
  • 网络monetary functions;Currency function;money function
  1. 并从货币职能的演变阐述了对金融体系的深刻影响。

    Also this paper expatiate the massive influence of the monetary functions on the financial system .

  2. 一国经济规模的扩大促使其主权货币对外发挥货币职能。

    The expansion of economy of scale of one country urges its sovereign currency to play monetary functions .

  3. 从货币职能看唐代钱帛兼行

    Money and Silk in the Tang Dynasty in Terms of Currency Function

  4. 货币职能分离及其在电子货币环境下的表现

    Separability of Monetary Function and Its Manifestation in the Circumstance of Electronic Money

  5. 关于货币职能问题的新探讨

    New Discussion of Problems in the Functions of Currency

  6. 黄金在法律上失去了货币职能,但是黄金还是具有货币属性的。

    Gold lost money functions in law . but gold is monetary attribute .

  7. 在国际贸易方面,承担世界货币职能的是钱,而且银的地位显著。

    In terms of international trade , money came first , and silver was also prominent .

  8. 分离是货币职能深化和信用形式发展的必然结果;

    Separation is resulted from the deepening of the currency functions and development of the credit forms .

  9. 从中央银行自身和货币职能履行的本质要求来看,货币政策的最终目标只能是稳定币值。

    From the perspective of requirement on central bank , the ultimate goal of monetary policy is to stabilize the currency .

  10. 唐代虽“钱帛兼行”,但钱、帛在执行货币职能时却有着不同的特点。

    Both money and silk were widely used in the Tang Dynasty , but they were different in performing their currency functions .

  11. 从货币职能推论的结果是,没有一个覆盖全民的社保体系,消费有后顾之忧,则无法有效调动内需消费。

    The result derived from the monetary function is that inland consumption cannot be brought into play without a sound social security system .

  12. 人民币国际化的进程,是人民币国际货币职能演进、时间阶段推进和流通范围扩展的三维动态统一,其实质是货币国际化的一般规律与中国国情的有机结合。

    The course of RMB internationalization fuse international monetary function evolution , stage advance , and current area spread into three-dimensional dynamic unification .

  13. 除降低交易成本外,为达到便利贸易的作用,货币职能丰富为价值尺度、贮藏手段等方面。

    In addition to reducing transaction costs , the function of money extends to measurement and storage of value in order to facilitate trade .

  14. 所以,黄金货币职能的衰退,是国际金价维持30年下跌的大背景。

    So the decline of its currency function is the great background of gold price sustaining falling for 30 years in the international market .

  15. 与国内范畴的货币职能相同,国际化货币在国际范围内执行计价单位、交易媒介以及价值储藏三大职能。

    Similar to the domestic functions of currency , international currency serves as unit of value , exchange media and value reserve at the global level .

  16. 因而,要提高人民币在东亚区域内的地位,使其完全发挥国际货币职能,积极推进人民币的区域化,进而实现人民币的国际化。

    Therefore , we should improve the status of RMB in East Asian , and advance the RMB regionalization positively , and realize the RMB internationalization .

  17. 人民币履行国际货币职能,也承担国际货币的义务,同时也可以获得国际货币“铸币税”的收益。

    When RMB performs the functions of international currency , it will not only assume the obligation of international currency , but also get " seigniorage " revenue of the international currency .

  18. 为满足经济发展的货币职能性需要而不断发展的金融,便成为显金融与潜金融的矛盾运动。

    In order to meet the monetary functional needs of the economy , the continuous development of the finance coming into being the contradictory movement of the undercurrent and the formal finance .

  19. 我个人认为,应该更进一步,剥离金融体系的货币职能,也就是引入狭义银行业,以存放在央行的准备金来支持活期存款。

    Personally , I would go further by separating the monetary from the financial systems , via the introduction of narrow banking & that is , backing demand deposits with reserves at the central bank .

  20. 不管是拜金主义还是蔑金主义,都是对货币的职能无知造成的。

    Ignorance of money functions has led to both money worship and money scorn .

  21. 此时国家对货币管理职能虽然低下,但也有一些明显的干预活动。

    The state had a low level in currency management function , but it had some intervention activities .

  22. 因此,货币发挥职能的过程又是信用运动过程。

    Therefore , the process that the money exerts its function is the process in which the credit plays .

  23. 在货币政策职能与金融监管职能两者分离的情况下,其维护金融稳定的职能不仅没有被削弱,反而有所加强。

    Under the circumstance of monetary policy function and financial supervision function separated , central bank strengthens the function of financial stability .

  24. 欧洲中央银行不能在欧盟法律框架之外独立存在,但在该法律框架下,欧洲中央银行的货币政策职能的独立行使会得到有效保护。

    ECB could not exist outside legal framework of European Community but could be effectively protected when performing monetary policy function independently .

  25. 货币政策职能是中央银行的核心职能,中央银行货币政策目标的实现需要以中央银行独立的法律地位为前提。

    Monetary policy function is the core function of the central bank , which brings out effect only based upon the independent status of the central bank .

  26. 从电子货币的职能与特性、电子货币的发行主体等方面来看,进入电子货币时代后,货币的发行权将趋于分散化。

    This essay props into the diversified trend of money issue in electronic currency times according to the function , characteristic and the issuer of electronic currency .

  27. 长期以来,黄金作为一般等价物,执行国际货币的职能,成为各国对外经济交往的媒介。

    For a long time , gold as the universal equivalent had been performing the functions of international currency . It had become the medium of international economic trade for every country .

  28. 他提出,在欧洲央行内部创建一道完善的防火墙以分割其银行监督和货币政策职能,可能要求修改欧盟条约,此举可能导致多年的拖延。

    He suggested that creating a sufficient firewall within the ECB to separate its banking and monetary role could require a change in EU treaties a step that could cause years of delay .

  29. 第一章从货币的职能入手,说明了货币在执行不同的职能时对经济所起的作用是不同的,引起通货紧缩的是执行价值贮藏职能的那部分货币。

    Chapter one begins by introducing the functions of money , showing that money affects the economy differently when it performs different functions , and that it is that part of money which acting as Store of Value that initiates deflation .

  30. 美元不仅行使国际储备货币的职能,而且在全球范围内有相当多的商品特别是大宗商品的定价和交易都使用美元,资本流动、直接投资、金融市场交易也大量使用美元。

    The dollar does not merely perform as the international reserve currency . Around the globe , the pricing and trade of considerable commodity , bulk commodity in particular , all use dollar , so do capital flow , direct investment and financial market transactions .