
huò yùn liè chē
  • freight train;goods train
  1. 指欧洲货运列车时刻表会议。

    European Conference on goods train timetables .

  2. 货运列车是运载货物的。

    A goods train carries goods .

  3. 中国铁路总公司表示,新的铁路运行图提高了我国客运和货运列车的运力。

    A new railway operating plan has increased the country 's passenger and freight train capacity , according to China Railway Corp.

  4. 一列货运列车共有n节车厢,每节车厢将停放在不同的车站。

    A total of n freight train cars , each car will be parked at different stations .

  5. ~(60)Co货运列车检查系统图像数据的高速传输与实时存储

    The fast image data transmission and real-time storage of ~ ( 60 ) Co freight train scanning system

  6. 因此,本文采用小波包分解和BP神经网络对基于声音信号的货运列车滚动轴承故障诊断进行研究。

    Therefore , wavelet packet decomposition and BP neural network are used to bearing fault diagnosis of the freight train of sound signals .

  7. 特德•康诺弗(TedConover)从安默斯特学院(AmherstCollege)休学期间与流浪汉一起搭乘货运列车,冒了很多险,最后他把那些经历写进了自己的书《漫无目的地前进》(RollingNowhere)中。

    Ted Conover took plenty of risks when he rode freight trains with hobos during his time off from Amherst College , and eventually wrote about the experience in his book , Rolling Nowhere .

  8. 翻修的第一部分路段位于金边与toukmeas之间的海岸沿线,邻近越南,今年年底将向货运列车开放使用。

    The first segment of renovated track , between Phnom Penh and touk meas on the coast near Vietnam , is to open to freight trains late this year .

  9. 重载组合货运列车纵向力的分析以及操作控制策略

    Heavy-duty combination freight train longitudinal force analysis and operational control strategy

  10. 图为阿拉山口口岸铁路货运列车。

    The picture shows the freight trains in Alafaw Pass .

  11. 货运列车的优化编组调度方案与实现方法

    Optimize Plans of Marshalling for Grouping of Freight Train and Implementation Methods

  12. 结果表明,在铁路货运列车上使用高分子复合材料斜楔摩擦板具有很大的竞争优势。

    The results show that the composite plate has great advantages in lorry .

  13. 货运列车编组调度问题的模型与算法研究

    Model and Algorithm for the Marshalling and Dispatching Problem of Railway Freight Train

  14. 那个流浪汉不止一次地偷偷搭乘货运列车。

    The tramp hopped freights more than once .

  15. 快的就像货运列车一样。

    Extremely fast , like a freight train .

  16. 最近很多人又开始了货运列车的涂鸦。

    Recently , there has been a trend towards writing graffiti on freight trains .

  17. 吸尘器,货运列车都是这样。

    A vacuum cleaner , a freight train .

  18. 在7月份的货运列车脱轨就是发生在同一地区。

    This happened in the same area where a freight train derailed in July .

  19. 一种货运列车编组调度模型及算法研究

    A Freight Train Marshalling-Scheduling Model and Algorithms

  20. 中国开始首列通往伦敦的货运列车服务

    China begins first freight train service toLondon

  21. 大萧条时期,我一个月至少一次要偷乘货运列车。

    During the depression , I used to hop freights at least once a month .

  22. 从周四开始,旅客列车和货运列车皆受到其影响。

    Along with freight trains , passenger services have been affected by the strike since Thursday .

  23. 一列货运列车隆隆地驶过。

    A goods train trundled past .

  24. 这条线路主要行驶长途城际和区域列车,不包括货运列车。

    Traffic is mainly long-distance inter-city and regional trains , and there are no freight trains .

  25. 一条连接中国北方和法国的中欧货运列车开通。

    A new direct China-Europe freight train service has been launched , linking northern China with France .

  26. 高速客运及重载货运列车的发展对列车制动系统提出了更新更高的要求。

    The demand is becoming higher and higher to adapt development of the high speed and burden .

  27. 在工业中心和海港城市之间的长距离的有迅速装卸工作的便捷装置的特快货运列车。

    A long-distance express freight train between industrial centers and seaports with facilities for rapid loading and unloading of goods .

  28. 电子车长悬挂于货运列车最后一节车厢处,与最后一节列车的刹车软管相连,通过无线电与牵引机车通讯。

    Electronic commander hang at the last one compartment of freight train , and connect to the train brake hose .

  29. 一名年长女性在匹兹堡西北部发生的碰撞事故中死亡,当时一辆货运列车与一辆过境巴士相撞。

    An elderly woman has been killed in a collision northwest of Pittsburgh involving a freight train and a transit bus .

  30. 进一步提出了对重载货运列车紧急制动进行全过程动态描述的动力计算方法。

    The dynamic calculation method for full-range dynamic description when emergency braking is applied to heavy haul freight train is proposed .