
  • 网络Event Services
  1. 赛事服务是指为持票观众和注册人员提供的各项服务的计划和管理。

    Event Services relates to the planning and management of the various services for ticketed spectators and accredited people .

  2. 以2012年体育赛事服务网站TrueSport发布的报告为例。

    Take a 2012 report by TrueSport as an example .

  3. 关于大型体育赛事服务的生产投入品及消费主体的讨论

    Analysis on related problems of inputs and consumers about the service product of large games

  4. 大学生志愿者体育赛事服务风险管理的研究,可以系统而有针对性地缓解风险的发生。

    Researching on risk management of undergraduate volunteers ' sports event service can alleviate the risk occurrence .

  5. 在给定关于大型体育赛事服务的定义基础上,讨论了大型体育赛事服务的投入品和消费主体等相关问题。

    By proposing the definition of service in large sports competition , the paper discusses the relevant issues as input products and consumers .

  6. 2008年北京残奥会赛事服务体系的构建刘翔北京奥运退赛事件的社会学审视

    Construction the Evaluation Index System of Event Service Quality of 2008 Beijing Paralympics ; A Sociological Study of Liu Xiang Pulling out of the Beijing Olympics

  7. 随着体育学、管理学等学科的不断发展与创新,大学生志愿者体育赛事服务风险管理方面的研究一定会更加完善。

    Along with the continuous development and innovation of sports science , management science and other subjects , risk management of undergraduate volunteers ' sports event service will be more perfect in the future .

  8. 依据自编的《大学生志愿者体育赛事服务风险检查表》,确定大学生志愿者志愿服务风险源,有环境风险、管理风险、志愿者自身风险以及人群失控风险四大类,共96项。

    In accordance with the self-designed " risk checklist of undergraduate volunteers ' sports event service ", ultimately determine the undergraduate volunteers ' sports event service risk source , including environmental risk , management risk , volunteers ' own risk and groups out of control risk .

  9. 上海大型国际体育赛事媒介服务研究

    Research on Media Service to Large-Sized International Sports Competitions in Shanghai

  10. 富有中国特色的大型赛事志愿服务模式逐渐形成,引起了国际社会的广泛瞩目。

    The model of volunteer service with Chinese characteristics in large-scale sports has been forming , which attracted widespread attentions of international society .

  11. 志愿者参与大型体育赛事志愿服务的激励现状为:志愿者中大学生所占比重较多,社会参与程度低;

    Fourthly , the present situation that volunteers are being motivated to participate in large sports events is : volunteers from universities take a big proportion while volunteers from other walks of the whole society hold a small proportion ;

  12. 事实上,赛事志愿服务模式科学与否极大影响着志愿者作用的发挥,对于中国大型赛事志愿服务模式非常有必要从理论上加以总结概括和学理建构。

    In fact , whether the model of volunteer service in sports is scientific or not greatly influences the role displayed by volunteers . Therefore , it is necessary to theoretically summarize and construct the model of volunteer service in large-scale sports in China .

  13. 体育赛事市场中介服务业培育与发展

    Development of sports competition market intermediary service

  14. 大型体育赛事志愿者长效服务影响因素的调查研究&以2008北京奥运会帆船赛为例

    Study on Influence Factors of Volunteers ' Long-term Service in Large-Scale Sports Events & Taking the 2008 Olympic Sailing Events as an Example

  15. 十多年来,提供计算机和大批量数据分析,已成为国际象棋顶级赛事的常规服务。

    Computers and the number-crunching analysis they provide have become a regular feature of the highest levels of chess for more than a decade .

  16. 但由于相关的法律、法规不健全,相关市场中介组织缺乏独立性,行业自律缺乏等,也使体育赛事市场中介服务业面临着严峻的挑战。

    Due to the fact that the legal regulations and laws are not complete , there lack self discipline for the market and the market is not independent .

  17. 但目前的研究主要是围绕其服务动机和功能作用问题,极少涉及对大型赛事的志愿服务模式的深入探讨。

    However , at present , the existent research achievements mainly focus on the motivations and functions of volunteer service , and rarely have thorough discussions about the model of volunteer service in large-scale sports .

  18. 随着社会经济的发展,志愿者的身影越来越频繁地出现在公众的视野中,他们志愿服务于大型赛事活动、社区服务等各个领域。

    With the development of social and economy , volunteers become more and more visible in the public . Volunteers involve into large number of events such as community service and other fields .

  19. 北京马拉松赛事运作主要的劣势是赛事资金投入,市场营销的程度,赛事服务质量,赛事观赏性不够缺乏影响力。

    Beijing marathon operation of the main disadvantage is the lack of capital investment event , the extent of marketing needs to be improved , competition is not high quality of service , not a lack of spectator events influence .