
  • 网络Financial System;finance system;FMIS;sun system
  1. 基于WindowSDNA技术的网络财务系统的实现

    Implementation of Network Financial System Based on Windows DNA Technology

  2. 然后本文分析如何基于SAP进行电力行业财务系统的实施。

    Then the paper analyzes based on the SAP financial system implementation of the power industry .

  3. 基于ERP的快速反应财务系统研究

    Study on the Finance System with Prompt Response Based on ERP

  4. 目前,ERP、财务系统、办公自动化系统以等在化工企业得到了广泛的应用。

    ERP systems , financial information systems and OA systems are widely adopted in chemical companies .

  5. 第四章详细阐述了XX集团集中化的大财务系统的IT规划解决方案。

    Chapter four explains XX group solution of integral heavy financial system in detail .

  6. 基于EAI技术的异构财务系统整合

    The Group Financial System Integration Based on EAI Technology

  7. 企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP)作为一种先进的管理理念,从企业的整体管理出发,利用网络信息化技术将企业所有部门的业务流程进行整合,明显优于传统的财务系统。

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ), as an advanced management concept , starting from the overall management of the enterprise , using network information technology companies in all sectors of the business process integration , is better than the traditional financial system .

  8. 系统设计的模块主要有:FAM财务系统的基础模块、FMIS子系统模块、EAM子系统模块等。

    System design modules are mainly : FAM financial system is based on modules , FMIS sub-system modules , EAM subsystem module .

  9. 同这些企业一样,MN电梯公司也面临管理观念落后、管理方式僵化、管理效率低下等一系列难题,但鉴于论文篇幅等原因本文只针对该公司财务系统的管理与优化问题进行深入研究。

    These issues can be crucial or even decisive for the sustainable development in the future for companies . Just like these enterprises , MN Elevator Company is also faced with outdated management ideas , rigid management , low management efficiency and a series of problems .

  10. 我目前最希望了解哪些财务系统的使用?

    Which system do you want to learn in Finance area ?

  11. 负责付款和收款在财务系统的输入。

    In charge of payment and receipt input in financial system .

  12. 业务流程重组与林业网络财务系统创新

    Business Process Re-engineering and the Innovation of Forestry Network Finance System

  13. 模糊分析方法在养老金财务系统控制中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Analysis Method in Annuity Finance System

  14. 网络财务系统的风险及防范

    Risks of Financial Network System and Precautions Against Them

  15. 现代电子财务系统实验回顾与研究前瞻

    Review and Study Expectation for Modern Electronic Finance System

  16. 设计和提高财务系统和运行模式。

    Design and improve financial systems and models .

  17. 我们需要一个透明的财务系统。

    We need a transparent financial system .

  18. 网络财务系统的远程实时查询

    Remote real-time inquiry for network financial system

  19. 用这一信息更新财务系统,调整财务储备金。

    The financial system is updated with the information and the financial reserves are adjusted .

  20. 杜邦财务系统及其改进杜邦分析法的应用研究

    An Analysis on Du Pont System

  21. 然后运用二层模糊综合评价方法给出我国养老金财务系统处于正常状态程度的描述;

    Then by two-layer fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method gives a discription of normality of this system ;

  22. 随着经济和技术的发展,财务系统网络化已成为一种必然趋势。

    With the development of economy and technology , the network financial system has became an inevitably trend .

  23. 实现高校全面预算管理和控制,通过网络财务系统的建设,实现以预算管理为核心的财务集中管理;

    To make overall budget management and control and establish a centralized system around finance within intranet systems ;

  24. 因此,企业财务系统与网上银行系统对接就成为企业十分迫切的需求。

    Therefore , the interlink between the financial systems of enterprises and the internet-bank becomes an urgent need of the enterprises .

  25. 负责整个财务系统管理,为公司管理决策提供财务分析和支持。

    Be in charge of entire financial affairs system administration , administrative decision provides financial analysis and support to the company .

  26. 龙口港信息化系统分三个子系统:财务系统、人事系统和集装箱、散杂货业务系统。

    Longkou information system is formed by three sub systems : finance system , personnel system and operation system of container and bulk cargo .

  27. 传统的杜邦财务系统,不能充分利用变动成本信息为企业内部管理提供服务。

    The traditional Du Pont financial system cannot provide service for internal management owing to its failure to make use of the variable cost information .

  28. 同时这些系统之间又需要进行数据交换,例如:财务系统需要从人事系统获取人事信息;教务系统要为学生系统和毕分办系统提供学生基本信息;

    Need to carry on data interchange again between these systems at the same time , for example : Finance Department needs to obtain personnel information from personnel ;

  29. 校园内部已经形成多个相互独立的业务系统,包括:教务系统,科研系统,人事系统,财务系统,研究生系统等。

    There are many isolated business system in campus , including educational administration system , scientific research administration system , personnel administration system , finance administration system , graduate administration system and so on .

  30. 他们应该对客户与应收账款有关的财务系统了若指掌,确保你的发票准确无误,能非常迅速地递送到客户手中。

    This person should get to know the accounts payable people at any big companies you serve , and make sure your invoices are structured right , so they flow through clients ' systems as quickly as possible .