
  • 网络yue culture
  1. 试论越文化在海内外的传播

    Comments on the Spread of Yue Culture at Home and Abroad

  2. 越文化与东晋士风文风

    Yue Culture and Style of Scholars and Their Works in East Jin Dynasty

  3. 对悬棺葬这一古老葬俗,研究者普遍认为它是古濮越文化的反映。

    Most researchers take cliff-burying as a reflection of ancient Pu-yue culture .

  4. 绍兴黄酒品牌对越文化的吸纳与超越

    The Yue Culture in the Brand of Shaoxing Yellow Wine

  5. 审视与解读:越文化与越剧的关系

    Scrutinizing and Understanding the Relation Between Yue Opera and the Yue Culture

  6. 鲁迅的思想“异端”与越文化传统

    Lu Xun 's Heterodoxy Thinking and Traditional Yue Culture

  7. 论越文化的开放性特色

    On Opening Feature of Yue - culture

  8. 南越国时期汉越文化的并存与融合上善若水与南方之强&试辨越文化的水性禀赋

    The Co-existence and Fusion of Han and Yue Cultures in the Period of Southern Yue State

  9. 越文化研究纲要

    A Plan for Research of Yue-culture

  10. 越文化特征新论

    On the Characteristics of Yue Culture

  11. 山越文化;

    The San Yue culture ;

  12. 越文化的渊源、流变与意义(下)&东方现代性的萌芽与发生

    The Origin , Rheology and Significance of Yue Culture & the Occurrence and Burgeon of Oriental Modernity

  13. 若细加寻绎,可窥察出越文化传统对鲁迅独特的文化人格形成所产生的深潜影响。

    This paper will portrait the phenomenon and analyze how Yue Culture has deeply influenced LuXuns culture character .

  14. 论越文化对地方商会发展的影响&以中国轻纺城商会为例

    The Impact of Yue Culture on the Development of Local Commerce Chambers & Case Study on the Commerce Chamber in China Textile City

  15. 在这过程中,绍兴黄酒品牌既得益于越文化又受制于越文化,从而陷入越文化“困境”。

    During the course of this movement Shaoxing-Yellow-Wine brand both benefits and suffers from Yue culture and thus falls into the Yue culture dilemma .

  16. 春秋战国时,北方的齐文化,南方的越文化,都是我国早期海洋文化的典型。

    At Chun and Qiu times , Qi Culture in north , and Yue Culture in south were the typical example of the Ancient Marine Culture .

  17. 《国语》所反映的吴越争斗时期的越文化越国在和吴国的战争中失败了,向吴国投降。

    Yue Culture during the Wu-Yue War Reflected by National Language The Kingdom of Yue surrendered as it was losing the war with the Kingdom of Wu .

  18. 在产品同质化时代下,其品牌国际化的本质是其所蕴含的越文化在不同文化圈之间的位移。

    In the age of product homogeneity , the nature of its brand internationalization is the movement of the Yue culture absorbed by it among different culture circles .

  19. 结合产业核心竞争力和区域文化的基本理论,本文进一步揭示了绍兴的文化旅游核心竞争力是越文化旅游精品的开发能力。

    Combined the theory of industry core competitive power with regional culture , the thesis revealed that the core competitive power was the developed capability of tourist products with yue culture .

  20. 钱塘江是浙江省境内最大的河流,并被认为是越文化的主要发源地,是浙江人的母亲河。

    The Qiantang River is the largest river in Zhejiang Province , and is considered to be the major cradle of Yue culture , giving birth to the people of Zhejiang .

  21. 汉文化、越文化、楚文化在这里相互融合,使西汉湖南的文化面貌有别于其他地区。

    Han culture , the more cultural , Chu culture integration here , so that the cultural outlook of the Western Han Dynasty in Hunan Province is different from the other regions .

  22. 本文分析了伍子胥文化的层累现象后,指出今日长三角地区的主体文化就是吴、越文化。

    The paper analyses the phenomenon of the deposit and pints out that Wu culture and Yue culture is the main body of the zone of ″ Yangtze River Delta ″ at present .

  23. 正是基于这种特殊地位,与会专家就东亚文明和传统文化、中韩两国的文化交流、中国文化和越文化等问题进行了深入的探讨。

    The experts and scholars present at the symposium go deep into such topics as " East Asian civilization and traditional culture "," cultural exchanges between China and Korea "," Chinese culture and Yue culture ", etc.

  24. 浙东地区是越文化的发源地,在公元前137年东瓯国除以前,5000年的浙江上古史是越族及其先民的历史。

    The region of east Zhejiang is the source of Yue culture . Before 137 B. C. , the over - 5000 - year history of Zhejiang is the history of Yue nationality and its ancestors .

  25. 在中国古代地域文化中,荆楚、吴越、华夏三大文化鼎足而立,而地处东南沿海的越文化,最具开放性的特色。

    In the regional cultures of ancient China , the three cultures , namely , Jingchu , Wuyue and Huaxia , are in a tripartite balance , among which Yue - culture along southeast coast is the most distinctive .

  26. 鲁迅与嵇康是不同时代的两位文化人物,但由于相同的文化传统&越文化的浸染,使他们在精神品格、思维方式、审美趣味和艺术追求等方面表现出许多趋同性;

    Lu Xun and Ji Kang are cultural figures in different historical periods , but the same heritage of the ancient Yue culture endowed them with common moral , thinking mode , aesthetic interest , artistic pursuit and so on .

  27. 现代经济增长理论越来越重视文化背景在经济增长中的作用。

    The function of culture background has been paid more attention to in modern economic theory of development .

  28. 由此证明,我国领导人已经越来越重视文化在行政组织中的发挥的巨大作用。

    It is proved that our leaders have paid more and more attention to the huge action of culture in the field of administration organization .

  29. 随着现代新闻业的发展,传媒对文学之促进或制约作用正越来越引起文化界关注。

    Along with the development of modern journalism , the circles of culture is paying more attention to the action of promotion or restriction of intermediary for literature development .

  30. 随着时代的进步人们越来越关注文化的发展、精神的寄托,而中国画则是人们寻求到的一种很好的方式。

    Along with the progress of The Times people pay more attention to the development of culture and the pursuit of spiritual sustenance However , traditional Chinese painting is a good way .