
  • 网络Fermi level;Fermi energy;E F
  1. UPS结果表明PS的费米能级到价带顶的距离不同于单晶Si。

    UPS results show that the distance between Fermi level and the peak valence band in porous silicon is different from that in crystalline silicon .

  2. 然而当表面费米能级被部分钉扎时,金属/SiC接触界面势垒呈Gaussian分布,并且其不均匀性分布程度随钉扎程度的降低而降低。

    However , when the Fermi level is partially pinned , Gaussian distribution of inhomogeneous barrier height is found and the inhomogeneity decreases with reducing the degree of Fermi level pinning .

  3. 扩散极限下n型半导体的晶界附近的准费米能级

    Diffusion - limited quasi-Fermi level near a grain boundary of n - type polycrystalline semiconductors

  4. Matlab在计算半导体费米能级和载流子浓度中的应用

    A Method for Calculating Fermi Energy and Carrier Concentrations in Semiconductors with Matlab

  5. Ce原子掺入后所产生的杂质能级对费米能级附近的能级结构产生了较大影响;

    The impurity levels among the Fermi energy mainly caused by Ce atom .

  6. 随着合金中Ni含量的增加,Ni的d电子对费米能级的贡献增大。

    The contribution of Ni d-electrons increases as the content of Ni increase in the Ni-Al alloys .

  7. 这可能是由于样品在加一定磁场时3d带的费米能级发生了变化,使得有效电子数的减少所致。

    This phenomenon is probably due to the change of Fermi energy by the applied magnetic field , which reduces the number of the effective charges .

  8. 费米能级EF在半导体材料科学中是一个非常重要的物理参数。

    Fermi level is a very important physical parameter in material science .

  9. Schottky势垒中的电中性能级、平均键能和费米能级

    Charge-neutrality Level , Average-bond-energy and Fermi Level in Schottky Barrier

  10. 从UPS谱图中可以看到,COT-H材料的最高占有态(HOS:highestoccu-piedstate)位于费米能级以下1.8eV处。

    The highest occupied state ( HOS ) of COT H is at 1.8 eV below the Fermi level .

  11. 掺杂F后费米能级增大显著,且导带穿过费米面,故掺F后体系导电性提高。

    Fermi level was significantly increased after F-doping , and the conduction band crossed the Fermi level , so F-doping could increase the conductivity .

  12. 模型以氢钝化SiC表面悬挂键,降低SiC表面的界面态密度,消除了费米能级钉扎,获得理想的SiC表面。

    The density of surface states is lowered to unpin the Fermi level because the hydrogen passivated dangling bonds of the surface .

  13. 另外,计入U、V使得电荷密度发生了重新分布,而且在缺陷及其周围格点上出现了束缚电荷;费米能级向能量升高的方向移动,并且在新的费米能级点出现了电子局域态。

    Coulomb interaction V causes the inhomogeneous distribution of charge density , Fermi energy shift to high energy position and new Localized states appears .

  14. 态密度的计算表明,液态和非晶态Ni-Al合金的费米能级附近,主要由Ni的d电子和Al的p电子组成。

    The Fermi level of the liquid and amorphous Ni-Al alloys mainly consists of the d-electrons of Ni and the p-electrons of Al .

  15. 利用I-V特性确定Schottky势垒中的准费米能级

    Determination of Quasi - Fermi Level within Schottky Barrier from its I-V Characteristics

  16. GaAs(100)表面成分的变化引起费米能级钉扎位置变动的一种新解释

    A New Explanation for the Dependence of the Pinning Position of Fermi Level on the Composition of GaAs ( 100 ) Surface

  17. 传输电导的增益来自于复合纳米条带界面处的B(N)原子与C原子的耦合作用在费米能级附近引入两条新的能带。

    The enhancement attributes to the coupling effect between B ( N ) atoms and C atoms at the interface of hybrid systems , which introduces one extra band at each side of the Fermi level .

  18. 随着硅原子的去除,费米能级附近的态密度由原来的Si原子为主变为C原子为主,这与吸附前的趋势是相同的。

    With the removal of silicon atoms , the density of states near the femi energy is mainly from Si atom electrons to C atom electrons , which is the same with the trends before adsorption .

  19. 为了研究其改善机理,利用XPS对表面费米能级以及表面态密度的变化进行了分析。

    In order to reveal the mechanism involved , XPS was employed to investigate the changes in the position of surface Fermi level and surface state density .

  20. 当用一个Sb原子替代一个Sn原子之后,费米能级上移到导带中,表现出类金属的能带结构。

    When one Sn atom is replaced by one Sb atom , the Fermi level moves into the conduction band and the compound displays metallic band structure .

  21. 通过改变费米能级钉扎效应制备6H-SiC欧姆接触的特性研究

    Study of the Characteristics of Ohmic Contacts to 6H-SiC by Changing Fermi Level Pinning

  22. Ga掺杂的ZnO表面吸附CO前后的电子态密度发生了显著的变化,费米能级进入导带。

    Ga-doped ZnO surface occurrence a significant change in the electronic density of states before and after the adsorption of of the CO , and the Fermi level into the conduction band .

  23. 价电子谱发现:室温下仅纯ZnO费米能级附近有载流子分布,这表明:压敏电阻界面有陷阱态,氧化锌压敏电阻界面电输运特性需用载流子陷阱对双肖特基势垒进行补充。

    The bulk trap state exists in interface of ZnO varistor , and the interfacial electronic transport of ZnO varistor can be interpreted by double Schottky barrier model with correction of carrier bulk trap state .

  24. 此外对费米能级处的Shockley表面态的影响也作了讨论。

    Moreover the effect of Shockley sarface state at Fermi level is also discussed .

  25. 稀土元素降低η相的费米能级,减小Zn,Al电极电位差,具有抑制晶间腐蚀的作用;

    RE element can reduce the Fermi level of η phase , lower the difference of electrode-potential between Zn and Al , so RE element is of the function to re - strain the intergranular corrosion of zinc-aluminum alloys ;

  26. +0.75eV,并通过与已有工作的比较指出GaAs等Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体的费米能级钉扎位置应与晶面取向无直接联系。

    By compared with the previous works , We suggest that the Fermi level pinning position do not directly related to the orientation of the crystal faces for GaAs and other ⅲ - V compounds .

  27. 另外杂质能带可以增加费米能级处的态密度,增大Seebeck系数。

    Concurrently , impurity band can increase the density of states at the Fermi level and hence enlarge the Seebeck coefficient .

  28. 替位Ag会引入一些定域隙态,同时费米能级钉扎在价带顶,杂质态可以捕获空穴以抑制光生载流子的复合。

    Substitutional Ag introduces some localized gap states , while the Fermi level is pinned near the top of valence band , and the impurity states can trap the hole to suppress the recombination of photo-generated carriers .

  29. 电子结构的计算结果表明,在费米能级处有明显的态密度,因此βSiC(001)(2×1)表面呈金属性。

    The calculated results of electronic structure show that a prominent density of states exists at the Fermi level , so β _SiC ( 001 ) _ ( 2 × 1 ) surface has the characteristics of metal .

  30. 结果表明计算得到的硅化物中Co的ELNES很好反映了Co在费米能级以上d的未占据态密度分布,其中Co2Si和CoSi2具有金属性质;

    The results show that the calculated ELNES directly reflect the d unoccupied states above Fermi level of cobalt in cobalt silicides . Co_2Si and CoSi_2 were shown to be of metallic property ;