- 名indictment;bill of complaint;bill of prosecution;statement of a claim

After the indictment served on whether the defendant submit his plea or not would not produce any effect of procedural constraints .
Pleading procedure is the dispute procedure of determining the action point by submitting interactive indictment and pleadings between the parties in civil litigation , is the start of Proceedings , play a fundamental role in the whole process of the civil action .
Appendix : One duplicate of the Civil Complaint .
To do so they created 93000 fake rider accounts , the complaint alleges .
On Indictment-only Doctrine in Criminal Procedure of Japan
The people 's court that first receives the bill of complaint shall have jurisdiction
The tort is actionable per se . On Indictment-only Doctrine in Criminal Procedure of Japan
As to the parties , Civil complaint is of great significance on protecting their civil rights .
Civil complaint as a written request submitted to the court , thus making it shall comply with laws and regulations of the written specification .
Article 43 A people 's court shall send a copy of the bill of complaint to the defendant within five days of filing the case .
The consecutive statements , allegations , and counterallegations made in turn by plaintiff and defendant , or prosecutor and accused , in a legal proceeding .
The move to file a memorial paves the way for formal deliberations by the tribunal on whether it has jurisdiction and on the substantive issues .
No matter in China , or in western countries , whether to allow amendments to a civil complaint , has undergone a strict process to wide .
In the claim , Ms Herzer alleged that Mr Redstone 's cognitive abilities had been " decimated " since mid-2014 , when he suffered a bout of pneumonia .
Where the applicant institutes proceedings in two or more People 's Courts with jurisdiction , the People 's Court in which ordinary process are first filed shall have jurisdiction .
When a people 's court receives a bill of complaint , it shall , upon examination , file a case within seven days or decide to reject the complaint .
Burris was seated only after testifying before Illinois House Committee considering Blagojevich 's indictment and telling lawmakers he had only spoken to the governor 's former chief of staff .
Where there is difficulty in writing an indictment , the litigant may file a suit in verbal form which the people 's court shall record and notify the adverse litigant .
From " Photocopyism " to Indictment - only Doctrine & on Reform of Mode of Criminal Prosecution On Garnishment Exempt Rights of the Witnesses in the Process of Criminal Indictment in China
Yang Hong turns around to fill in the civil petition of appeal immediately , the same day soon Minister Zheng personally considers in the afternoon to the Nanjing white under area court .
The defendant shall provide the people 's court with the documents on the basis of which a specific administrative act has been undertaken and file a bill of defence within ten days of receiving the copy of the bill of complaint .
Although our law on the content and format requirements about the civil complaint are made , but the practice is not strictly ensured , thus affecting the exercise of the rights of parties to litigation , but also lead to lower judicial efficiency .
Through the perfection of the pleading procedure , the party is required to present in the written petition complete appeal and detailed account of relevant evidences ; defendant reply should be conducted before court procedure in written form and should be responded to accordingly .
As there is no guarantee that each suspect or defendant has a lawyer , witnesses scarcely attending court procedures , criminal trials depend heavily on dossiers , we can not implement systems such as discovery , counts , the principle of direct and oral trial universally .
The text analyses the flaws of the means of transferring files of public prosecution in our country , contrasts that of the two kinds of files and puts forward the suggestions of reformation and perfection , as following : strictly establishing the rule of only one bill of complaint ;
An indictment or information is presented to the court , and a formal arraignment on the charges is held .
Among them , perfect for the prosecution rules mainly include : expanding the scope of litigation in civil procedure , to expand the scope of subjects , clear complaint form and reducing the prosecution condition , weakening the case-filing jurisdiction court .