
  1. 其次,分析研究了国外发达国家和发展中国家的区域财政投资政策,并吸取借鉴了一些成功的经验。

    Secondly , this articles analyses and researches the area financial investment policies of the oversea developed country and developing country , draws some successful experience .

  2. 我国财政支农投资政策的演变与创新

    Evolution and Innovation of Investment Policy of Chinese Finance ' Assistance to Agriculture

  3. 然后,从财政农业投资政策、农业补贴政策、涉农税收政策及财政支农政策工具等方面,阐述了农业工业化进程中财税政策的国际比较及启示;

    Thirdly , expounds the international comparisons and enlightenments from the agricultural investment policy , financial subsidy policy , tax policy on agriculture and the policy tool .

  4. 而支持这个总体目标的,是配套的贸易、财政和投资政策,由此带来的经济增长为数以百万计的人提供了就业与财富。

    This overriding objective was supported by complementary trade , financial and investment policies and the resulting economic growth provided jobs and prosperity for millions of people .

  5. 本文研究我国财政支农投资政策的演变过程,并对这一演变过程进行分析,结合我国当前国情,探索我国财政支农投资政策优化的创新思路。

    This article researches the evolving process of the investment policy of supporting agriculture in finance , and analyzes the effect of the evolvement . Concerning the state of a country in China , it searches the thoughts of optimizing the policy of supporting agriculture in finance .

  6. 但是,从经济发展进一步的要求来看,政府财政对农业投资政策无疑面临着更多的矛盾约束。

    But , it confronts more constraints through the requests of further economic development .

  7. 通过分析国家运用财政投资、税收政策和财政转移支付三大财政政策工具支持少数民族地区发展的现状,指出现阶段国家财政政策实施过程中存在的主要问题。

    The third part research the present condition of fiscal policy to sustain the development in the national minority region and existent key problem .

  8. 因此,本文立足于从财政投资的角度出发,提出以财政投资政策作为中部崛起的切入点。

    Therefore , this article is described from the financial investment angle , proposed by financial investment policy as the breakthrough point in the growing up of Central China .