
  1. 可是桑晓和李婉不让她走。

    But Sang-xiao and Li Wan would not let her go .

  2. 女子含羞地自我介绍名叫李婉。

    The girl shyly introduced herself as Li Wan .

  3. 突然间李婉出现在房内。

    Suddenly , Li Wan appeared in the room .

  4. 听了李婉的故事后,莲香不由得长长地叹了一口气。

    Having heard Li Wan 's story , Lian-xiang sighed a long heavy sigh .

  5. 他将李婉的整个故事以及他们的关系告诉了他的访客。

    He told the visitor the entire story about Li Wan and her relationship with him .

  6. 李婉因为是个鬼,只能在夜晚里来天亮前又必须离开。

    As a ghost , Li Wan could only come in the evening and must leave before dawn .

  7. 莲香每隔四或五天就来一次,而在其馀的晚间李婉便夜夜都来了。

    Lian-xiang visited every four or five days and Li Wan came on all the other nights in between .

  8. 现在,桑晓和李婉已经是一对正式的夫妻了,于是莲香要求离开他们。

    Now that Sang-xiao and Li Wan had formally become husband and wife , Lian-xiang asked to leave them for good .

  9. 奇怪的是每当桑晓玩弄手帕时,李婉便会立刻出现在他的房间里面。

    The strange thing was that every time Sang-xiao played with the handkerchief , Li Wan would immediately appear in the room .

  10. 桑晓立刻明了他的鬼友李婉一定是进入了这个死了的女子的身体里面复活了。

    Sang-xiao immediately realized that his ghost girlfriend , Li Wan , must have entered the dead girl 's body and been revived as a person .

  11. 桑晓和李婉把她的尸体放入一口精致的棺材里,尽其全力以最恭敬的葬礼把她安葬了。

    Sang-xiao and Li Wan put her body in a fine coffin and gave her a very respectful funeral spending as much as they could afford .

  12. 可那更糟的是即使他愿意,他也无法摆脱李婉,她坚持每晚来看他。

    And the worse thing was that even if he wanted , he could not get rid of Li Wan , who persisted in visiting him every night .

  13. 当她每次生病时,桑晓和李婉都会尽心尽力去服侍她就如同当初她们两女服侍桑晓一样。

    Every time she was ill , Sang-xiao and Li Wan would take good care of her as carefully as the two women had taken care of Sang-xiao before .

  14. 可是,奇怪的事情是每次当桑晓睡在莲香的房间时,而他第二天早上醒来则总会发现还是在李婉的房间与李婉睡在一起。

    But the strange thing was that every time Sang-xiao slept with Lian-xiang , he always woke up in Li Wan 's room with Li Wan by him on the bed .

  15. 复活后,她声称不是他们的女儿,是另一个女孩名字叫李婉,她有一个男友名叫任桑晓,他住在这儿。

    After coming back to life , she declared that she was not his daughter but another girl named Li Wan and that she had a boyfriend named Ren Sang Xiao who lived at this address .