
cái zhènɡ bāo ɡān
  • 熟语Financial responsibility;a fiscal responsibility system adopted in 1971;contract system on revenue and expenditure for local governments
  1. 财政包干分配机制使收入分配在总体上有利于经济比较发达的东部地区。

    The fiscal trunk wrapping distribution mechanism benefits the developed eastern region .

  2. 巩固完善财政包干制度

    Stabilize and perfect the financial contract system

  3. 中国的财政包干制在调动地方的积极性方面发挥了积极作用

    China 's contract responsibility system of finance played a positive role in firing the enthusiasm of local authorities

  4. 财政包干制的制度特征决定了其具有中央政府难以控制的交易成本,并具有成本递增机制。

    The overall rationing system results in the cost increasing mechanism and the transaction cost hard to control for central government .

  5. 然后文章详细地研究了改革开放以来的财政包干制和分税制,从理论上分析这些改革给经济带来的正反两方面的影响。

    Then the article studied the " Fiscal Responsibility System ( FRS )" and " Tax Sharing System ( TSS )" in detail , and analysed the influence of both sides that these reforms bring to economy theoretically .

  6. 公务接待工作失去了计划经济体制条件下的许多优势,如人才调配、物资调拨、财政包干、独家经营等等,工作模式更多地转向了为经济建设服务。

    Lost many advantages under the conditions of the planned economic system to the official reception , such as the deployment of personnel , materials allocation of fiscal responsibility , exclusive dealing , the mode of turning to serve the economic construction .

  7. 1994年开始实施的分税制财政体制,沿袭了旧体制的弊端,以基数为标志存在着财政包干体制的某些痕迹,以集权、比例分成为标志存在着体制复归的可能。

    Since started in 1994 , it has been followed by the evils of former system . Base signs there are certain marks of the Financial responsibility system , centralization and proportional participation sign the possibility to return to the old one .