
  • 网络Hezhou;hezhou city
  1. 因此,农户缺乏荸荠优质高产栽培管理综合技术,通过影响荸荠种植业的单产、质量、经济效益和种植面积而制约荸荠种植系统的总产出,这是制约贺州市荸荠种植业发展的最主要因素。

    The result shows that the main reason that restricts the development of water chestnut plant production in Hezhou Prefecture is that the farmers are lack of integrated cultivation technologies and management skills of water chestnut production with high yielded and high qualification .

  2. 贺州市2007&2008年食品和公共场所从业人员HBV感染情况

    HBV Infection Status of Employees in Food Profession and Public Places in Hezhou City during 2007-2008

  3. 笔者选取广西贺州市ZY村为案例,以ZY村外出谋生群体为对象,从农村外出谋生群体形象的角度,来分析和研究这一群体。

    The author takes ZY village in Hezhou of Guangxi as an example , takes farmers who make a living outside their hometown as the research object and analyzes them from the perspective of image study .

  4. 贺州市茄子枯萎病综合防治试验

    Integrated control experiments on fusarium wilt of eggplant in Hezhou City

  5. 贺州市水电站工程质量监督工作的现状及对策

    Current state of HPP construction quality supervision in Hezhou City and countermeasure

  6. 贺州市上程水电站工程引蓄水规划设计

    Water diversion and storage planning design for Shangcheng Hydropower plant in Hezhou

  7. 紫云景区位于广西贺州市八步区鹅塘镇栗木村。

    Purple cloud wonderland lies in the Limu Village Etang Town Hezhou City .

  8. 贺州市生态旅游不仅蕴含丰厚的生命信息,而且实施了有效的生态保护。

    Hezhou eco-tourism is abundant with life information and it has been well implemented .

  9. 生态旅游的内涵及区域旅游开发&以广西贺州市为例

    Eco - tourism , Development of Regional Tourism

  10. 贺州市八步区农业信息化建设实践与发展对策

    Construction practice and development strategy on agricultural informatization in Babu District of Hezhou City

  11. 贺州市2005年冬季蔬菜农药残留调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Pesticide Residues on Vegetables from Hezhou City in Winter of 2005

  12. 广西贺州市中小型水电站挖潜增容技改措施

    Technology upgrade measures for capacity expansion of mid-and small-scale hydropower plants in Hezhou city of Guangxi

  13. 贺州市青少年超重和肥胖5年流行趋势调查

    Overweight and obesity in the adolescents of Hezhou City : a survey of 5-year prevalence tendency

  14. 贺州市近10年第三代稻纵卷叶螟发生分析及防治对策

    The third generation rice leaf-folder occurrence analysis and control countermeasures during last decade in Hezhou City

  15. 贺州市2007年早稻田褐飞虱大发生气象因素分析

    Weather factor analysis of Nilaparvata lugens ( Stal )' s big occurrence in early rice field of Hezhou City 2007

  16. 在制约因素分析的基础上,本论文最后提出了关于改善贺州市荸荠种植产业发展的建议。

    Finally , some recommendations were put forward by author for further development of water chestnut plant production in Hezhou Prefecture .

  17. 从熵视角看古镇旅游开发与文化保护&以贺州市黄姚古镇为例

    Talk on Cultural Preservation and Tourism Development of Old Town from the Angle of Entropy & Taking Huang Yao Town in Hezhou as a Case

  18. 广西贺州市上程水电站工程,是高水头电站,电站定位为调峰调枯,坝址以上集雨面积53.2km2。

    With high water head and a catchment area of 53.2km ~ 2 , the Shangcheng Hydropower plant in Hezhou city of Guangxi shoulders hump modulation and dry regulating .

  19. 捕捉旅游信息促进经济发展&浅谈旅游信息在贺州市经济决策中的地位及其开发利用

    Capture the Tourist Information to Promote the Economic Development & Talking about the Position of the Tourist Information in the Economic Decision-making of Hezhou City and Its Development and Utilization

  20. 珊瑚钨锡矿自1933年被群众发现,期间一直作为广西省贺州市的重点矿山进行勘探和开采工作。

    Tungsten and tin deposits in Shanhu town Guangxi province discovered by the common people in 1933 . This deposits has been a important mine for Hezhou city for a long time .

  21. 族群认同是族群关系的重要一环,族源认同是族群自我认同的重要因素,贺州市灵凤村、三加村、船家和都江村的族源认同都证明了这一点。

    The identity of racial groups plays an important role in the relationships between racial groups , and the identity of racial origin is a vital part in the self-identification of racial groups , which has been proved true by the identity of racial groups in several villages of Hezhou .

  22. 梧州、贺州两市的老电站存在装机容量偏小、机型老化、效率低下、绝缘老化和事故频发等问题,有待更新改造。

    The old power plants located in Wuzhou City and Hezhou City have the problems of too small installed capacity , aged unit with low efficiency , aged insulation and frequent accident etc.