
chónɡ hūn zuì
  • bigamy;crime of bigamy
  1. 而刑法规定的重婚罪却对此无能为力。

    But the crime of bigamy is helpless .

  2. 这些都启示笔者对我国刑法规定的重婚罪的必要性、合理性予以重新审视。

    These all inspire the author to examine the necessity and the rationality of the crime of bigamy .

  3. 他因为犯重婚罪被判入狱一年

    He was sentenced to one year 's imprisonment for committing bigamy .

  4. 美国政府机关称,一位华盛顿女性通过Facebook发现她和一位潜在“好友”的现任丈夫竟是同一人。这两位女性的丈夫是一名惩教官,他即将面临重婚罪的控诉。

    A corrections officer is facing bigamy charges after authorities said a Washington woman using Facebook discovered that she and a potential " friend " were married to him at the same time .

  5. 以客观解释论解读重婚罪

    Interpreting Bigamy Offense in Light of the Objective Interpretation Theory

  6. 第三章:重婚罪的司法认定及处罚。

    Chapter ⅲ The juridical cognizance and punishment of bigamy .

  7. 布莱森:你的意思是你自己的母亲指控你犯有重婚罪?

    Judge Bryson : You mean your own mother charged you with bigamy ?

  8. 法律上一般也会将重婚罪定为违法,判处徒刑。

    The law generally will be bigamy as an offense and sentenced to prison .

  9. 无效婚姻可以成立重婚罪。

    The void marriage can be tenable bigamy .

  10. 论量刑情节的法理基础以及重婚罪的法律责任有哪些?论目录学基点

    Study on the Legal Bases of Sentencing Circumstances

  11. 重婚罪系两个婚姻的重合。

    Bigamy of two " marriage " coincidence .

  12. 重婚罪。由于她与庞帝的婚姻在意大利是非法的,她不得不暂时与丈夫离婚。

    She had her marriage annulled to save Ponti from bigamy sharges in Italy .

  13. 不幸的是,意大利法律并没有承认庞帝的离婚,并指控他们犯有重婚罪。

    Unfortunately the Italian law did not recognize the divorce and charged them with bigamy .

  14. 以后发现他又娶了一房妻室,接着是他被指控犯了重婚罪。

    It developed that he had another wife living and his indictment for bigamy followed .

  15. 浅议重婚罪风景开拓议

    Discussion on Bigamy On Landscape Development

  16. 前婚是非法同居关系的,由于欠缺重婚罪的犯罪要件,不构成重婚罪。

    It cannot be regarded as bigamy when the forth one is of unlawful cohabitation relationship .

  17. 重婚罪是指有配偶而重婚或者明知他人有配偶而与之结婚的行为。

    Bigamy means a married person commits bigamy or marries another who he knows has been married .

  18. 略论事实婚的重婚罪

    On Crime of Practical Bigamy

  19. 法官告诉犯人陪审团撤消对他重婚罪的指控。

    The judge told the prisoner that the jury had acquitted him on the charge of bigamy .

  20. 犹他州一名男子被判重婚罪

    Utah Man Convicted of Bigamy

  21. 法律婚与事实婚的重合,法律婚与法律婚的重合,都是对法律婚或者说配偶权的严重侵害,均可构成重婚罪。

    The superposition of neither fact marry and law marry severity aggrieve law marry or consort right .

  22. 葛林先生被判犯了四条重婚罪,以及一条未支付子女扶养费的罪行。

    Mr. Green was convicted on four counts of bigamy and one count of failure to pay child support .

  23. 重婚罪在刑法中是一个不起眼的小罪,它的最高刑期只有两年。

    In criminal law , bigamy is an unassuming little crime , the maximum sentence is only two years .

  24. 我国刑法对重婚罪的规定,在罪状表述上照搬了大陆法系国家的立法模式,同时对事实婚姻加以认可,导致同时娶两妻在定性上的矛盾。

    The legislative mode of bigamy offence of our country criminal law is same as that in continental law system .

  25. 通过域外体系的考察以及自身体系的审视,对重婚罪的概念予以简要勾勒。

    The extraterritorial system through its own system of inspection and examination of the concept of bigamy be briefly outlined .

  26. 少数香港人曾因重婚罪而在内地被判入狱,但这些个案著实不多。

    A handful of Hong Kong men have been jailed on the mainland for bigamy offences but convictions are rare .

  27. 他因为在与第二位妻子结婚之前没有与原妻正式离婚而被控犯了重婚罪。

    He was accused of being a bigamist for having married his second wife before being legally divorced from his first wife .

  28. 文章从正义和秩序两个角度分析了事实婚姻制度与重婚罪制度的基本价值取向。

    This article analyzes the basic value direction of practical marriage system and the system of crime of bigamy from justice and order angles .

  29. 此外还有一桩没有人当真的婚姻――她曾在海上与一个前墨西哥演员犯下重婚罪――这场婚姻只持续了一天就被宣告无效。

    Another marriage that nobody counted - a case of bigamy at sea with a has-been Mexican actor - lasted only a day and was annulled .

  30. 此外,通过对事实婚姻制度和重婚罪制度的考察,指出:在正义诉求上二者统一于一夫一妻的伦理要求。

    In addition , by the fact that the institution of marriage and bigamy inspection system , pointed out : justice demands on the two unified in the ethical demands monogamy .