
yuè dōnɡ zuò wù
  • winter crop
越冬作物 [yuè dōng zuò wù]
  • [winter crop] 秋季播种,幼苗经过冬季,到第二年春季或夏季收割的农作物,如冬小麦。也叫过冬作物

  1. 天气有利于越冬作物。

    The weather is favourable to the winter crops .

  2. 冷、暖冬预测与三麦等越冬作物防减灾对策研究

    The forecast of the cold and warm winter and the disaster countermeasure study on some winterized crops

  3. 棉茬地种植越冬作物,增加地面覆盖是保护天敌越冬,大量增加来年天敌数量的有效措施。

    Planting ground cover crops or green manure in the cotton fields protected the overwintering predators and significantly increased their population numbers in the following year .

  4. 甘肃省20世纪80年代后期气候明显变暖,热量资源增加,喜温作物面积扩大,越冬作物种植区北界向北扩展,对牧区牲畜越冬度春有利。

    As the trends of climate changing has shown warming since late 1980s in Gansu province , thermal resource is increased , planting areas of heliophilous plants are expanded , the northern planting boundary of crop spreads further to north and it is beneficial to winter and spring animal .

  5. 一年生越冬覆盖作物他生于一九五○年。

    Winter-annual cover crops He was born in 1950 .

  6. 大多数年全年稳定通过0℃,可一年四季进行农业耕作,有利于作物越冬和多年生作物的种植,生长期长,积温丰富。

    The farming can be done almost all year round , which benefits the hibernation of the crops and the growth of the perennial crops .