
zī bù dǐ zhài
  • 熟语insolvency;bankruptcy;inability to offset debts with assets;go belly up;be unable to pay one's debt with all one's assets;one's assets are insufficient to cover his debts
资不抵债 [zī bù dǐ zhài]
  • [insolvency] 指个人或企业的全部债务超过其资产总值以致不足以清偿债权人的财务状况

  1. 例如,一家资不抵债的金属加工企业的投资者曾聘请kroll进行调查。

    For example , Kroll was retained by investors in an insolvent metal processing firm .

  2. 在中国抢注了ipad商标、资不抵债的深圳唯冠科技(shenzhenproviewtechnology)的债主们,对正在试图取得这个商标控制权的苹果(apple),发起了最新挑战。

    Creditors of Proview Technology ( Shenzhen ) , the insolvent group that registered the iPad trademark in China , have mounted an additional challenge to apple in its efforts to gain control of the trademark .

  3. 增长放缓和外部债务,对于解决资不抵债的问题于事无补。

    Slower growth and foreign debt will not help resolve insolvency .

  4. 资不抵债企业投资业务的会计处理方法之探讨

    Probing into Accounting Treatment of Investment Business of Enterprise under Balance

  5. 因而,在许多宏观经济模型中,资不抵债不可能发生;象银行这样的金融中介机构,通常不存在;无论公司是通过私募还是债务筹资并无区别。

    In many macroeconomic models , therefore , insolvencies cannot occur .

  6. 第二种认为,这是是否资不抵债的问题。

    The second is that this is a problem of insolvency .

  7. 市场对银行资不抵债的担忧,尤其得到了舒缓。

    Market fears of bank insolvency , particularly , have been assuaged .

  8. 因为他们不用再为房屋抵押贷款资不抵债忧心忡忡。

    because they 're no longer underwater on their mortgages .

  9. 第三,允许一些资不抵债的银行破产。

    Third , allow some defaulting banks to go bust .

  10. 资不抵债事项由《破产法典》调整。

    Insolvency matters are covered under the Bankruptcy Code .

  11. 第三,资不抵债的企业应该可以实现破产清理。

    Third , it needs to be possible to wind up insolvent institutions .

  12. 这家商行因资不抵债而倒闭。

    The Business failed Because its assets were not so great as its liaBilities .

  13. 对资不抵债的恐惧仍未完全消除。

    Fears of insolvency have not , as yet , been fully set aside .

  14. 他们正以牺牲纳税人利益为代价,保护那些资不抵债银行所发行债券的持有者。

    The bondholders of insolvent banks are being protected at the expense of taxpayers .

  15. 若不良资产解救方案得到通过,它将减少因持有流动性不佳资产而导致的资不抵债。

    If passed , the Tarp would reduce insolvency caused by holdings of illiquid assets .

  16. 它不能让陷入资不抵债境地。

    It cannot allow to go insolvent .

  17. 当人们担心出现大量的资不抵债时,贷款机构不再放贷,债务人停止消费。

    When people fear mass insolvency , lenders stop lending and the indebted stop spending .

  18. 这也意味着,资不抵债的家庭大规模破产,抵押贷款被迫减记。

    It also means the mass bankruptcy of insolvent households and forced writedowns of mortgages .

  19. 资产负债表将失去平衡,大面积违约、资不抵债和破产的情况将陆续出现。

    Balance sheets would become unbalanced and widespread default , insolvency and bankruptcy would result .

  20. 沈阳市作为新中国的一个老工业基地,国有企业众多,而且存在着严重的资不抵债和亏损现象。

    Now , insolvency and deficit is a critical phenomenon in state-owned enterprises of Shenyang City .

  21. 但这个基数的微薄程度也意味着,在市况不好的时候,资不抵债的危险就会出现。

    But the slenderness of that base also means that insolvency threatens when bad times arrive .

  22. 金融监管者则倾向于认为,陷入困境的银行只是暂时的流动性不足,而非长期的资不抵债。

    Financial supervisors want to believe that troubled banks are temporarily illiquid , not permanently insolvent .

  23. 企业超负债经营及资不抵债界限研究

    The Research about Operating State of Enterprise in Exessive Indebtedness and the Boundary of Pressed for Funds

  24. 由于经营不善而至资不抵债

    Be unable to pay the debts with all one ' assets as a result of poor management

  25. 鉴于日趋资不抵债的政府存在巨大的资金需求,那些条件将不复存在。

    Given the huge demand for capital by increasingly insolvent governments , those conditions won 't exist .

  26. 在廉价信贷推动的繁荣过后,大范围资不抵债的阴影隐约出现。

    In the aftermath of a boom fuelled by cheap credit , the spectre of widespread economy looms .

  27. 银行业有一个重大问题尚未得到解决:即以何种方式让资不抵债的银行破产。

    The big unresolved problem in banking is how to allow insolvent banks to go out of business .

  28. 如果在这个资本金摊薄的行业中,股本收益率成为负值,很多银行将资不抵债。

    If returns on equity become negative in a thinly capitalised business , many banks will become insolvent .

  29. 他指出,答案的一部分是,目前还不清楚银行是否资不抵债。

    Part of the answer , he suggests , is that it is unclear whether banks are insolvent .

  30. 通用决定在2008年抛弃这个品牌,如果是这样的话,那么萨博将会立即资不抵债。

    GM decided to jettison the brand in late 2008 , and the small company quickly became insolvent .