
  1. 资产评估价值标准的理论研究

    Theoretic Research on Asset Appraisal Value

  2. 该方法不需确定投资者的预期收益率,也不需估计未来的现金股利,只需要知道公司历史的和现在的资产评估价值就可以对股票进行估值,从而克服了传统股票定价方法的缺陷。

    This approach is not in need of determining the expected rate of return of investors or estimating future cash dividend , but the corporate historic and present assets value , thus overcoming the shortcomings of the traditional methods .

  3. 在此结论的基础上,总结出了资产评估价值咨询功能的两条重大经济学意义,即资产评估价值咨询功能的产生节约了交易费用;资产评估价值咨询功能的产生提高了资源配置的效率。

    On the base of this conclusion , this paper generalizes two important economics meanings of value consultation of assets appraisal : value consultation of assets appraisal saves transaction expense and value consultation of assets appraisal advances efficiency of resource allocation .

  4. 北京HH公司顾客资产评估与价值提升

    Peking HH Company Customer Equity Assessment and Value Promoting

  5. 浅谈无形资产评估中价值载体的确定

    How to Determine the Value Carrier in Intangible Assets Valuation

  6. 森林资源资产评估的价值类型及其估值

    Value Type and its Evaluation of Forest Resource Asset

  7. 论资产评估的价值类型

    Discussion on the value style of the assets evaluation

  8. 浅析上市公司资产评估的价值操纵与评估误差

    Research on the Value Rigging and Appraisal Error for the Valuation of Listed Companies

  9. 谈谈资产评估的价值基础

    Discussions on the Value Foundation of Asset Valuation

  10. 摘要储量的资产评估和价值评价是矿业权流转、合作开发、上市评估及企业内部管理的必要步骤和前提。

    Both reserves assets evaluation and value evaluation are the necessary procedure and premise for right circulation of mining industry , cooperative development , marketing assessment as well as enterprise internal control .

  11. 由于幼龄林、中龄林、成熟林森林资源资产单位评估价值的影响因素不同,应分别构建幼龄林、中龄林、成熟林的批量评估模型。

    Due to the difference among the factors affecting the appraisal value per unit young , immature and mature forest resource assets , the mass appraisal models should be built for the young , immature and mature forests respectively .

  12. 关于资产评估准则中价值类型选择问题的理论思考

    Discussions on the Selection of Value Types in Assets Valuation Standards

  13. 矿业权是一种具特许经营权的无形资产,其评估价值是矿业权交易的基础。

    The mineral titles are intangible assets with franchise business right .

  14. 金融不良资产评估方法与价值变现研究

    Study on Evaluation and Value-cashing of the Non-Performing Loans

  15. 如何保护知识,规范无形资产的评估和价值,是高校亟待解决的一个问题。

    How to protect knowledge and standardize the value and evaluation of the invisible property is a problem which needs immediate solution .

  16. 论以资抵债过程中的资产评估问题&从价值类型和评估方法角度的分析

    Appraisal in Paying Debts by Assets : Value Type and Valuing Perspective

  17. 再论资产评估准则中的价值类型选择&关于《资产评估基本准则》中价值类型的阐释

    Selection of Value Types in Valuation Standards & Explanation of Value types in VALUATION STANDARDS - PRINCIPLE

  18. 本文主要针对这一现象分析了加强国有无形资产评估的意义及其价值影响因素和适用的评估方法。

    This text has analyzed influence factor of value and suitable assessment method to strengthen state-run invisible assets assessment to this phenomenon mainly .

  19. 前款规定的公路收费权出让的最低成交价,以国有资产评估机构评估的价值为依据确定。

    Minimum prices for the transfer of toll collection right prescribed in the preceding paragraph should be determined on the basis of the value appraised by State property appraisal organizations .

  20. 以经济学基本理论为依据,系统分析了资产评估中核心的价值概念,通过比较分析价值、价格与资产评估价值的联系与区别,提出了资产评估价值的基本内涵。

    This paper bases on economic basic theory , systematically analyses the central concept appraisal puts forward the basic connotation of the appraisal value according to compare the relation among value , price and appraisal value .

  21. 同时,采用概率曲线对不同市场条件下的资产评估结果进行了价值描述,从不确定性的角度对现有的评估方法进行了补充和完善。

    At the same time , we describe the results of the value under different market conditions by using Probability curve . We carry on the supplement and the consummation from the uncertainty angle to the existing valuation method .

  22. 对无形资产评估如何在理论上进行把握,是无形资产评估价值准确与否的关键。

    How to evaluate the intangible assets in terms of theoretical realm is the key point in the correct evaluation of the intangible assets .

  23. 无形资产的价值评估无论在理论上和实践上都是资产评估和价值管理中的难点问题,商誉更是如此。

    Evaluation of intangible assets is the difficult point both in theory and in practice and so is that of goodwill .

  24. 无形资产的内在价值源于无形资产所具有的获利能力,无形资产的评估价值则取决于在特定条件下其内在价值可实现的程度。

    The inherent value of an intangible asset relies on its existing profitability . The appraisal amount is determined by realized degree of the intangible 's inherent value under specific condition .

  25. 企业股份制改造资产评估增值的会计税务处理论以资抵债过程中的资产评估问题&从价值类型和评估方法角度的分析

    The Accounting Taxation Methods of the Estimating Rise in Assets Value in the Course of the Enterprise 's Stock Transforming . Appraisal in Paying Debts by Assets : Value Type and Valuing Perspective