
  1. 经典的贸易条件理论,是建立在国际间生产要素不流动的假设之下的,因此,贸易条件理论能够揭示各国间的贸易利益分配。

    Classic analysis on terms of trade which is based on the assumption of immobility of international factor , can explain the income distribution between different countries .

  2. 近期的区域经济一体化理论研究主要是对规模经济效果以及贸易条件改善效果的理论分析。

    Recent theoretical study of regional economic integration is the economies of scale and improved terms of trade effect theory .

  3. 汇率理论主要介绍了汇率变动对贸易的影响,从弹性分析法、购买力平价说、到贸易条件理论。

    The theory mainly introduced the impact of the fluctuation in exchange rate upon commence , and from the theory of mercantilism to flexible analysis law , Purchasing Power Parity , and term of trade theory .