
zī běn zhǔ yì
  • capitalism
资本主义 [zī běn zhǔ yì]
  • [capitalism] 资本家占有生产资料并用以剥削雇佣劳动、榨取剩余价值的社会制度

资本主义[zī běn zhǔ yì]
  1. 资本主义强调的是创新、竞争和个人至上。

    Capitalism stresses innovation , competition and individualism .

  2. 主要论点是资本主义播下了自我毁灭的种子。

    The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction .

  3. 他们新的宣言声称要摧毁整个资本主义大厦,这是不可能的。

    Their new manifesto hardly threatens to bring the whole edifice of capitalism crashing down .

  4. 奥费也质疑“有组织的资本主义”的假设。

    Offe also challenges the postulate of an ' organized capitalism ' .

  5. 马克思的著作不仅仅是对资本主义生产的批判性研究。

    Marx 's work was more than a critical study of capitalist production .

  6. 资本主义公司和合作企业在经营战略方面趋于一致。

    There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy .

  7. 西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界并入了剥削性的世界体系中。

    The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system .

  8. 我们生活在一个资本主义社会里。

    We live in a capitalist society .

  9. 他怒斥资本主义的种种罪恶。

    He rails against the iniquities of capitalism

  10. 它暴露了资本主义的本来面目。

    It exposes capitalism in the raw .

  11. 资本主义社会结构反映了不同形式的生产方式之间的互动,或者说相互联系。

    Capitalist social formations reflect the interaction , or articulation , of different modes of production .

  12. 沃伦也承认资本主义发展初级阶段可能会导致社会不平等现象加剧。

    Warren also allows that capitalist development may , in its early stages , result in increased social inequality .

  13. 帝国主义是垄断的、寄生的、垂死的资本主义。

    Imperialism is monopolistic , parasitic and moribund capitalism .

  14. 社会主义社会是从资本主义社会脱胎而来的。

    Socialist society emerges from the womb of capitalist society .

  15. 马克思预言社会主义必将取代资本主义。

    Marx foretold that socialism would inevitably replace capitalism .

  16. 资本主义社会的前景如何?

    What 's the future of bourgeois society ?

  17. 社会主义与资本主义不同。

    Capitalism and socialism differ .

  18. 眼下发生的情况并非是资本主义的危机,而是工业社会本身的危机。

    What is occurring now is not a crisis of capitalism , but of industrial society itself .

  19. 大企业吞并中小企业是资本主义竞争的绝对规律。

    The big enterprise absorbs the medium-sized and the small ones , that 's the absolute law of capitalist competition .

  20. 我们现在的资本主义是假资本主义。

    Our current brand of capitalism is a fake capitalism .

  21. 19世纪帝国资本主义的动态不必适用于21世纪的民主国家。

    The dynamics of the imperial capitalism of the 19th century needn 't apply in the democracies of the 21st .

  22. 在过去的一年半里,《纽约时报》的系列文章《巨大的分歧》列举了大量的例子,削弱了资本主义存在真正根本规律的观念。

    Over the past year and a half , The Great Divide , a series in The New York Times , has presented a wide range of examples that undermine the notion that there are any truly fundamental laws of capitalism .

  23. 他的论点的核心是资本主义不能成功。

    The essence of his argument is that capitalism cannot succeed .

  24. 在一些资本主义国家里污染问题极其严重。

    Pollution rages in some capitalist countries .

  25. 第比利斯的房地产价格无法与西方资本主义国家或者是莫斯科的房价相比。

    Prices for real estate in Tbilisi cannot stand comparison with Western capitals or indeed Moscow .

  26. 这些差异在构思资本主义经济的国家角色中,有多大的关系?

    How might the differences matter for conceiving the role of the state in a capitalist economy ?

  27. 伴随着资本主义的萌芽,明代社会出现了新兴的市民阶层。

    The rudiment with the capitalism , new developing citizens stratum appeared in the society in the ming dynasty .

  28. 财政统一使每个公民都能参与到财政体系中来,这是资本主义者和社会主义者共同的目标。

    Financial unity1 - bringing everyone into the financial system – is one cause which both capitalists and socialists2 agree on .

  29. 由于该行对波音(Boeing)等企业的支持,贬低者们将该行视为裙带资本主义的象征。

    Detractors see the bank as a symbol of crony capitalism because of its support for companies such as Boeing .

  30. 弗雷德里克·詹姆逊(FredricJameson)是二十世纪优秀的文化批评家,新马克思主义的杰出代表人物。他运用历史的、辩证的方法剖析后现代主义,把它作为晚期资本主义文化逻辑的主导形式。

    Fredric Jameson , the brilliant cultural critics in twenties century , is an outstanding representative of new Marxism applying historical and dialectical method to analyze postmodernism , taking it as the dominant form of the late capitalistic culture logic .