
cái zhènɡ tòu zhī
  • financial overdraft
  1. 因此,在城市发展上,硬发展导致城市范围低效盲目的扩张,土地资源浪费,城市运行成本增加以及城市财政透支。

    As to the urban development , hard development leads to the uncontrolled blind extension of urban area , the waste of land resources , the increase of urban operating costs and the urban finan - cial overdraft .

  2. 周其仁认为,在1995年《中国人民银行法》通过前,央行超发货币的主要原因,就是央行常常被迫向财政透支。

    In Zhou 's view , before the passage of the Law of People 's Bank of China " in 1995 , the major reason for the central bank to issue excess currency was that the central bank often ran fiscal deficit .