
yàn pǐn
  • fake;forgery;counterfeit;imitation;sham;phony;bogus
赝品 [yàn pǐn]
  • [fake;counterfeit;sham] 伪托原作的书画;伪造的文物

  • 现在赝品充斥市场

  • [fake] 以假充真的物品或物体,常指廉价的或以假乱真的仿制品,冒充真品来进行欺骗,尤指为了牟利

  • 现在膺品充斥市场

赝品[yàn pǐn]
  1. 这幅画看上去年代久远,实际是最近的一幅赝品。

    The painting looked old but was a recent counterfeit .

  2. 对那些文学的赝品,我们只能拒绝它们,不要去吹捧它们,更不必制造煞有介事的理论依据为它们鸣锣开道。

    We should reject the counterfeit literature , not boost it or create any imaginary theory to cut a road for it .

  3. 这幅画被判定为赝品。

    The painting was declared to be a forgery .

  4. 所有这些画结果证实都是赝品。

    All the paintings proved to be fakes .

  5. 赝品比真货便宜大约20美元。

    The counterfeits sell for about $ 20 less than the real thing

  6. 他能分辨出赝品和真品。

    He can tell a fake from the original .

  7. 那些是真钻石还是赝品?

    Are those real diamonds or only shams ?

  8. 这幅画是凡·高的真迹还是赝品,需由专家来鉴定。

    An expert was needed to authenticate the original Van Gogh painting from his imitation .

  9. 这张画是赝品。

    The painting was a forgery .

  10. 我们以为这是真古董,结果只是一件赝品。

    We thought it was a genuine antique , but it turned out to be a fake .

  11. Shampaign一词是sham和campaign两个词的合成形式。在线字典对sham一词的解释为“冒充真货的赝品”和“假冒某个身份的人”。

    The word shampaign is a portmanteau of the words sham to be genuine " and " one who assumes a false character " .

  12. “运动鞋迷”有可能对辨别运动鞋中的真货和赝品非常有经验。

    A sneakerhead may also be highly experienced in distinguishing between real and fake replica2 sneakers .

  13. 用X射线荧光分析技术甄别金制品和镀、包金赝品粉末治金制品在解放牌汽车中的应用

    Distinguishing between gold samples and plated gold fake by X rays fluorescence analysis application of p / m products in liberation [ jie fang ] grade automobile

  14. 最近在维多利亚阿尔伯特博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseum)的一次谈话中,西格丽德表示,手袋博物馆当时仅有的凯莉包是件赝品。

    During a recent talk at the Victoria and Albert Museum , Sigrid said the Handbag Museum 's then-only Kelly was a fake .

  15. 从理论上阐述了把X射线荧光分析和低能伽玛射线散射结合起来甄别金制品和镀、包金赝品的可行性,并在实验中进行了验证。

    A method of combining X ray fluorescence analysis with low energy γ rays scattering to distinguish between mix gold samples and plated gold or wrapped gold samples is described , and it is proved in experiment .

  16. 曼哈顿备受尊敬的诺德勒美术馆(KnoedlerGallery)在2011年倒闭之前,曾卖出几十件赝品。专家们说,这样的丑闻在打击买家、所有者和艺术家的信心。

    Scandals like the one involving dozens of forgeries sold through the venerable Knoedler Gallery in Manhattan before it closed in 2011 are sapping the confidence of buyers , owners and artists , they say .

  17. 20年前的那幅赝品以及对自己遗产和财产的担忧促使菲施尔于周一(10月12日)出现在伦敦,支持一个新的认证系统,它将让艺术家们用少量合成的DNA给自己的作品签名。

    Brushes with forgery like that one two decades ago , and concerns about his legacy and estate , prompted Mr. Fischl to appear in London on Monday to vouch for a new authentication system that would let artists sign their works with specks of synthetic DNA .

  18. 这些“赝品”随处可见、需求量之大,使得像Nike、YAMAHA等跨国公司每年全球损失高达二千亿到三千亿美元。

    The prevalence of and demand for these rip-off goods accounts for approximately US $ 200 to 300 billion in annual global losses for multinationals such as Nike or Yamaha .

  19. 臭名昭著的英国艺术品伪造者绍恩·格林哈尔(ShaunGreenhalgh)所仿造的赝品跨越艺术史上的几个世纪,如今他声称这幅画是自己的作品。

    Shaun Greenhalgh , the notorious British art forger who is thought to have created fakes that spanned centuries of art history , has declared it to be his work .

  20. 他们在原作被盗前就已将赝品运到了美国。

    They had sent them there before the original was stolen .

  21. 你一直知道那幅画是赝品。

    You knew that Pissarro was a fake the whole time .

  22. 当然是真的,我从来不卖赝品。

    Of course it 's genuine , I never sell counterfeits .

  23. 赝品的差别通常足以避免法律行动。

    The knock-offs are generally sufficiently different to forestall legal action .

  24. 他不知道毕沙罗的画是赝品。

    That he didn 't know the Pissarro was a forgery .

  25. 专家排除了这幅画是赝品的说法。

    Experts are dismissing claims that the painting is a forgery .

  26. 这个所谓的古董,看上去好像是古董,但实际上是赝品。

    This so-called antique , as it were , is a fake .

  27. 这把茶壶貌似古董,却是一件新近制作的赝品。

    The teapot looked old but was a recent fake .

  28. 专家断言这张图是赝品。

    The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery .

  29. 专家们达成结论说:那幅画是广赝品。

    Experts have reached the conclusion that the painting was a fake .

  30. 他们怒气冲冲,肯定地说那些画是赝品。

    They blustered and swore that the pictures were fakes .