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  • 网络Ganzhou;Kanchow;KOW
  1. 基于PB实现的赣州交通局运管系统审批流程

    Realizing Delivery Certificate Flow of Aid Management Information System of Ganzhou Traffic with PB

  2. 赣州市矿产资源开发利用的SWOT分析

    The SWOT analysis of mineral resources development and utilization of the Ganzhou city

  3. 赣江中游四大家鱼产卵场现状初步调查SWOT分析在旅游规划中的应用&以江西赣州为例

    Spawning Sites of Four Major Chinese Carps in the Middle Reaches of Ganjiang River SWOT analysis in tourism planning

  4. 以赣州市中心城区综合百货类商业地产为立足点,通过实地调查,概括其存在的宏观环境(PEST分析)、发展现状、影响因素。

    Ganzhou central urban department store category of commercial real estate standpoint , the field investigation , the profiles of its macro environment ( PEST analysis ), development status and influencing factors .

  5. 阐述了获得ISO9002国际质量体系注册证书后,不断提高质量体系有效性的重要性,并简要地回顾了一年来赣州有色冶金研究所在提高质量体系有效性方面的一些做法。

    The paper elaborate the importance of sustained enhancing the efficiency of quality system following gaining the certificate of ISO 9002 quality system , and review this year , s work of enhancing the efficiency of quality system by Ganzhou Nonferrous Metallurgy Research Institute .

  6. 第四章指出了赣州市住房保障制度存在的问题。

    Chapter IV pointed out the housing security system Ganzhou problems .

  7. 赣州市钨产业科技发展问题分析

    On the Scientific & Technological Development of Ganzhou 's Tungsten Industry

  8. 赣州矿产资源综合开发与利用的思考

    Research on the Comprehensive Exploitation and Utilization of Ganzhou Mineral Resources

  9. 他们执行了错误命令,向西往赣州开去。

    They acted on mistaken orders and switched westward to Ganzhou .

  10. 赣州电网存在问题及改造规划建议

    Existing Problems in Ganzhou Network and its Reform and Plan Suggestion

  11. 构建赣州市循环经济发展模式的思考

    Considerations about Structuring the Circular Economy Development Model in Ganzhou City

  12. 赣州市反复流产夫妇的遗传咨询研究

    A Genetic Study of Some Couples With Repeated Miscarriage in Ganzhou

  13. 欠发达地区小城镇发展路径建构研究&以江西省赣州市为例

    Research on Paths of Promoting Small Towns Development in Underdeveloped Areas

  14. 赣州地区寒潮强冷空气24小时分县预报

    The Ganzhou area 24 hour cold wave forecast for individual counties

  15. 以苏区精神认识构建和谐赣州的实践

    Understanding the Construction of A Harmonious Ganzhou through the Soviet Spirit

  16. 赣州大桥岩体地基工程地质评价

    Engineering geological evaluation on rock foundation of the Ganzhou Bridge

  17. 赣州城市防洪规划中几个问题的探讨

    Probe several problems of city flood control plan of Ganzhou

  18. 赣州市1996~2006年性病疫情监测分析

    Analysis of monitoring sexually transmitted disease in Ganzhou from 1996 to 2006

  19. 细菌堆浸在赣州铀矿的工业应用细菌浸矿的细菌学原理

    Commercial application of bacterial heap leaching in GANZHOU URANIUM MINE

  20. 图为赣州市新区面貌。

    The picture shows the view of Ganzhou City 's New District .

  21. 1998~2008年赣州市食品微生物检验结果的分析

    Analysis of food microorganism test results during 1998 ~ 2008 in Ganzhou

  22. 赣州市生态农业发展现状及对策研究

    Current Situation and Strategies of Ecological Agriculture Development in Ganzhou

  23. 赣州市主要河段溶解氧、耗氧量特性分析

    Do and COD feature analysis in main river stage of Ganzhou City

  24. 赣州市老年人主观幸福感影响因素研究

    On Influence Factors for the Wellness of the Aged in Ganzhou City

  25. 培育发展赣州钨产业集群的意义分析及政策措施建议

    The Significance of Developing Ganzhou Tungsten Industrial Clusters and Suggestions

  26. 泵送商品混凝土在赣州建筑行业的可行性研究

    Feasibility analysis of pumping ready - mixed concrete on Ganzhou

  27. 江西赣州珠宝市场浅析

    An analysis on the jewelry market in ganzhou , Jiangxi

  28. 赣州市红色旅游区发展战略思考

    Research of development strategy on ganzhou 's red tourist zone

  29. 赣州现代物流公共信息平台规划研究

    Research on the Planning of Logistics Public Information Platform in Ganzhou City

  30. 赣州市开发建设项目中产生的水土流失分析

    Soil Erosion Caused by Local Development and Construction Projects in Ganzhou City