
  • 网络Asset Owner
  1. 在上周智囊机构Tomorrow'sCompany就资产所有者进行有效监管召开的新闻发布会上,提出的问题之一,与让初创企业丧失发展资金的市场失灵有关。

    One of the questions raised at a briefing last week by Tomorrow 's Company on effective stewardship by asset owners was about the market failure that deprives start-up businesses of capital to develop .

  2. 大部分努力必须由资产所有者来承担。

    Much of the effort will have to be made by asset owners .

  3. IBM智能构建软件,帮助资产所有者和管理者降低设备操作和能源费用,并加强资产管理和可靠性。

    IBM Smarter Buildings Software helps property owners and managers reduce facilities operations and energy expense , and improve asset management and reliability .

  4. 耕种自己的土地的小资产所有者阶层。

    Class of small freeholders who cultivated their own land .

  5. 论国有资产所有者代表的特殊性

    Discussion about Particularities of the Representative in State-owned Property

  6. 结果,资产所有者赚的更少,租金更低。

    As a result , property owners earn less and charge less in rent .

  7. 二是重构国有资产所有者代表机构,减少代理成本;

    To reconstruct the representative agency of state owned assets owner with the aim of reducing the commission cost ;

  8. 资产所有者变资产收益为管理费用,管理费用过高,增加企业成本,削弱企业发展后劲;

    Exorbitant administrative expenses result in high production cost and weaken the strength for future progress of the enterprise .

  9. 至今有关法人治理结构的规定未能解决公司制企业内部约束机制问题,构造出资产所有者对资产支配者有效的控制的内部机制,是建立现代企业制度的关键。

    Up till now , regulations for governing corporate supervisory institution have not solved the problem of constraint mechanism within enterprise .

  10. 书院文化旅游发展问题既是文化问题又是经济问题,涉及到地方政府、书院文化资产所有者、市场经营主体、书院周边居民以及旅游者之间的复杂关系。

    It relates to the complex relationship between local government , business entities , the academy of nearby residents and tourists .

  11. 资产所有者(用户)是团体中向存储库提交资产的人。

    The asset owner ( a user ) is the person who submitted the asset to the repository , in a community .

  12. 从根本上说,企业是资产所有者尤其是专用性资产的所有者创造和分享组织剩余的一种合约安排。

    Essentially , the firm is a contractual arrangement by which asset owners , especially specific asset owners , create and share organization residuals .

  13. 维持性资本支出一般是审计人员所准许的、避免高额折旧费的最低支出,让资产所有者很难出现转机。

    Maintenance capex tends to be the minimum auditors allow to avoid big depreciation charges , leaving asset owners badly positioned for an upturn .

  14. 政府作为公共政策制定者和国有资产所有者之间的角色冲突以及传统的行政思维严重干扰了改革措施的制定。

    Government has conflict as a constitutor of common policy or as an owner of state capital . The traditional administration thoughts disturb the reform .

  15. 这是一个量化宽松让资产所有者变得富裕(更别说让并购咨询顾问发大财)的时代。

    This is an era when quantitative easing is making the owners of assets rich & not to mention boosting the wealth of MA advisers .

  16. 财务会计信息是企业订价制度分工和专业化的结果,资产所有者和经营管理者之间财务信息不对称是财务会计产生的基本前提。

    The financial accounting information is a sort of standard financial information provided by enterpriser according to the accounting standards generally accepted by the assets owners .

  17. 高管和华尔街薪酬必须更好地与股东利益和长期目标相挂钩,投资者和资产所有者的回报也是如此。

    Executive and Wall Street compensation needs to be better aligned with stakeholders and long-term objectives , but so does compensation of investors and asset owners .

  18. 监管机制正在遭受严密审查,这是正确的。除此之外,投资者和资产所有者必须带头成为更负责任的所有者。

    In addition to regulation , which is quite rightly receiving scrutiny , investors and asset owners must take the initiative to be much more responsible owners .

