
jià zhí chǐ dù
  • measure of value
  1. 具有极端个人主义的价值尺度;

    Their individualistic measure of value sometimes goes to the extreme .

  2. 论精神生活需求的价值尺度

    On the Measure of Value of the Requirement of Man 's Spiritual Life

  3. 国际经济比较中量值统一的价值尺度&剖析联合国ICP方法的缺陷

    The Value Scale to Unite Volume and Value in International Economic Comparison : Analyzing the Shortage of ICP Methodology of UN

  4. 试论道德的价值尺度与评价尺度

    The Standards for the Value on and Assessment of Morality

  5. 摘要薪酬是雇双方进行交换的价值尺度。

    The thesis holds that compensation is the value measure of exchange .

  6. 人民群众的根本利益是最高的价值尺度

    The Fundamental Interest Of People Is the Highest Value Criterion

  7. 公民文化建设的价值尺度

    The value scale in the construction of civil culture

  8. 货币替代是开放经济中所特有的一种货币性扰动,表现为货币自由兑换前提下外币在价值尺度、支付手段、交易媒介和价值储藏等方面全面或部分地取代了本币。

    Typical of monetary fluctuation of an open economy is the Currency Substitution .

  9. 同时也可为正确看待民间文化和传统文化,提供一种多元的价值尺度。

    It also serves as an alternative evaluation standard for folk culture and traditional culture .

  10. 人格是人的存在形式和现实中的价值尺度。

    Personality is the existing form of being and the measure of value in reality .

  11. 它不仅是一种道德观念,还是一种价值尺度。

    It is not only a moral concept , but also a measure of value .

  12. 它是一种相对稳定的个人健康理念取向,驱使个体运用自己所确立的价值尺度来应对自己或他人的健康状况,具有动力性和引导性。

    Health values are individual stable beliefs about health . It is dynamic for health behaviors .

  13. 以主体需要为价值尺度,在我国已成为共识。

    It has been an agreement that the criteria of value is based on subject requirement .

  14. 主体需要并非总是合理,以此为价值尺度,会导致作出荒谬的结论。

    Subject requirement is not always reasonable and subject-requirement-based value criteria will come to ridiculous conclusions .

  15. 会计实践主要通过价值尺度对劳动耗费和劳动成果进行记录,生产力水平的高低,需要有与之相适应的会计实践管理手段和会计理论。

    In reality , accounting can act as value criterion , recording labour consumption and labour result .

  16. 第三在上述基础上,左派将政治判断标准和党派意志奉为文学实践的最高价值尺度,意识形态领导权的争夺,成为当时文艺思想领域的斗争焦点。

    They emphasized the literature 's counteraction and the ideological leadership , depending on the political criterion .

  17. 另一方面,人的全面发展为宪政建设提供价值尺度。

    On the other hand , the all-round development provides the measure of value for building constitutionalism .

  18. 在满足价值尺度和流通手段后,结合中国渐进的金融对外开放,人民币成为重要的金融投资手段,最终实现储备货币的角色,实现人民币完全意义上的国际化。

    Then , combined with its financial opening up , RMB really becomes on financial investment currency .

  19. 从道德标准角度看,上帝是美国民族的价值尺度;

    From the moral angle of view , God is the measure of value of American nation ;

  20. 本文提出以科学尺度和价值尺度作为指导构建和谐社会的正确思维导向。

    In this article I take scientific and value yardstick as correct ideaistic guidance in constructing harmonious society .

  21. 以价值尺度进行衡量,凸显出中国当前企业文化具有显著而深层的特征。

    On the value scale to measure , highlights the Chinese current enterprise culture has the characteristics of deep .

  22. 使各地的巨无霸价格都以美元来衡量的汇率是我们的公平价值尺度。

    The exchange rate that leaves a Big Mac costing the same in dollars everywhere is our fair-value yardstick .

  23. 时尚是消费社会的挥霍性消费的价值尺度,它是由广告制造出来的。

    Fad is a value standard to scale prodigal consumption in consumptive society , and it is made from advertisement .

  24. 以《金锁记》为例谈20世纪汉语文学经典的价值尺度

    A Study into the Scale of the 20th Chinese Literature Classics through Researching on the Example of The Golden Cangue

  25. 价值尺度是检验认识活动及其结果的标准:价值尺度是检验实践活动及其结果的标准。

    It is the criterion both for judging activities and outcome of man 's cognition and for practical activities and result .

  26. 坚持以人民利益为重,确立“三个有利于标准”社会价值尺度思想;

    He adhered to the importance of people 's interest , establishing the " Three-Benefits " criteria thought of social value ;

  27. 提出“三个有利于”标准,赋予生产力以主体价值尺度。

    Thirdly , it proposes the standard of " the three benefits ," which vests in the measure of productive forces .

  28. 人的生存和发展的效益尺度是价值尺度。主体需要不可能是价值尺度。

    Yardstick of man 's existence and development is Yardstick of value , to which all man 's activities must abide .

  29. 绩效评估是高校衡量人力资本投入与产出比率的价值尺度及公平竞争的管理准则。

    Performance assessment is a value for measuring input and output of human resources , and a management rule for fair competition .

  30. 社会科学的繁荣为生产力的发展提供智力支持、价值尺度和道德规范。

    The prosperity of social sciences will provide intelligence support , measure of value and moral norm for development of productive forces .