
tóng qì
  • bronze brass or copper ware;brass or copper ware;bronze
铜器 [tóng qì]
  • (1) [brass or copper ware]∶用青铜铸造的器物、工具等

  • (2) [bronze]∶用青铜做的雕塑或人工铸品或锻制品、青铜币

铜器[tóng qì]
  1. 出土的重要文物包括金面具、铜面具、铜器、100多个象牙、纺织物以及玉器等其他工艺品。

    Among the important cultural finds are gold and bronze masks , bronze ware among other artifacts .

  2. 老铜器变得很光亮了。

    The old pieces of brass have polished up beautifully .

  3. 中国的早期铜器与青铜器的起源

    A Study on Chinese Primal Bronze Wares and the Origin of Bronze Wares

  4. 这家商店出售各种形状的铜器皿。

    The shop sells copper vessels of all shapes .

  5. 白族铜器锻造工艺研究

    Study of Bronze Forging Craftwork of the Bai Minority

  6. 她擦拭那件铜器,直到它闪闪发光。

    She polished the brass till it shone brightly .

  7. 腰带扣的起源要追溯到铜器时代。

    Belt buckles date back to the bronze age .

  8. 文字被浇铸在像钟和烹调用的器皿之类的铜器上。

    Characters were cast on bronze objects such as bells and cooking vessels .

  9. 结论:早在3800年前的铜器时代,罗布诺尔地区已有单一的欧洲人种构成的人群存在。

    Conclusion An ancient European population had existed prior to 3800 years ago .

  10. 仿古铜器造型,敞口,腹微鼓,足外撇。

    Archaize bronze modelling , open , abdominal micro drum , foot outside plumper .

  11. 其中大部分的陪葬物品都是动物尸体、或者动物形状的陶器和铜器。

    Most of the burial objects were animal remains or animal-shaped pottery and copperware .

  12. 徐国铜器铭文研究

    The Xu 's ' Bronze Inscription Studying

  13. 乌黑的铜器需要阳光的照射,才能显出它们发绿的颜色。

    The dark bronzes wanted sunlight upon them to bring out their tinge of green .

  14. 四坝文化铜器研究

    On the Bronzes of the Siba Culture

  15. 他贩卖图画和铜器。

    He deals in pictures and bronzes .

  16. 其它在铜器、陶器、玉器等均有不同程度的影响。

    Other in bronze , pottery , jade and so on have different degree influence .

  17. 到公元前4000年,埃及进入金石并用期,出现了铜器。

    Egypt entered the age of metal and stone tools around4000BC and bronze wares emerged .

  18. 第一部分是对晋侯墓地铜器铭文的概述。

    The first part At the Jin Dynasty JinHou bronze of graveyard the summaries of inscription .

  19. 后来所罗门用此制造铜海、铜柱,和一切的铜器。

    With it Solomon made the bronze sea and the pillars and the vessels of bronze .

  20. 老铜器变得很光亮了。你将铜器擦亮了没有?

    The old pieces of brass have polished up beautifully . Have you shined the brass ?

  21. 此后东汉的铁器、铜器和丝织品便源源不断地输往倭国。

    Later , Han iron and bronze wares and silk goods found their way to Japan .

  22. 你将铜器擦亮了没有?

    Have you shined the brass ?

  23. 东周画像铜器是美术史和考古学研究的重要课题。

    The War of Yan Ducal in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and Its Role in the History ;

  24. 本文分析了日本学者三宅俊彦提出的卡约文化铜器分期方案。

    This article examines Mitaku Toshihiko 's viewpoint of the periods of Bronzes in the Kayao Culture .

  25. 集市上最引人注目、人印象最深刻的地方之一是铜器市场。

    One of the most picturesque and impressive parts of the bazaar is the copper-smiths ' market .

  26. 如此大数量且制作精美的西周铜器的出土,在学术界引起了巨大反响。

    Such large quantities and make beautiful Western Zhou bronzes unearthed , has aroused strong repercussions in academia .

  27. 在铜器时代,他们能够制作各种金属例如铜和青铜,但不能制作铁。

    In the Bronze Age , people could make tools of copper and bronze , but not iron .

  28. 考古学家在检查从遗址中发现的新石器和铜器时代的瓷器。

    Project Coordinator ULF petzschmann examines Neolithic and Bronze Age ceramic vessels found in the7000-year-old dwelling mound site .

  29. 历史证明材料是社会进步的物质基础和先导,是人类进步的里程碑,例如“石器时代”、“铜器时代”、“铁器时代”等;

    History shows that materials are the base and pre-cursor of social progress and milestone of mankind 's progress .

  30. 采购产品内衣和睡衣,服装存货,黄铜,铜器和建筑铜五金,硅产品。

    Underwear and Nightwear , Apparel Stocks , Brass , Brass Products and Brass Builders Hardware , Silicon Products .