  19. 国有控股公司是政府作为国有资产所有者代表行使其出资者权利的中间层次。

    The state holding company is on the medium level of the exercise of shareholders'rights by the government , which serves as a representative of state property owners .

  20. 从会计史的角度考察,为满足向资产所有者提供会计信息的需要是促进会计制度不断向前发展的一个重要原因。

    In the view of the history of accounting , the necessity to offer accounting information to the property owner gives power to the development of accounting system .

  21. 我国现行产权交易市场的基本特征表明,国有资产所有者非人格化缺陷是我国产权交易市场失灵的最主要原因。

    The basic features of our property trade market shows that the absence of state-owned property owner is the main reason of being out-of-order of our property trade market .

  22. 同时,不同企业在不同时期面临不同的技术环境和制度环境,资产所有者和经营者的选择又依存于企业面临的技术环境和制度环境;

    Besides , different enterprises face different technological environments and system environments in different periods . The choice of capital owner and manager depend on technological environment and system environment that the firm faced .

  23. 独资型国有控股公司监事会从它诞生的一刻起,就肩负着代表国有资产所有者对经营者进行监督、维护国有资产所有者权益的历史责任,然而在现实运行中却并未达到预期的效果。

    The board of supervisors has shouldered the responsibility of monitoring and safeguarding the rights and interests of state-owned assets since from its birth , but in reality , it did not achieve the desired effect .

  24. 企业中资产所有者与人力资本所有者之间的控制权安排是企业制度安排的重要内容,但现有文献对此问题的研究存在大量的争论。

    Allocation of control rights between the owner of assets and the owner of human capital is an important part of an institution arrangement within a firm , but unfortunately there are widespread controversies about this subject in the literatures .

  25. 市场机制的引入,解决了资产所有者主体缺位问题,理顺了产权关系。

    They are the holders of water right in different levels , who are all mobilized by the introduction of the market mechanism which also solves the problem of subject vacancy among asset owners and straightens out the property relations .

  26. 但在信息不对称情况下,资产所有者如何选择适应企业协调发展的经营者是企业面对的一个非常重要问题,其核心在于如何正确评价企业经营者的经营能力及经营态度。

    Under the asymmetric information , it is very important for the asset 's owner how to select the enterpriser qualified to the enterprise 's objective operating condition and crucially how to appraise the enterpriser 's operating ability and operating attitude .

  27. 而对于具有社会经济管理者和国有资产所有者双重角色的我国政府来说,政府在外资并购国有企业中的行为必然不同于西方市场经济条件下的政府行为。

    But to our government , which is not only the supervisor of the social economy , but also the owner of the state-owned assets , so its behaviors in the FIM & A are definitely different from the behaviors of west governments .

  28. 特别是,如果资产所有者继续自发地以季度或年度为基础对资产管理者进行评估和奖励,那么如果投资者追求在这个时间框架内实现收益最大化代价往往是牺牲长期价值他们就不应感到吃惊。

    Specifically , if asset owners continue to review and reward their asset managers reflexively on a quarterly or annual basis , they should not be surprised to find their investors optimising returns within this time-frame often at the expense of long-term value .

  29. 莱温松表示:很难称之为一个阶级,因为很难说他们是否全都具有同样的利益。他解释道,其中一些人为资产所有者,一些人为高收入官员,而一些人为专业企业雇员。

    It 's hard to call them a class , as it 's hard to say if they all have the same interests , he says , explaining that some are property owners , some are highly paid bureaucrats and some are specialist corporate employees .

  30. 论文着重关注了国有资产所有者和国家出资企业作为社会公共利益代表主体的财产保护机制,并以国有资产公益诉讼原告制度为例进行了论证。

    Finally , the thesis focuses on the property protection system when State assets owner and SOEs are considered as representatives of social public interests , with a discussion on the plaintiff of Public Interest Litigation in the field of State-owned Assets in the end .