financing body .

  29. 控制好子公司的财务活动,才能更有效的控制子公司的经营活动。

    Good control of subsidiary companies ' financial activities leads to the successful control of subsidiary companies ' business activities .

  30. 这个方法能很大程度上降低你感染病毒的机会,并保护你的网上财务活动。

    This will greatly reduce the chance you 'll pick up a virus that will infect your online financial activities .