
  • 网络fergana;ferghana;Farghana
  1. 中亚地区费尔干纳盆地油气地质特征

    Petroleum geology of Fergana Basin in Central Asia

  2. 俄国人在浩罕旧地上成立费尔干纳州,建立起殖民机构来进行统治。

    The Russian established Fergana oblast in Kokand and set up the colonial administration to rule there .

  3. 塔拉斯&费尔干纳断裂对喀什凹陷的控制作用

    Controls of Talas-Ferghana Fault on Kashi Sag , Northwestern Tarim Basin

  4. 在塔拉斯&费尔干纳断裂东侧的天山发现了明显偏热的上地幔。

    Beneath the central Tien Shan to the east of the Talas-Fergana fault exists the warm upper mantle .

  5. 在这个时期,中国汉朝持续不断地从费尔干纳得到汗血马,于是渐渐地,当地马种的质量也变得好了起来。

    Since this period , China has regularly received from Fergana valuable breed of horses that gradually improve the local horse breeding .

  6. 几天的冲突在该国南部贫困的费尔干纳山谷划分为吉尔吉斯斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦两国所在社区交织。

    Several days of clashes in the south of the impoverished country has divided the Kyrgyz and Uzbek communities in the Ferghana valley where the two countries intertwine .

  7. 这时,李广将军和他的将士决定用更明智的办法将费尔干纳围困,目前还没有一个合适的方案,但是在汉朝军营的附近真的发现有间谍存在。

    Li Kuang Lee and his generals decided that the proposal would be wiser to take Farghana , since the outcome of the siege is unclear , but the near by camp , they really were spotted kangyuy spies .