
  • 网络value chain accounting
  1. 本文通过对EVA与价值链会计的关系分析,认为EVA将成为价值链会计的核心指标。

    Analyzing relation between EVA and Value Chain Accounting , the author thinks EVA will become core indicator of Value Chain Accounting .

  2. 价值链会计理论体系的逻辑起点是价值链会计的目标。

    The goals of value chain accounting are its theory system .

  3. 价值链会计可以帮助我国的民族企业在中国加入WTO后适应变化了的生存环境,是值得推广的一种管理方法。

    In my opinion , Accounting of Value Chain is a precious method which can help China 's enterprises adapt to changing environment .

  4. 浅议构建价值链会计框架的思路

    On the Ways of Constructing the Frame of Value Chain Accounting

  5. 价值链会计正是在这一背景下产生的。

    So value chain accounting come into been in above background .

  6. 价值链会计的计量及主要内容探析

    Computation and content exploration an analysis on value chain accounting

  7. 价值链会计的学科定位及问题域

    Discipline Orientation and Realm of Issue of Value Chain Accounting

  8. 价值链会计的内容和方法初探

    Probe into the Content and Method in Value Chain Accounting

  9. 价值链会计&企业管理的新思想

    Value Chain Accountant & A New Thought of Business Management

  10. IT环境下价值链会计假设的探讨

    Exploration of Value Chain Accounting Postulates under IT Conditions

  11. 价值链会计基本理论浅探

    The Discussion on the Value Chain Accounting Basic Theory

  12. 价值链会计研究综述

    A Summarize of the Research about Value Chain Accounting

  13. 价值链会计使企业内部会计拓展到外部。

    It expands enterprise internal accounting to the outside .

  14. 最后阐述了价值链会计核算模式实施的相关支持。

    Finally expounded the value chain accounting model implementation of the related support .

  15. 论价值链会计管理框架

    Study on the Management Framework of Value Chain Accounting

  16. EVA:价值链会计的核心指标

    EVA : Core Indicator of Value Chain Accounting

  17. 最后通过一个具体的案例对基于价值链会计的成本体系的具体核算方法进行了具体说明。

    Finally , this paper illustrates the value chain-based accounting by a specific case .

  18. 价值链会计的职能定位

    On The Function Location of Value Chain Accounting

  19. 文章的最后一部分对价值链会计的发展提出了展望。

    The last part mainly foretells value chain accounting will have a brilliant future .

  20. 价值链会计研究:回顾与展望

    Value Chain Accounting : Review and Prospect

  21. 价值链会计非价值链实际收铺的解果。

    The value chain accounting was the result of the value chain theory 's development .

  22. 价值链会计:助中国企业应对入世挑战

    Accounting of Value Chain : A Method Helping Native Enterprises Face the Challenge of WTO

  23. 对基于价值链会计预算编制的思考

    Budgeting for Value - Chain Accounting

  24. 价值链会计理论与方法的研究,目的在于紧密结合信息技术,将价值链管理思想落实到企业的管理活动中,以实现价值增值的最大化,创造企业各方利益相关者的共赢。

    Objective of value chain accounting is the information of value chain and its economic relation .

  25. 近年来,价值链会计的研究已逐渐得到重视。

    Great achievements have been gained in the research on the value chain accounting in recent years .

  26. 最后用一个实例对价值链会计在农业企业的实际运用过程进行了说明。

    Finally an example was given to explain the application of value chain accountant in agricultural enterprise .

  27. 首先阐述了价值链会计实时控制的必要性、价值链会计实时控制的内涵、IT环境下价值链会计的会计流程重组及价值链会计实时控制的方法。

    This part first expounds the necessary , meaning method of value chain accounting real time control .

  28. 其次探讨了价值链会计实时控制的对象、内容、目标和框架。

    Second discusses the object , content , target and frame of value chain accounting real time control .

  29. 价值链会计的管理活动主要应从价值信息管理和增值活动管理两个方面展开实施;

    The VCA 's managerial activities are implemented from two aspects : value information management and value-added activities management .

  30. 价值链会计的产生、发展和应用,对现行会计起了很好的补充作用。

    The rise , development and application of value chain accounting play better complementary role in the current accounting .