
yuè jú
  • cranberry;huckleberry;cowberry;cowberry blueberry;whortleberry
越橘 [yuè jú]
  • [cowberry] 植物名。杜鹃花科,越橘属。常绿矮生半灌木,叶卵形,表面光滑,总状花序,花冠钟形,白色或粉红色,浆果暗赤色,味酸微甜,可以吃

越橘[yuè jú]
  1. 美国东部的越橘类的一种,有粉色的花和甜的蓝果实。

    Huckleberry of the eastern United States with pink flowers and sweet blue fruit .

  2. 美国西南的一种散布的或俯卧的灌木,有类似越橘类植物的小橡树果和叶子。

    A low spreading or prostrate shrub of southwestern United States with small acorns and leaves resembling those of the huckleberry .

  3. 越橘的酸味很可口。

    The tart flavour of the cranberries adds piquancy .

  4. 越橘已经成了主要经济作物。

    Cranberries have become a major cash crop .

  5. 越橘提取物对宫颈癌Hela细胞凋亡及其作用机制的研究

    Bilberry extract induces apoptosis of Hela cells and its action mechanism

  6. RP-HPLC法测定栽培种越橘果中花色素苷的含量

    RP-HPLC Determination of Anthocyanins Content in Cultivated Blueberries Varieties

  7. 越橘品种的ISSR鉴定及其亲缘关系分析

    Identification of Blueberry Cultivars and Evaluation of Their Genetic Relationship by ISSR Technique

  8. 结果表明:GA3能代替低温层积,促进越橘种子发芽。

    Results showed that GA_3 could replace the role of low temperature on cowberry seed in dormancy-breaking process .

  9. 花色素苷(anthocyanin)是越橘果实中最主要的生理活性物质之一,具有极强的抗氧化能力,有益于人体健康。

    Anthocyanin is one of the most important antioxidant and bioactive substance in blueberry ( Vaccinium spp. ) fruits , it conduced to human health .

  10. 蓝莓又名越橘,杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)越橘属(Vacciniumspp.)多年生灌木性植物,是一种重要的小浆果类果树。

    Blueberry , Ericaceae , Vaccinium spp. is a kind of perennial shrub and an important class of small berry fruit .

  11. 蔓越橘(VacciniummacrocarponAit.)是一种经济价值很高的果树。

    Cranberry ( Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait . ) is a fruit tree with high economical value .

  12. 蓝莓(Vacciniumspp.),杜鹃花科,越橘属,没有根毛,自然条件下会与杜鹃花类菌根真菌形成互利共生结构。

    Blueberry ( Vaccinium spp. ), Ericaceae , Vaccinium , without root hairs , its roots can form mutually beneficial symbiotic structure with ericoid mycorrhiza fungi under natural conditions .

  13. DPPH和ORAC两种方法的实验结果都表明欧洲越橘提取物在体外有很好的抗氧化能力。(2)18h拘束应激能诱发昆明种小鼠应激性眼损伤。

    In addition , both ORAC and DPPH method indicated that bilberry extract had good antioxidative capacity in vitro . ( 2 ) Our experiments showed that 18h restraint stress could induce oxidative stress damage in eyes .

  14. 同时,发现从绿果期到果实成熟期,越橘花色素苷的蓄积量与VcCHS基因的表达量呈现一致性,二者都是在果皮组织中的含量达到最高。

    Meanwhile , the content of anthocyanins had significant consistency with the relative expression of VcCHS , and they both showed the highest transcript abundance in the skins .

  15. 秸秆改良土壤对越橘叶片生理指标的影响

    Effect of soil straw amendment on leaf physiological characteristics of blueberries

  16. 生态条件对越橘果实品质及产量的影响

    Effect of Ecological Conditions on Fruit Quality and Yield of Blueberry

  17. 抗生素对2个越橘品种叶片再生的影响

    Effects of Antibiotics on Regeneration of Leaves of Two Blueberry Cultivars

  18. 三氯化镧和壳寡糖对越橘幼苗生理特性的影响

    Effects of LaCl_3 and COS on Physiological Characteristic of Blueberry Seedlings

  19. 高丛越橘果实香气成分的GC/MS分析

    GC / MS Analysis of Volatile Components in Highbush Blueberry Cultivars

  20. 越橘淹水逆境研究进展

    Advances in Research on Flooding of Blueberry & A Literature Review

  21. 属于乌饭树属的任何灌木,产生越橘。

    Any of numerous shrubs of the genus Vaccinium bearing blueberries .

  22. 直立的欧洲越橘,有孤独的花和蓝黑色的浆果。

    Erect European blueberry having solitary flowers and blue-black berries .

  23. 厨房里好象正在做越橘果排。

    There seems to Be a BlueBerry pie cooking in the kitchen .

  24. 自16世纪以来,越橘就广泛的应用于药物当中。

    Bilberry has been used as a medicinal herb since the16th century .

  25. 越橘组织培养及基因工程的研究进展

    Research Progress on Tissue Culture and Gene Engineering of Blueberry

  26. 与蓝果实越橘相区别的任何一种黑果实越橘。

    Any of various dark-fruited as distinguished from blue-fruited blueberries .

  27. 我还是就要苏打加蔓越橘好了

    I 'll just go with a cranberry and soda .

  28. 玉米秸秆改土对越橘生长和产量的影响

    Effect of Corn Residues Amending Soil on Growth and Yield of Blueberry

  29. 高灌蓝越橘多酚氧化酶的动力学研究

    Enzymatic Kinetics Study on Polyphenol Oxidase of Highbush Blueberry

  30. 越橘地面有机物覆盖栽培效应研究

    Study on the Effect of Organic Mulching on Blueberry