
  1. 熟悉国家财经法规和财经制度;

    Familiar with finance law and rules and regulations ;

  2. 部队执行财经法规和纪律透视

    Enforcement of financial regulations and disciplines

  3. 主要考财经法规与职业道德会计基础,难吗?

    Basically take an examination of code of Finance and economics and foundation of accountant of professional morality , difficult ?

  4. 针对市场经济体制下会计监督所面临的法规不健全,会计基础工作不规范和会计信息失真等问题,我们的基本对策是,会计监督必须以财经法规为依据;

    In order to solute the problems that exist in the supervision to accounting in the Market Economy System , such as the imperfection of laws and regulations , the irregularity of the fundamental work of accounting .

  5. 不真实、不准确、不完整的会计信息披露不仅削弱了国家财经法规的权威,也给社会增添了无尽的不安定因素,给企业带来了不可估量的利益损失。

    The publication of the unreal , incorrect and incomplete accounting information will not only weaken the authority of legislation of the country , but also increase countless destabilizing factors and bring about immeasurable losses for enterprises .

  6. 财务管理是企业管理的一个组成部分,它是根据财经法规制度,按照财务管理的原则,组织企业财务活动,处理财务关系的一项经济管理工作。

    Financial management is an integral part of enterprise management , according to financial laws and regulations , in accordance with the principles of financial management , organization of corporate finance activities deal with the financial relationships of economic management .