
zhònɡ qì
  • treasure;a great mind
重器 [zhòng qì]
  • (1) [treasure]∶国之瑰宝珍品

  • 挟重器多。--《战国策.赵策》

  • (2) 又

  • 多予之重器

  • (3) [genius]∶栋梁之材

  1. 给出了基于AHP的多方案协同式优选决重器的框架,并用实例证实了AHP方法改进生的正确性。

    The frame of coordinated decision maker based on AHP was presented , together with an example to demonstrate the accuracy .

  2. 这些女性中包括女主角Cambara。她是作者笔下诸多的坚强的女英雄之一。她终止在多伦多的浪迹生涯,从窃据重器的军阀手中接回她的亲人。

    These female targets include Cambara , an actress and one of the author 's many robust heroines , who has returned from exile in Toronto to reclaim her family home from its squatting warlords .

  3. 新型液压起重器驱动机构的创新设计

    Innovation Design in the Driving Mechanism of New Hydraulic Hoisting Jack

  4. 由缓冲器举起机动车辆的起重器。

    A jack for lifting a motor vehicle by the bumper .

  5. 起重器就是带手把的那个?

    The jack is this thing with the handle , right ?

  6. 电永磁起重器是当前国际上流行的新型磁力器件。

    Electropermanent lift magnet is a new type of magnetic force device .

  7. 新型液压起重器夹紧机构的研究

    A research on clamping mechanism of a new type hydraulic hoisting jack

  8. 可根据客户需要制作其它尺寸的永磁起重器。

    Dimension can be changed if client requiring .

  9. 两个模块互锁之后,起重器(400)重复上述过程。

    After the two modules interlock , the jacks ( 400 ) repeat the process .

  10. 新式机力保险杆起重器动力推动式起重机械

    New mechanical bumper jack power-driven lifting appliance

  11. 象往常一样,它被用顶重器顶了起来。

    It is jacked up as usual .

  12. 她的后脑勺儿被重器严重击伤。

    She had been hit violently on the back of the head with a heavy weapon .

  13. 局部起旋器出口断面流场特性及其能耗的试验研究螺旋装置操纵的起重器。

    Experimental Research on the Outlet Characteristics of Flow Field and Energy Consumption of the Local Generator ;

  14. 磬作为中国古代礼乐重器,是华夏文明内涵中最具特色的象征符号之一。

    As a significant music instrument of the system , Chime Stone is one of the most characteristic symbols in Chinese civilization .

  15. 编钟作为周代的礼乐重器,是周代礼乐制度的具体体现。

    The chime , as one national jewels for rites and music , is the embodiment of the system of the Zhou Dynasty .

  16. 新型液压起重器是具有我国自主知识产权的安装大型电力设备的施工设备。

    The new hydraulic hoisting jack is a construction equipment with our own knowledge property , which is used to install large-sized electrical equipment .

  17. 在广西少数民族传统社会中,铜鼓作为祭祀礼器、乐器和象征权力的重器,曾经扮演过非常重要的角色。

    Traditional society in Guangxi , drums as ritual vessels , musical instruments and symbols of power weighing equipment has played a very important role .

  18. 他们会用重器敲您的头,这会暂时分散您头疼的感觉,之后您可以重新工作了。

    They 'll hit you over the head with something heavy , distracting you from your headache for a while , after which you can get back to work .

  19. 现在,我们在泛滥的西方奢侈品和琳琅满目的海外舶来品中慢慢寻觅&瓷侠、玉俊、竹君子,此间重器,非但为国之瑰宝,亦为当代中国工艺的扛鼎之人。

    Now we slowly search among inundant European luxuries and so many overseas exotics for china , jade and bamboo , which are not only gem of China but also backbone of modern Chinese art .