
  • 网络Allocative Role of the Finance
  1. 公共财政资源配置职能的实现机制

    The Realization Mechanism of Function of Public Finance 's Resource Allocation

  2. 物业税的探讨因其理论基础的缺陷而搁置,我国地方税收体系又急切需要强化地方税收的财政收入和资源配置职能,由此建立土地税收制度的探讨应运而生。

    The discussion on levying property tax puts aside because of its rationale flaw , and local governments in our country are urgent to increase their tax revenue and to strengthen the resources disposition function of local taxes .

  3. 财政部门亦可以随时了解行政事业单位资产占有使用情况,为充分发挥财政的资源配置职能提供平台,为编制部门预算提供基本依据,为提升财政管理水平创造条件。

    Financial department can also investigate the application of administrative institution assets possession at any time , to give full play to the resource allocation function of financial platform , provide fundamental basis for compiling improve financial management level .